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Who IS "The Only TRUE God"- as Jesus put it?


Does the devil lift Jesus up?
misty wrote said:
I doubt there is one true god as I suspect all deities are creations of the human mind.

You have the right to believe as you want and do as you want. What do you believe?



Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
My opinion is I don't believe in the deity, as portrayed in the Bible.
Perhaps that's not the point. Obviously, people did believe God was that way at some point in time. Today, most people have changed their perspective. What if you believed in God completely differently from the way God is portrayed in the Bible?
For all readers and especially for icebuddY

you are totally WRONG on the "…..most accurate religion both in history and spititualy." i can tell you your bible can't even decide which period ,jesus was born and many other historical inconsistencies like the genocide of infants by Herod let alone being accurate in spirituality.

i don't think is 'earth shattering' i think its earth destroying.and damaging to the peace and quiet we had. we never have the peace and quiet as long as your evil god knows the will of satan and you know what ….(pls read red print)

In fact ,in china there are no historical records on the jesus during his time….Jesus was only know in the land of Israel so how is it shattering ?. not enough to cross the continents even. Anything that is more shattering is the collaboration of YHWH and satan. This one ,sure have very negative impact to the rest of the world even NOW.

"bizarre" because of my thinking ? well i can tell you that i'm so lucky that i don't think like the christians do. base on (pls read red print)

YHWH ,the omniscience (the all-knowing ,the one who knew the minds of satan) ,the omnipotent (the all-powerful ,the one who know what satan can or cannot do) and the omnipresent (the one who is all-present who knows the where about of satan in all eternity). & most certainly the creator of satan ,god ,knowing all that he did and will do) still YHWH created satan. Is this your god ? sorry i don't want this kind of god. Because your YHWH[Bull-Calf Yah ,Bull-El ,Adonai(my LORD) ,Ya Ho WaiH or Je-ho-vah] created evil (see Is 45:7 use dead sea scroll bible for accuracy). Bottom-line your YHWH is the real ORIGINATOR of EVIL not that YHWH is oblivious over satan He knew all his evil ways. therefore he created all his evil ways too. please don't put all the blame on satan he is only ,the result of his creator YHWH.
how kind ???? your god ,sure do know how the devil thinks and he is the Creator of it ,how bloody kind your jesus is ? please don't say he did it out of love and tests of our humankind He can safe it for Himself think all the negative impact that the creator jesus generated. i rather he keep his evil creation to himself.

i hope the rest of the readers ,you do understand that god being omniscience also means god knows all your freewill even before you start to WILL it.
Hence ,god knows the freewill of satan and therefore ,
Unfortunately god created satan; god started it ,god allows it therefore god WILL it ,& then satan did it,

Needless to say the biggest piece 'blame pie' belongs to god(jesus). SAD isn't it ?

"Satan told God that Job trusted him because of all the Good things. Satan said if Job didnt have such good fortune, that job wouldn't love God. God then allowed satan to take away jobs things but not to hurt job. See it how you like, but you put words into the bible and believe as you want."

that is exactly my point god was collaborating with the satan ,and still working with satan for all we know… furthermore god knew the wills of satan and still he ALLOWED it so ….
i wrote that merely to summarize the story job story to make a point if you don't like you can type the whole story of job over here….

Classic problem here ,god is omniscience & omnipotent if god is all that ,then
why is god testing job for ? god should know the outcome already ?
if god is all good than why god test job with such evil methods ? plus allowing satan to have his evil ways and helped god ? i believe this is why we have so much war and conflicts in christian view point.

Hence ,this is the classic proof of an evil god of yours here ,& i'm sure there are many of this kind of examples which we don't know of ….
i'm sure he can think of more moral ways to test job ? he's god you know ? OR IS HE ? i don't think so ,looking at the job story and others.

"what every you believe, you still have a free will. So what if God already knows or doesn't know... Its your Life and you dont know…"

Excuse me is not 'my life' its yours you are the CHRISTIAN remember ? if god is omniscience He knows if he is not than he don't know…. simple isn't ? not that simple to me. in fact ,this is crucial.
Of course we don't know ,so to speak ,we are not omniscience , like your evil god. the important point is with your evil god around ,our lives will be very tragic. No ,in fact is already extremely tragic. your evil god collaboration with satan ,they are in fact a team , so to speak ,base on your christianity doctrine.

Of course i have freewill ,just that not a christian one ,that is void of common sense ,full of ignorance and lack of the ability to conjugate ideas. Its just pathetic. & i don't want the license to sin and still can go to heaven kind of belief system because is a very dangerous one. its a viscous circle. this kind of ideology it very similar to the terrorists ones.

to see my point more clearly in christian point of view
god knows the freewill of satan. & god created satan; god started it ,god allows it therefore god WILLs it ,& then satan did it. therefore ,YHWH is evil.its only common sense.

So far i had PROVEN….
1) Your evil YHWH is a bigger devil than satan. he is the boss of satan. PROVEN
2) Your evil YHWH collaboration with satan. PROVEN
3) YOUR evil YHWH 's awareness of satan ill-will. and god agreed then allow it. PROVEN
4) your jesus is not god PROVEN

we all have freewill or did we ? according to bible god knows them all WILLs so….because of god's omniscience --
the whole gestalt of salvation and judgement to the 2nd-coming is obviously redundant.

have you heard the story of the eskimo and the christian pastor ?

"Please tell me your belief before we move on…"

pretty much of what i had typed and what you had read here is my belief. well i believe the bible is not the word of god. i should not say 'i believe' i should say i found out.

icebuddy i'm not going to 'MOVE ON' with you because i am not going to & i'm not going believe this evil god of yours. & i don't want to be like a oblivious christian like you do.
why ? read the red print.

thanks for reading


Veteran Member
We are all created as free moral agents.
God does not interfere unless necessary such as in Noah's day and Armageddon.

Both angels and humans were created with perfection.
Perfect creation can only sin on purpose.
Perfect creation once sining does not repent or ever show remorse.

Each is drawn out by his own desire. -James 1v14,15
Satan desired to have humans worship him.
God does not interfere with one's choices.
[Deut 30v19;32v5]
Adam did not have to disobey God.
Adam chose to disobey out of his free moral will.
Whereas Jesus chose to obey out of his free moral will.
[Mt26v39;Lk 22v42; Jn 4v34;5v30;6v38]
hi all readers ,dear friends
Greetings ,Compliments of the day.
this a reply To URAVIP2ME

Your biblical referencing is very handicapped they are not to the meaning contents that you referred ,please do always check the contextual meaning of the passages before you quote next time.
We are all created as free moral agents.

God does not interfere unless necessary such as in Noah's day and Armageddon.

where are your biblical references for the above claim ?
god can interfere as much as he likes and whenever. what makes you and who are you even to conclude 'unless necessary'.
BTW are you really free ? think again , you are free only in god's image only when he allows you. so to speak ,as in the christian doctrine. but in reality ,you guys are way from being free ,'free' with the grasp of satan's & god's temptations thus created myriad of wars and conflicts as what the christian doctrine inferred.

Both angels and humans were created with perfection.
Perfect creation can only sin on purpose.
Perfect creation once sining does not repent or ever show remorse.

Explain perfect creation ? what kind of perfection ?
i don't think its 'sin on purpose' with perfect creation. As i inferred ,'sinning on purpose' only by satan's & god's temptations ,obviously isn't it ? , if the creation was perfect. Or is it ?

Each is drawn out by his own desire. -James 1v14,15

This verse is referring to temptation , they were saying that temptation is born out of desires of man. & they do not refer to the claim you stressed here. here some referencing that show god did tempt others :
Genesis 22:1
God did tempt Abraham.

2 Samuel 24:1
And again the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go number Israel and Judah.

Matthew 6:13
And lead us not into temptation.

Satan desired to have humans worship him.
God does not interfere with one's choices.[Deut 30v19;32v5]

Can you please demonstrate how are these verses you quote pertains to the contextual meaning of the bible that supports the notion you stressed ? the verses you quoted has nothing to do with 'interfering choices…'
however ,god being omniscience ,he is aware of our choices even before we breath about it. so….

Adam did not have to disobey God.
Adam chose to disobey out of his free moral will.

I'm not saying we haven no freewill. but in the christian doctrine as god is all-knowing ,us having freewill & choice is very much redundant. However ,god knew that adam will disobey him anyway ,& having send the serpent to tempt him is just for show.

Whereas Jesus chose to obey out of his free moral will.
[Mt26v39;Lk 22v42; Jn 4v34;5v30;6v38]

Yes of course ,was out of his own freewill ,so to speak ,but still need god's allowance and god too was aware about his decisions he made. furthermore ,god send satan to tempt jesus too . oops i thought jesus was god ?

Thanks for reading


Veteran Member

Why did you say oops i thought Jesus was god?
Wasn't Jesus plain when he said he was the beginning of the creation by God at Rev 3v14? Or as Col 1vs15,16 shows Jesus to be the 'firstborn' in the heavens.
According to Scripture God had no beginning. Psalm 90v2. Jesus had a heavenly beginning.

God sent the serpent [who was Not the serpent at the time] God sent the angel, that we would come to know as Satan, was sent according to Ezekiel 28v14 to be a covering cherub or overseer in the Garden of Eden meant to protect. Satan of his own free moral will chose to disobey God and Satan desired of his own free will that he wanted the worship of humans for himself. God did Not command Satan to sin.
Jesus called 'Satan' the father of the lie [John 8v44] Not calling God the Father of the lie.
God can not lie- Titus 1v2.

If God knew Adam would sin there would have been no point of putting Adam in Eden to live forever.

Since God gifted all with free moral will it is a gift. We can use our God-given gift how we choose. God does not take back his gift. It was not a temporary gift but permanent gift.
True God is the source of all knowledge but that does not mean he forces anyone to use free will against him. That is why Deuteronomy says we can 'choose'; we can corrupt oneself. Joshua [24v15] says 'choose'. Joshua said as for he and his household we will serve the LORD. So God allows our free-will gift to be used in order for individual to make their own choices. God uses his foreknowledge when necessary to complete his purpose such as regarding the Messiah. God protected Jesus before and after birth in order for Jesus to complete his purpose. Jesus acted of his own free will.
Mt26v39; Lk22v42; Jn 4v34;5v30;6v38

Gen 22v1 the tempt was put Abraham to the test.
Abraham demonstrated his trust in God as Hebrews 11v19 says that God was able to raise him [Isaac] up [resurrect] even from the dead.....

2 Sam 24 vs1-17 [1 Chron 21v1] David's mistake was willful. Joab [vs4] was used by God to dissuade David, but David insisted in having his own way against God and his messenger Joab who warned David.

Matt 6v13;Luke 11v4 lead us not into temptation in that we are praying not to be brought into temptation. For example: we would not put oneself in a position to be tempted and then pray not to be lead or brought into that situation, but stay away from being in a tempting situation in the first place.

There is absolute perfection as God is absolutely perfect and there is relative perfection.
Both angels and humans were created with relative perfection. Meaning they could only do wrong on purpose, willful, deliberate, etc. Angelic creation and human creation had soundness of perfect mind. Perhaps an instant discernment to be able to make up one's mind immediately. Once such perfection sins they never change back to perfection but loose that perfection and never repent or show remorse.

Adam having human perfection of healthy sound mind and body had perfect human life. That would mean he could choose to control his thoughts, feelings and actions, etc.
Adam was free to grow to fulfill the tremendous potential within himself.

All [everyone] is created in God's image. We can all, to varying degrees, display God's attributes or qualities of love, justice and wisdom by reflecting Jesus example.
-1Peter 2v21.
hi all readers ,dear friends
Greetings ,Compliments of the day.
this a reply To URAVIP2ME

Why did you say oops i thought Jesus was god?

jesus is not god because i had proven it by inferring of the temptation verses
plus YHWH is not god too by inferring from the bible references of my last posts. the litmus tests is very effective as by james 1:13

Wasn't Jesus plain when he said he was the beginning of the creation by God at Rev 3v14? Or as Col 1vs15,16 shows Jesus to be the 'firstborn' in the heavens.
According to Scripture God had no beginning. Psalm 90v2. Jesus had a heavenly beginning.

if jesus is god then he must not have a beginning

God sent the serpent [who was Not the serpent at the time] God sent the angel, that we would come to know as Satan, was sent according to Ezekiel 28v14 to be a covering cherub or overseer in the Garden of Eden meant to protect. Satan of his own free moral will chose to disobey God and Satan desired of his own free will that he wanted the worship of humans for himself. God did Not command Satan to sin.
Jesus called 'Satan' the father of the lie [John 8v44] Not calling God the Father of the lie.
God can not lie- Titus 1v2.

Are you sure god don't lie ? behold these are the biblical verses :

1 Kings 22:23
Now, therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee.

2 Chronicles 18:22
Now therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets.

Jeremiah 4:10
Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people.

Jeremiah 20:7
O Lord, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived.

Ezekiel 14:9
And if a prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet.

2 Thessalonians 2:11
For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.

Now god lies and cheat terribly not directly ,but what is the difference ? base on the above-mentioned verses. therefore jesus and YHWH are not god. As i said before YHWH/JESUS & satan are a team ,man !!!!!

If God knew Adam would sin there would have been no point of putting Adam in Eden to live forever.

That is exactly my point ,if god is omniscience ,all outcomes(choices ,ill-wills) from all tests are already known. In fact for god there shouldn't be ANY TESTS at all. because he is all-knowing. do you all comprehend this simple logic.

Since God gifted all with free moral will it is a gift. We can use our God-given gift how we choose. God does not take back his gift. It was not a temporary gift but permanent gift.
True God is the source of all knowledge

Are you sure your YHWH is there source of all knowledge ? you must obviously reread all my past posts again. your god cannot even be factually correct about our cosmology please don't talk about 'all knowledge'.

but that does not mean he forces anyone to use free will against him. That is why Deuteronomy says we can 'choose'; we can corrupt oneself. Joshua [24v15] says 'choose'. Joshua said as for he and his household we will serve the LORD. So God allows our free-will gift to be used in order for individual to make their own choices. God uses his foreknowledge when necessary to complete his purpose such as regarding the Messiah. God protected Jesus before and after birth in order for Jesus to complete his purpose. Jesus acted of his own free will.
Mt26v39; Lk22v42; Jn 4v34;5v30;6v38

Gen 22v1 the tempt was put Abraham to the test.
Abraham demonstrated his trust in God as Hebrews 11v19 says that God was able to raise him [Isaac] up [resurrect] even from the dead.....

For god sake , god knew that already ,if YHWH is god there is no need a test at all. this showed that YHWH of yours is not god at all. Having said that ,whether to go against god or not ,of course is ultimately our choice. but that is not the point. the point is that your YHWH is all-knowing and don't act like one (see the verses i quoted) YHWH is the boss of satan….your YHWH is the biggest devil actually.

2 Sam 24 vs1-17 [1 Chron 21v1] David's mistake was willful. Joab [vs4] was used by God to dissuade David, but David insisted in having his own way against God and his messenger Joab who warned David.

Matt 6v13;Luke 11v4 lead us not into temptation in that we are praying not to be brought into temptation. For example: we would not put oneself in a position to be tempted and then pray not to be lead or brought into that situation, but stay away from being in a tempting situation in the first place.

well done ,prevention is better than cure. thats the first step of knowing how not to sin… but very often most tempting situations always comes to you. why ? could it be god and satan as a team reenacting the above mentioned verses i quoted today ?

There is absolute perfection as God is absolutely perfect and there is relative perfection.
Both angels and humans were created with relative perfection. Meaning they could only do wrong on purpose, willful, deliberate, etc. Angelic creation and human creation had soundness of perfect mind. Perhaps an instant discernment to be able to make up one's mind immediately. Once such perfection sins they never change back to perfection but loose that perfection and never repent or show remorse.

if god is so in perfection does he need to send the spirit of delusion to mislead us from time to time ? see above mentioned verses. what a lying god you have. He sounds very fake you know.

Adam having human perfection of healthy sound mind and body had perfect human life. That would mean he could choose to control his thoughts, feelings and actions, etc.
Adam was free to grow to fulfill the tremendous potential within himself.

Then why adam & eve cannot control HIS 'soundness of mind by perfect creation' and still being tempted plus given in to serpent ? Not so perfect after all ,by the look of it.

All [everyone] is created in God's image. We can all, to varying degrees, display God's attributes or qualities of love, justice and wisdom by reflecting Jesus example.
-1Peter 2v21.

For sure i won't follow your god what a lying and fake god ,your YHWH/jesus and satan , are all in the evil gang.
Bottom line and From the past posts of my research and by inference within the bible ,YHWH and jesus ARE NOT GOD. plus the above-mentioned verses the litmus tests is clear.

thanks for reading


Does the devil lift Jesus up?
abyss said:
In fact ,in china there are no historical records on the jesus during his time

So you dont believe Jesus even existed? Is that where your going?

Is this your god ? sorry i don't want this kind of god.

Abyss, No matter what you believe, evil exists. Why is it evil in the first place? If we are no different from the animals, then Evil isnt evil, its just life. Killing is just survival of the fittest. However, since you view things as Evil, this shows that you do have a moral compas. The Fact that we have morals is due to the instinct of whats Right and whats Wrong. This instinct is from God. Believe as you want...

Bottom-line your YHWH is the real ORIGINATOR of EVIL

Again, what ever you believe, Evil exists. Since you do not believe in YHWH or the God of the Bible, where do you think Evil is comming from? When I read your posts they seem angry for some reason, not sure why.

please don't say he did it out of love and tests of our humankind

I find it interesting that people like yourself can bash "Christianity", but if you bash other religions its a no no. Why are you so angry towards My God and My Lord? And if Evil is your bottom line answer, then your gonna be mad at the truth no matter where you turn, for Evil does exist.

i hope the rest of the readers ,you do understand that god being omniscience also means god knows all your freewill even before you start to WILL it.
Hence ,god knows the freewill of satan and therefore ,
Unfortunately god created satan; god started it ,god allows it therefore god WILL it ,& then satan did it

you seem to know alot about a God that you dont know or believe in. Im not sure what God knows myself, how could I or you for that matter.

Of course i have freewill ,just that not a christian one ,that is void of common sense ,full of ignorance and lack of the ability to conjugate ideas. Its just pathetic.

Sorry you feel that way. Thats probably how the Devil thought towards God too.

if the creation was perfect. Or is it ?

The Flaw of sin is upon creation. So it is growning until the day of perfection.

So far i had PROVEN….
1) Your evil YHWH is a bigger devil than satan. he is the boss of satan. PROVEN
2) Your evil YHWH collaboration with satan. PROVEN
3) YOUR evil YHWH 's awareness of satan ill-will. and god agreed then allow it. PROVEN
4) your jesus is not god PROVEN

You have proven that your angry towards Christianity. No one can really know God, but since you think that you do with authority, and dont believe in him is crazy to me. You go on and on of how you know everything, even God, but yet you dont even think he exists? My favorite bible passage is, "Anyone who thinks they know everything really doesnt know much".

Theres another passage that says, One could know everything about everything, but without Love he is like a loud noise and useless to everyone.

pretty much of what i had typed and what you had read here is my belief. well i believe the bible is not the word of god. i should not say 'i believe' i should say i found out.

Thats not a belief? IF you dont believe in one thing, then you must believe in another.

For sure i won't follow your god what a lying and fake god ,your YHWH/jesus and satan , are all in the evil gang.

You act like you have common sence, then you post things like this? If they dont exist, then they cannot lie nor be evil. Yet Evil comes from somewhere? If Evil is not Evil, then we are like the animals and everything is ok to do. Everything you see as Evil is just life and survival of the fittest. Yet you seem to believe Evil exist? Why?
hi all readers ,dear friends
Greetings ,Compliments of the day.
this a reply To icebud
please all rebuttals must be come with biblical references…. please do constructive rebuttals guys ,please DON'T be like iceBUD.

Originally Posted by abyss
In fact ,in china there are no historical records on the jesus during his time
So you dont believe Jesus even existed? Is that where your going?

you are a real slow learner…… or you did it purposely.

Is this your god ? sorry i don't want this kind of god.
Abyss, No matter what you believe, evil exists. Why is it evil in the first place? If we are no different from the animals, then Evil isnt evil, its just life. Killing is just survival of the fittest. However, since you view things as Evil, this shows that you do have a moral compas. The Fact that we have morals is due to the instinct of whats Right and whats Wrong. This instinct is from God. Believe as you want...

i think you definitely never did a course on molecular biology. all animals including us are in more DNA similarity then you want to believe so …please check out DNA genetic section.
Of course evil exist ,in your christianity terms and they exist because your YHWH created it ,started it & allowed it therefore ,satan and your YHWH are in a team.

Bottom-line your YHWH is the real ORIGINATOR of EVIL
Again, what ever you believe, Evil exists. Since you do not believe in YHWH or the God of the Bible, where do you think Evil is comming from? When I read your posts they seem angry for some reason, not sure why.

That is exactly my point you just made god look even more evil. god created evil because your god was there to create it ,start it & allowed it. therefore ,your god and satan is in a team. the ? is that clear ? i can't be as this. frankly if you still don't get it by now i suggest you redo your education.
me angry ? you must have been over sensitive. my posts are all research base has nothing to do with my emotions. so if you have a problem over posts you can get over it ok? and stop your shrink diagnosis here. seems like you need them more than me.

please don't say he did it out of love and tests of our humankind
I find it interesting that people like yourself can bash "Christianity", but if you bash other religions its a no no. Why are you so angry towards My God and My Lord? And if Evil is your bottom line answer, then your gonna be mad at the truth no matter where you turn, for Evil does exist.

You had made god more evil again.

i hope the rest of the readers ,you do understand that god being omniscience also means god knows all your freewill even before you start to WILL it.
Hence ,god knows the freewill of satan and therefore ,
Unfortunately god created satan; god started it ,god allows it therefore god WILL it ,& then satan did it
you seem to know alot about a God that you dont know or believe in. Im not sure what God knows myself, how could I or you for that matter.

All information from my post are research based and by inference , i don't claim to know god. you claimed i know god. you are flattering me. and stop that.

Of course i have freewill ,just that not a christian one ,that is void of common sense ,full of ignorance and lack of the ability to conjugate ideas. Its just pathetic.
Sorry you feel that way. Thats probably how the Devil thought towards God too.

Not surprise ,because YHWH created satan and they are a team. Both know how each other thinks their evil thoughts and ways. Thats why YHWH created satan to form a evil gang to help YHWH his evil side of him.

if the creation was perfect. Or is it ?
The Flaw of sin is upon creation. So it is growning until the day of perfection.

With your evil YHWH & his gang around most definitely 'the flaw of sin is/will be ever growing till the day of absolute sin perfection. shall i rephrase that ?

So far i had PROVEN….
1) Your evil YHWH is a bigger devil than satan. he is the boss of satan. PROVEN
2) Your evil YHWH collaboration with satan. PROVEN
3) YOUR evil YHWH 's awareness of satan ill-will. and god agreed then allow it. PROVEN
4) your jesus is not god PROVEN
You have proven that your angry towards Christianity. No one can really know God, but since you think that you do with authority, and dont believe in him is crazy to me. You go on and on of how you know everything, even God, but yet you dont even think he exists? My favorite bible passage is, "Anyone who thinks they know everything really doesnt know much".

First of all ,i don't claim i know everything ,please stop putting words into my mouth ok? if you keep jumping into the conclusion for me and feel crazy over all these ,please go and consult a psychiatrist ,i don't want to be mean but seems like you are always jump off the topic ,say things that i did not write so …..you should consider the option.

Theres another passage that says, One could know everything about everything, but without Love he is like a loud noise and useless to everyone.

If you let your love to be blind ,same like these over here, obviously you are not only useless you are toxic too like your YHWH and satan in a team.

pretty much of what i had typed and what you had read here is my belief. well i believe the bible is not the word of god. i should not say 'i believe' i should say i found out.
Thats not a belief? IF you dont believe in one thing, then you must believe in another.

Of course , but unfortunately my research is my belief so what you see is what you get.

For sure i won't follow your god what a lying and fake god ,your YHWH/jesus and satan , are all in the evil gang.
You act like you have common sence, then you post things like this? If they dont exist, then they cannot lie nor be evil. Yet Evil comes from somewhere? If Evil is not Evil, then we are like the animals and everything is ok to do. Everything you see as Evil is just life and survival of the fittest. Yet you seem to believe Evil exist? Why?

i'm talking in terms of your christianity doctrine…. i need to know your bible well to be able to derive a point. really from my research your doctrine cannot stand at all its just self-destructible. whoever believe the bible is from god and YOUR YHWH is really someone without common sense

thanks for reading
Hi all
Greetings ,Compliments of the day.
just revision

YHWH ,the omniscience (the all-knowing ,the one who knew the minds of satan) ,the omnipotent (the all-powerful ,the one who know what satan can or cannot do) and the omnipresent (the one who is all-present who knows the where about of satan in all eternity). & most certainly the creator of satan ,god ,knowing all that he did and will do) still YHWH created satan. Is this your god ? sorry i don't want this kind of god. Because your YHWH[Bull-Calf Yah ,Bull-El ,Adonai(my LORD) ,Ya Ho WaiH or Je-ho-vah] created evil (see Is 45:7 use dead sea scroll bible for accuracy). Bottom-line your YHWH is the real ORIGINATOR of EVIL not that yHWH is oblivious over satan He knew all his evil ways. therefore he created all his evil ways too. please don't put all the blame on satan he is only ,the result of his creator YHWH[Bull-Calf Yah ,Bull-El ,Adonai(my LORD) ,Ya Ho WaiH or Je-ho-vah]

how kind ???? your god ,sure do know how the devil thinks and he is the Creator of it ,how bloody kind your jesus is ? please don't say he did it out of love and tests of our humankind He can safe it for Himself think all the negative impact that the creator jesus generated. i rather he keep his evil creation to himself.

therefore icebuddy,your god surely do understands how satan thinks ,your god must be crazy to you icebuddy ?

this one ,you don't need to understand satan ,you just to need to deduce it from different info parts in the bible. i think your love for them is too much till your sense of linking ,relating and deducing info is very much extinct.

base on all the available info and research the god jesus is absolutely not a full god (the creator of evil and universe) the bible is far from being the word of god , i won't conclude now because this amount of info here just pinch of salt in the ocean. there are more ,you ain't see nothing yet….

For everyone reading this site
Having said all that ,for more than 2000 years christianity and jesus had landed on earth ,ask ourselves is there any positive impact & outcome on our earth ,look at our earth history now full off wars and tragedies especially over the mid-east israel region the land of YHWH. well ,christians believe its the work of satan ? but the SOURCE of all these is none other than your YHWH (the creator of evil and universe)

thanks for reading


Veteran Member
The SOURCE of creation is the Creator [YHWH] but that does not mean he forced Satan to turn himself into a Satan and a Devil.

Yes, according to Scripture [Rev 12vs9,12] Satan brings 'woe' to earth because as 2Cor 4v4 says Satan is the god of this world of badness. His 'woe' is temporary because he has a limited period of time. In the meantime time has allowed for us to be born and to choose who's has the best way of ruling. If all lived by God's Golden Rule what would the earth be like today?
hi all readers ,dear friends
Greetings ,Compliments of the day.
this a reply To URAVIP2ME

The SOURCE of creation is the Creator [YHWH] but that does not mean he forced Satan to turn himself into a Satan and a Devil.

Your YHWH didn't have to force satan to turn evil ,your YHWH only need to create satan with the his/His evil ways and mind ,then ordered and allowed him to tempt. AS simple as that. meanwhile using jesus as the vessel in the name of the good and manifested some of his good deeds while YHWH is aware and allowed satan's deeds too .What does that come to ? simply YHWH/jesus and satan are all in one united evil gang. don't you all see….

Yes, according to Scripture [Rev 12vs9,12] Satan brings 'woe' to earth because as 2Cor 4v4 says Satan is the god of this world of badness. His 'woe' is temporary because he has a limited period of time. In the meantime time has allowed for us to be born and to choose who's has the best way of ruling. If all lived by God's Golden Rule what would the earth be like today?

Everything to god has a limited time in their existence ,so to speak

If the your bible holds "true" then the notion of the one evil party is true. which i had already demonstrated in my past posts. which in turn ,if your YHWH is omniscience then he also knew of our choice. yes of course your YHWH surely allow us to choose just like he allowed satan's evil ways.

The problem is that your YHWH is aware and allowed of all of them that makes them in a prefect evil team is a fact whether you like it or not ,so to speak.

I mentioned before ,have you heard the story of the eskimo and the preaching pastor. let me cut the story short. this story hold the contextual of 'knowing' about good news of jesus. which 'forced the eskimo to choose'. He then asked the pastor why was he preaching to him if he will not be judge if he didn't know about jesus ? so that he don't have to make a choice and not be judged in the end. The bible did mentioned to preach his good news and till every one knew about it then judgment will come.
the moral of these story is really interesting and controversial.

Your god ,if the bible is true ,so to speak ,is toying us. YHWH knew of everyone's choice already. but we are not omniscience. he's bullying us on both grounds ,the evil and good .so what is to the sins ,tempt ,tests ,choices and then judge our sin for ? Is all YHWH's doings.
the real sin creator is YHWH no one else because is yhwh who trapped us to 'choose' as in to eat the 'apple' cornering us to make a choice so that yhwh can do his judgement with satan's help. it's a plot.

dear friends ,really ,if you guys were to believe yhwh you are in the traps of this evil gang. the bible is slapping its own face. Your yhwh give good with evil ? what kind of belief system is this ? its simply self-destructive and self-contradictory & purely senseless !!

And for ice bud ,
whether i'm angry or not ,still don't make your bible factual so cut your emotional rubbing in ,why always the case ,they always use the emotional rub in during preaching especially.

thanks for reading and good day
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hi all readers ,dear friends
Greetings ,Compliments of the day.

Can anyone be so kind tell me why this verse Is 7:14-16 is a prophecy for Jesus ?

please all rebuttals/replys must come with biblical references…. please do constructive objective rebuttals

thanks for reading
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Veteran Member
? vs 7:14-16?

Isaiah 7vs14-16 puts emphasis on the role Jesus will play with the reference to Immanuel.
The heavenly resurrected Jesus lives up to the meaning of all the names or titles given him as Isaiah continues at Isaiah 9 v6.
hi all readers ,dear friends
Greetings ,Compliments of the day.
this a reply To URAVIP2ME

Can anyone be so kind tell me why this verse Is 7:14-16 is a prophecy for Jesus ?

Matthew has made a few errors over the scripture he was trying to make this verse look prophetic
the context in Isaiah 7 as shown

Pekah as the king of Israel ,
Rezin as the king Syria ,
they formed an alliance to resist the Assyrians.
they attempted to bully Ahaz ,king of Judah
to join them by attacking Judah.
Ahaz of Judah made himself tributary to Tiglath-Pileser III ,king of Assyrian.
Since both Israel & Syria had been tributary to Assyrian and were now revolting ,there is no point in Isaiah's mind for Ahaz to give tribute for Assyrian to do what he intends to do.
So he told the King that by the time a child to be born who can tell good from evil which was most likely to be at the age of 12. By then , the Assyrian would have destroyed Syria & Israel.

therefore , the verse Is 7:14 as the prophetic verse is out of context. it cannot possibly refer to birth of Jesus.
However ,Matthew made more errors because of his over reliance of the LXX text

In the earliest Hebrew text, the verse Is 7:14 containing
‎הָעַלְמָ֗ה (ha·'al·mah)
the 'woman' and not necessary means 'a virgin' the meaning denotes only as 'the young woman' in ancient Hebrew. but in the greek text of LXX 'παρθένος' (parthenos) means a young ,virgin woman which is the greek translation is off here. Because Matthew had heavily reliance on the LXX hence ,the translation accuracy is off.

but in the earliest hebrew text the meaning 'virgin' denotes as in Is 47:1 is
‎בְּתוּלַת֙ (be·thu·lah) as we all can see it is totally different hebrew word as in the Is 7:14. Hence ,the text written explicitly to differ the two meanings in two different words.

In hebrew ,we need to take note ,when the verb 'to be" takes an object , it is to be merely understood but is never written ,while translating to english word for word.
but matthew had his translation of עִמָּ֫נוּאֵ֫ל (Immanuel) as in English is written as 'God with us' this is actually not the complete translation rather a translation of word for word. Therefore ,עִמָּ֫נוּאֵ֫ל (Immanuel) when it is complete translated should be 'God is with us'. As for 'God with us' would seems to referred jesus as a god incarnate which is a wrong translation.

In conclusion Is 14:7 is not prophesying Jesus.

Thanks for reading
hi all readers ,dear friends
Greetings ,Compliments of the day.

do you think jesus actually did lied to save his own life ? he was actually fearful ;afraid of being killed by those who opposed him. if he was god then he should not be fearful so much so even to lied about it. & he actually preached to others that one should not be fearful and being honest. does anyone know the biblical references pertaining to this ?

warmest regards
thanks for reading

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
Is it 3 Gods in 1?
God-the-Father, God-the-Son, and God-the-Ghost?

Did Jesus HAVE a God?

There is one God, but this God that Jesus and all of us have has different qualities and aspects. Some truth seekers worship just one aspect of him, while others worship or try to worship him as a whole.

Yes Jesus has a God, the same God that resides within all of us.