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And you have proven my point.
You see all Arabs as 'other'. Just as many Arabs see Jews as 'other'.
I am calling on Israel to stop it's current human rights violations, and you are stuck on the past.

It is you who is stuck in a delusional world view, this world works different than what you would like it be and you want to use Jews as an experiment for it, we don't want it, go experiment on someone else, we have already tried your way a.k.a Oslo accords and coasted us over a thousand of Jewish lives. Again, when Arabs will learn human rights towards each other maybe then we can consider your point. People who believe that my ancestors are apes and pigs and that we must all be killed do not deserve a peace of my land, they do not even deserve my respect. This is the third time I am telling you this but yet you continue to ignore it. The problem is not land, the problem is that their ideology does not accept Jews in general, these people do not deserve peace. When arabs are ready to change their views maybe then we can talk and if you would really care about peace, it would be your starting argument point.


And you have proven my point.
You see all Arabs as 'other'. Just as many Arabs see Jews as 'other'.
I am calling on Israel to stop it's current human rights violations, and you are stuck on the past.
On any graph that compares land Israel has given to Arabs and violence by Arabs against them, every time they give they receive in the form of violence and in many cases from the very land given. Since 1948 everything they capture in any battle started by their neighbors when given back is used to attack them from again in a few years. Is this the injustice you refer to? How many Arab terrorists exist for every Jewish one? I know of a grand total of two Jewish terrorists and they killed no one. Maybe 2000 to 1 or so.


Unbelievable... The double standard being applied is just ridiculous. To a third party there is no "good" side to this conflict. You have the authoritarian apartheid state or the overzealous terrorists. And both sides are fueled by religious extremism... The best possible outcome would be for both sides to completely destroy each other.


Unbelievable... The double standard being applied is just ridiculous. To a third party there is no "good" side to this conflict. You have the authoritarian apartheid state or the overzealous terrorists. And both sides are fueled by religious extremism... The best possible outcome would be for both sides to completely destroy each other.
One side (the Arabs) have been pursuing or attempting to pursue that very policy over and over since 48. They have even stated that is their official policy at times. They might have better luck trying to sand paper a Bobcat to death in a phone booth, though.


Unbelievable... The double standard being applied is just ridiculous. To a third party there is no "good" side to this conflict. You have the authoritarian apartheid state or the overzealous terrorists. And both sides are fueled by religious extremism... The best possible outcome would be for both sides to completely destroy each other.

apartheid? prove it.


Separate districts for different people.


Similar much?

Here goes the comparison between apartheid-era South Africa, and Israel, the obvious apartheid state...


I already have earlier. The simple fact that there are Jewish-only settlements and non-Jews don't have the same rights as Jews makes it an apartheid state.

Jewish is not a race, there are two arab speaking representatives in the Knesset and Israeli arabs have the same civil rights as anyone else in the country.

Arabs living on the so called occupied territory voted for their own gov't and prime minister and as a result excluded them self's from any civil rights that Israel offers to its citizens. you can't have one group of people vote for two govt's. Your claim is beyond flaud.


Jewish is not a race, there are two arab speaking representatives in the Knesset and Israeli arabs have the same civil rights as anyone else in the country.

Arabs living on the so called occupied territory voted for their own gov't and prime minister and as a result excluded them self's from any civil rights that Israel offers to its citizens. you can't have one group of people vote for two govt's. Your claim is beyond flaud.

So the Jews are only an ethnic group when it's convenient to you?


Well-Known Member
1robin said:
BTW Britain had control of Palestine at the time and they could have legally given it to anyone for any reason.

How did Britain legally obtain Palestine?

How did the U.S. legally obtain Hawaii? It didn't. Consider the following:

Wikipedia said:
After William McKinley won the presidential election in 1896, Hawaii's annexation to the U.S. was again discussed. The previous president, Grover Cleveland, was a friend of Queen Liliʻuokalani. McKinley was open to persuasion by U.S. expansionists and by annexationists from Hawaii. He met with three annexationists from Hawaii: Lorrin Thurston, Francis March Hatch and William Ansel Kinney. After negotiations, in June 1897, Secretary of State John Sherman agreed to a treaty of annexation with these representatives of the Republic of Hawaii.

The treaty was never ratified by the U.S. Senate. Instead, despite the opposition of a majority of Native Hawaiians, the Newlands Resolution was used to annex the Republic to the United States and it became the Territory of Hawaii. The Newlands Resolution was passed by the House June 15, 1898, by a vote of 209 to 91, and by the Senate on July 6, 1898, by a vote of 42 to 21.

Please read an article at Argumentative 2010 2nd Place - Christians: Peaceful Preachers or Hawaiian Conquerors? | Scriblerian | SUU.
It is titled Christians: Peaceful Preachers or Hawaiian Conquerors?

I prefer Jews to Muslims since Israel treats homosexuals well, and the majority of Muslims do not.

God promised Abraham and his descendants all of the land of Canaan as an everlasting covenant. Today, Israel does not occupy anywhere near all of the land of Canaan, and if Hebrews ever did occupy all of the land of Canaan, it obviously was not an everlasting covenant since Israel does not occupy anywhere near all of the land of Canaan today.
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Jews are called Jews because they come from the Judean Kingdom, simple as that.

There is some truth to this, that the word "Jew" means more or less "Judean" and not "From the tribe of Judah itself", but for the most part, the "Jews" are in fact a genetically-provable, scientifically verifiable mostly homogeneous "ethnicity" biologically speaking.


Active Member
It's rather late for me to be jumping in but I just want to say that I am more on the side of Israel than I am on the side of the Arabs. There are a number of reasons why I have that opinion, but it comes down to this:

  • Israel was attacked literally minutes after they declared independence by every Arab nation surrounding it; the Arabs lost fair and square
  • If the Palestinians would stop firing rockets into Israel, there would be peace. It’s obvious that Israelis, in all of their battles with the Palestinians, show restraint.

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
1) Zionism, in it's most simplistic definition is the establishment of a Jewish majority nation-state. Why is that so problematic?

2) You are against Zionism, yet you say that you accept the prophecy that Jews will return to homeland... Isn't that a contradiction of sorts?

1) I am against thousands being displaced in the process..Last I remember the Palestinians didnt chase Jews out of Israel nor were they responsible for the holocaust..why didnt you guys opt for an unoccupied Island..or the outback in Australia :D or even better why didn't you guys kick the Germans out of Germany and lay claim to their land..would make more sense.

2) Lol being against something and accepting it are two different things.

i.e I am against the Democratic party..yet I accept when they do get elected..just an example I dont care too much for politics..

I am against people giving opinions out of ignorance yet I have to accept that they wont really ever stop.
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Higher and Higher
why didnt you guys opt for an unoccupied Island..or the outback in Australia or even better why didn't you guys kick the Germans out of Germany and lay claim to their land.

Because we didn't come from an unoccupied island, or the Australian outback, or Germany. We came from the Land of Israel. It is our homeland.

Not all Jews are Ashkenazim (from Germany or Eastern Europe)-- in fact, the majority of Jews in Israel today are not Ashkenazim, they're Mizrachim (Middle Eastern and North African Jews) whose countries kicked their parents or grandparents out.

We didn't pick the place out of a hat. While we may not have constituted a majority of the populace for most of the past 1500 years, it was our home for the previous 1000 years or more, and we didn't leave voluntarily: the Romans kicked the majority of the populace of the land out. Yet there was always a Jewish presence in the Land of Israel. There was never a time that no Jews at all lived there. We never relinquished our claim to the land-- we were quite public, in fact, wherever we dwelt, that we were intent on coming back and fully reclaiming what was ours some day.

The State of Israel doesn't exist as "compensation" for the holocaust. Zionism existed long before the holocaust, and the loss of one third of our people in WWII was only one large factor amongst many for moving sooner rather than later to make our return to our homeland official rule.

If someone kicks you out of your house, and you then move back in, reclaiming it from the squatters who have taken up residence while you were unable to get back, you shouldn't have to take it seriously when bystanders say, "You're really inconveniencing those squatters who took over your home. Why don't you go move into some other house?"