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Muslims do not worship the same god as the Christians


Did I say that?

The contents of the Quran are the Quran. The prophet's revelations are what makes him a prophet. Do I accept all of his revelations as relevant to me? No. Neither are all of Isaiah's revelations relevant to me. But I also view Rick Warren as a prophet and A Purpose Driven Life as being inspired by God. Some divinely inspired books and some prophets are more relevant to me than others.

The Prophets revelation is the Quran. so the Quran says Jesus was a man and wasn't crucified that doesn't tie in with you as a Christian so its not relevant.


Why wouldn't it?

Well it wouldn't if Thor being the god of thunder son of Odin, husband off sith father of Pruor,magni and mooi, he rides a chariot pulled by two goats which he eats and then resurrects.

if that doesnt fit in with the ten commandments or the Quran i will just ignore them and say "Oh its the same god anyway"


"In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Say (O Muhammad) He is God the One God, the Everlasting Refuge, who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, and equal to Him is not anyone."

I dont see much room to maneuver here!

Justin Thyme

Child of God
The Prophets revelation is the Quran. so the Quran says Jesus was a man and wasn't crucified that doesn't tie in with you as a Christian so its not relevant.

The Quran also tells us that Jesus was a messenger from God and the Messiah. The Quran mentions Jesus more than it does Muhammad (PBUH). The Quran also tells us that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary and will return to Earth one day to defeat the Antichrist. And on the count of the Quran denying the crucifixtion? I'm not at all sure it does. It states:
That they said (in their boast), "We killed Christ Jesus The son of Mary, The Messenger of Allah"- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety They killed him not-Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise- Q 4:157-158.​
Surely this is not saying that Jesus was not put upon the Cross but that those who put him there did so only with His permission and that they did not hold the power of life and death over Jesus, that Jesus gave himself up to God. That all seems relevant to me.


The Quran also tells us that Jesus was a messenger from God and the Messiah. The Quran mentions Jesus more than it does Muhammad (PBUH). The Quran also tells us that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary and will return to Earth one day to defeat the Antichrist. And on the count of the Quran denying the crucifixtion? I'm not at all sure it does. It states:
That they said (in their boast), "We killed Christ Jesus The son of Mary, The Messenger of Allah"- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety They killed him not-Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise- Q 4:157-158.​
Surely this is not saying that Jesus was not put upon the Cross but that those who put him there did so only with His permission and that they did not hold the power of life and death over Jesus, that Jesus gave himself up to God. That all seems relevant to me.

Well if that's your interpretation of it? then you have made it relevant to you.

Justin Thyme

Child of God
Well it wouldn't if Thor being the god of thunder son of Odin, husband off sith father of Pruor,magni and mooi, he rides a chariot pulled by two goats which he eats and then resurrects.

if that doesnt fit in with the ten commandments or the Quran i will just ignore them and say "Oh its the same god anyway"

What did the Norsemen know of the Ten Commandments? Most of them listened to the early Christian missionaries and accepted Christianity. The Norse gods were, and still are for some, a way the Germanic people related to God through their folk tales.


What did the Norsemen know of the Ten Commandments? Most of them listened to the early Christian missionaries and accepted Christianity. The Norse gods were, and still are for some, a way the Germanic people related to God through their folk tales.

Yep all the same God i get it, no matter how he, she, or it is described what attributes are attributed to it, him, her, Whatever revelation is revealed and to whom, it doesn't matter , its all the same God.

Justin Thyme

Child of God
Yep all the same God i get it, no matter how he, she, or it is described what attributes are attributed to it, him, her, Whatever revelation is revealed and to whom, it doesn't matter , its all the same God.

There is only one so there can be no others.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Maybe it could be said that we pray to different Gods but they are all listened to by the only God there is.
and maybe... just maybe, said god has far better things to do than to listen to the endless whining of human animals and their prayers are all for not... We are so impressed with our own vaunted self-importance that we assume the supposed creator of All That Is actually has an interest in our inconsequential day to day reality. In my view, that's quite a stretch.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Yep all the same God i get it, no matter how he, she, or it is described what attributes are attributed to it, him, her, Whatever revelation is revealed and to whom, it doesn't matter , its all the same God.

The topic is about the Christian and Muslim God, not Thor or any other gods.

You are moving the goal posts.


Whoa, back the truck up! Why are we commanded to have no other gods if there where no other god's?

Maybe God was thinking along the same lines as me???? that the god you are seeing in your minds eye, no longer represents the true God. That you have created "other" Gods, even if its only in your own mind.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Your right i have sorry, but why does it matter, even the Norse are Gods children no?

No I believe you misunderstand my position kai.

Jews, Muslims and Christians believe in the God of Jacob and Issac. You know the God who was in the garden of Eden? The God who spoke to Noah?

These are common beliefs between the three religions.

Pagan gods are different gods.

Just for the record, there are many different gods. My inclusiveness goes only so far. The thing is, this is my understanding of things, it does not make me right about everything.

We may all be God's children, but then again, perhaps not.


No I believe you misunderstand my position kai.

Jews, Muslims and Christians believe in the God of Jacob and Issac. You know the God who was in the garden of Eden? The God who spoke to Noah?

These are common beliefs between the three religions.

Pagan gods are different gods.

Just for the record, there are many different gods. My inclusiveness goes only so far. The thing is, this is my understanding of things, it does not make me right about everything.

We may all be God's children, but then again, perhaps not.

Yeah i get you , i did move the goal posts somewhat. got a bit carried away there lol

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Yeah i get you , i did move the goal posts somewhat. got a bit carried away there lol

There is nothing like pushing you opponent's position to the extreme to expose their faults.

I understand your position quite well, and you make excellent points to back up your claim. The thing is, just because what I believe to be crazy Christians and extreme Muslim positions on God or Allah (PBUH) does not change who God is, just how his believers follow him.

It would almost seem that many believers do not want to go to heaven with people who do not think in lock step as they do.

The folks who believe that they have the only path to heaven may be surprised when they get there what and who they see.


There is nothing like pushing you opponent's position to the extreme to expose their faults.

I understand your position quite well, and you make excellent points to back up your claim. The thing is, just because what I believe to be crazy Christians and extreme Muslim positions on God or Allah (PBUH) does not change who God is, just how his believers follow him.

It would almost seem that many believers do not want to go to heaven with people who do not think in lock step as they do.

The folks who believe that they have the only path to heaven may be surprised when they get there what and who they see.

Well i dont know Rick, It seems to me if God is this entity that the Abrahamics say he is , he seems to require our belief for some reason.

After all if it wasn't for revelation would we be aware of him at all?