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Do you think big words make you smart?


Active Member

I think that evane knows more about manipulation,
than language.

I think that he should not be taken seriously.

I think i called him on this a few threads back.

I think i am finished here and i think you should be too.
I think i am agnostic. I think agnostic means i do not know. I think most people write, example,(I went to the store). I think i write, (I think i went to the store) because I do not know anything because i think in all circumstances there is a possibility of different possibilities that could be correct. I think the sentence,(I went to the store) tells the person the other person went to the store instead of allowing them to make a independent decision of what is said. I think when i put (I think) in front of sentences that i try to explain that i am stating things from my perspective. I think if you watch tv that you might notice that opra would say,"yes, alright" in the middle of peoples sentences. I think that is a example of the habit that many people have of feeding off of other peoples statements. I think a habit grows and when a person talks in a way that does not include imposing on the others mind that there is a different frequency of thought. I think exercising the mind can be difficult especially if near everyone is stating stuff that hurts the ability to think independently.
I think that you probably know and that my statement does not fit into your equation and you have feelings. I think one way to deal with the problem is to "overshadow" by putting your own statement about the statements that i make after the sentence. I think if you exercise that part of the brain that your ability to use your own information about what you think the sentence means will improve.
example-they-"I know this day will be great"-me-(in mind)"I think i have little information that they know the day will be great. I think they might be lying to make me feel more comfortable. I think knowing does not equal logical because i think in all circumstances there is a possibility of different possibilities that could equal correct.
I think you did not "call me" on that. I think i have explained that


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
I think that people might refuse to learn words and instead use the same word. I think having one definition words is important to the processing of the mind. I think overlaping prior definitions demisishs ability and can cause problems.
example, "that was dope" I think they could have said,"that was enjoyable" I think the word dope is used by some because others want to get the definitions of dope and enjoyment closer, so they can sell there product. I think dope might mean enjoyable and with people my age. I think there are many of those problems.
Yet you advocate for people to not use big words?
Interesting that you would try to argue from both sides.


Hamburgler Extraordinaire
I'd agree that some individuals use large or esoteric words in a pretentious manner, and that they endeavor to impress others with their pseudo superiority. However, most intelligent educated people simply wish to convey complex concepts in a succinct and elegant fashion.

I figure that in todays world, a world where people can just google the definitions of words in seconds, its not a big deal if I want to use large "dictionary" words.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I think using "big words" would indicate that a person is educated and does not always imply they are smart.


Being smart makes you smart.

As for words - I hate it when people reference dictionaries here. When you do that, it screams that you don't know what you're talking about.


Veteran Member
I think big words usually have combinations of definitions of other more accurate to individual amounts definitions. I think the combination makes disagreeing less done because of the attachment of agreeable information. I think that can cause communication problems.
I think there is a big word test called the s.a.t's that from the information i have few get the definitions correct after 12 years of study of the language. I think some people feel stupid because they do not have the ability to use big words and i think people think they are smart because they use big words. I think some people make there own definition of big words from interaction instead of a dictionary definition that causes deviation from one definition that causes multiple values in a definition area. I think people might do that because of fear of being considered stupid.
I think putting multiple defintions into one word puts more than one value into usage to explain information by having different words that can explain the information but have different values. I think the usage of the big word instead of the two or more small words can cause the disaster of the small words value in the thought process because the small definitions information becomes stored at a different level of the brain.
I think some people might not consider this a problem because they do not notice the effect that not accurate information can have on the ability of the brain to process information to make decisions.
Listen, have you tried reading what you have written?

Is the irony deliberate?


Active Member
Yet you advocate for people to not use big words?
Interesting that you would try to argue from both sides.
I think i defined "big words" to mean words that have multiple topics in them, words that have definitions but there is a bigger word to state the same thing. I think simple words with one definition is appropriate. I think words that have multiple definitions that are trying to state one topic example "dope" carry the other definitions into the equation of thought in parts of the brain more difficult to process information. I think those areas are called subliminal message areas. I think defeating subliminal messages is a major part of this discussion and i think "big" words have a higher statistical chance of carrying multiple definitions because of the s.a.ts. I think any word can become manipulated into meaning different things. I think changing a definition would be similar to doing a large math equation and few pages in changing the value of X. I think everything gets messy. I think small words are easier to defend against "hip" new definitions of those words because small words are often used and often mean the same thing.


Active Member
I'd agree that some individuals use large or esoteric words in a pretentious manner, and that they endeavor to impress others with their pseudo superiority. However, most intelligent educated people simply wish to convey complex concepts in a succinct and elegant fashion.

I figure that in todays world, a world where people can just google the definitions of words in seconds, its not a big deal if I want to use large "dictionary" words.
I think i want one example of a complex concept. I think everything can be brought into a basic form where the information can be examined to the full extent every time without over looking the information to be "elegant". I think overlooking information can lead to failure to have information about important details that were not noticed and i think people who notice might not explain the information to the others because they think the information is "common knowledge" and they want to be elegant that leads to the information not being used and not being brought to the education of others.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
I think i defined "big words" to mean words that have multiple topics in them, words that have definitions but there is a bigger word to state the same thing. I think simple words with one definition is appropriate. I think words that have multiple definitions that are trying to state one topic example "dope" carry the other definitions into the equation of thought in parts of the brain more difficult to process information. I think those areas are called subliminal message areas. I think defeating subliminal messages is a major part of this discussion and i think "big" words have a higher statistical chance of carrying multiple definitions because of the s.a.ts. I think any word can become manipulated into meaning different things. I think changing a definition would be similar to doing a large math equation and few pages in changing the value of X. I think everything gets messy. I think small words are easier to defend against "hip" new definitions of those words because small words are often used and often mean the same thing.
So you dislike slang?

Out of curiosity, who gets to pick which ONE of the 464 definitions of the word set will be the one and only definition of the word set?
And what 463 other words are you going to use for the remaining definitions?

I strongly suspect that you will pass on this wee little exercise.
and to think that RUN has 396 definitions, GO has 368 definitions, TAKE has 343 definitions, STAND has 334 definitions, GET has 289 definitions, TURN has 288 definitions, PUT has 268 definitions, FALL has 264 definitions, STRIKE has 250 definitions...
Source: Oxford English Dictionary

What is comical is how you whine about the word arachnophobia which has only one meaning...
I get the distinct feeling you have not thought this whole word thing through very far.
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In an honest attempt to stay on topic,
I presume this list would be appropriate.
I trust these will link to other helpful entries
as well.

Related to THINK

Synonyms: allow [chiefly Southern & Midland], conceive, consider, deem, esteem, feel, figure, guess, hold, imagine, judge, reckon [chiefly dialect], suppose, believe

Related Words: regard, view; accept, perceive; depend, rely, trust; assume, presume, presuppose, surmise; conclude, deduce, infer

I imagine now that you might consider my involvement here,
a more inSight'full, or at least relevant, one (than you did before).
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Do you think big words make you smart?

Big as in...

Definition of BIG

a obsolete : of great strength b : of great force <a big storm>

a : large or great in dimensions, bulk, or extent <a big house>; also : large or great in quantity, number, or amount <a big fleet> b : operating on a large scale <big government> c : capital 1

a : pregnant; especially : nearly ready to give birth b : full to bursting : swelling <big with rage> c of the voice : full and resonant

a : chief, preeminent <the big issue of the campaign> b : outstandingly worthy or able <a truly big man> c : of great importance or significance <the big moment> d : imposing, pretentious; also : marked by or given to boasting <big talk> e : magnanimous, generous <was big about it>

: popular <soft drinks are very big in Mexico &#8212; Russ Leadabrand>

: full-bodied and flavorful &#8212;used of wine

&#8212; big·ly adverb
&#8212; big·ness noun
&#8212; big on : strongly favoring or liking; also : noted for <she is big on blushing &#8212; Arnold Hano>


I just want to be clear.

(luminous, keen, serene, and... unmistakable... all sound good) ;)

Definition of CLEAR

a : bright, luminous b : cloudless; specifically : less than one-tenth covered <a clear sky> c : free from mist, haze, or dust <a clear day> d : untroubled, serene <a clear gaze>

: clean, pure: as a : free from blemishes <clear skin> b : easily seen through : transparent <clear glass> c : free from abnormal sounds on auscultation

a : easily heard <a loud and clear sound> b : easily visible : plain <a clear signal> c : free from obscurity or ambiguity : easily understood : unmistakable <a clear explanation>

a : capable of sharp discernment : keen <a clear thinker> b : free from doubt : sure <not clear on how to proceed>

: free from guile or guilt : innocent <a clear conscience>

: unhampered by restriction or limitation: as a : unencumbered by debts or charges <a clear estate> b : net <a clear profit> c : unqualified, absolute <a clear victory> d : free from obstruction <clear passage> e : emptied of contents or cargo f : free from entanglement or contact <staying clear of controversy> <keep clear of the boundary> g : bare, denuded <clear ground>
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So you dislike slang?

Out of curiosity, who gets to pick which ONE of the 464 definitions of the word set will be the one and only definition of the word set?
And what 463 other words are you going to use for the remaining definitions?

Source: Oxford English Dictionary

I know! Set is my most favored Word. :bow:
Then Cast, and Spell. :D

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I don't need big words to be smarter than you.

Very true. It would also be a good idea to mention we cannot control how smart we are, it is given to us at conception.

I believe it is what we do with that intelligence is more important than the amount of it.


Hamburgler Extraordinaire
Very true. It would also be a good idea to mention we cannot control how smart we are, it is given to us at conception.

I believe it is what we do with that intelligence is more important than the amount of it.

I don't know if I agree with that entirely. While intelligence does have an innate biological component, nurture can be just as important as nature. I can have a genetic tendency to be muscular, but if I never work out and eat McDonalds food three meals a day, I'm not going to possess a body builder physique. Intelligence is like a muscle in my mind, it can be increased with training.