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Why do Athiest spend so much energy on something they don't believe in?


Grumpy Old Man
When I see lies, mistruths and often total ignorance of the laws of natural physics of this universe, which has its own inherent beauty WITHOUT supernatural mumbo jumbo, I feel compelled to help these people emerge from the dark abyss of self deluded superstitious denial. It is a case of trying to teach the deliberately ignorant, about reality. Is it preaching or evangelical or trying to shed light on ignorance? In which case all teachers should be condemned for wrecking our childhood fantasies. I live in a society where statesmen still believe in these fairy tales. Our prime minister carries a bible in his top pocket, and islamists are totally off in nah nah land, they are so aboriginal.

aboriginal [ˌæbəˈrɪdʒɪnəl]adj existing in a place from the earliest known period; indigenous; autochthonousaboriginally adv

ie. living in the past

Yet diversity is part of human nature, I guess I cant stand by when stupidity grows all around me. I have to try and help. It is now mission in life, so I have just gone back to school to get my Dip Ed, and guess where my first placement is... A catholic ladies college and I put down i didn't want a religious school :( , anyway we will soon see if logic prevails over superstition.

Secondly, my aunt went out with the son of a "Bretheren" family. As teens engaged to be married, my aunt told him some salacious lies during an emotional tiff, so he strangled her to death. His view that lies were punishable by death showed he had totally lost control of reality, and this was based solely on the abnormally dogmatic teachings of his religious mother. My point is I dont blame the young man who viciously murdered my aunt but I do question the right of the religious institution the espoused basically absolute non-reality nonsense, the right to bring up children. In her memory I choose to confront any who profess religion as a belief, rather than creed, to get them to assess their reality, rather than try and convert them.

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Agnostic Pantheist
What is the point? Most Atheist websites are just full of arguments and quotations against God. I thought about what the most meaningful thing in life was in the hypothetical situation that there was no God. The conclusion I came up with is living for others. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said- It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. Shouldn't this be the most highly exalted virtue of any humanist philosophy: The "golden rule." "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die." And what brings more joy then to live together in love. If not then what is the best focus to have, or what brings joy?
That's a pretty naive take.
also what is the relation between the title of your thread and your OP.
Atheists have many reasons to discuss issues which involve religion. atheists do not want creationism to compromise education for example, they want seperation of church and state, they might be concerned about religious dogmas against minorities such as the LGBT community, or they may follow world news that involve religion, such as the Vatican's agenda to preach against the use of condoms. atheists perhaps have all the reasons to dicuss and debate religion.
as for the OP, is it hard to imagine that secular or atheist people have various elements in their life that they pursue and do not involve a belief in the supernatural?


When I see lies, mistruths and often total ignorance of the laws of natural physics of this universe, which has its own inherent beauty WITHOUT supernatural mumbo jumbo, I feel compelled to help these people emerge from the dark abyss of self deluded superstitious denial. It is a case of trying to teach the deliberately ignorant, about reality. Is it preaching or evangelical or trying to shed light on ignorance? In which case all teachers should be condemned for wrecking our childhood fantasies. I live in a society where statesmen still believe in these fairy tales. Our prime minister carries a bible in his top pocket, and islamists are totally off in nah nah land, they are so aboriginal.

aboriginal [ˌæbəˈrɪdʒɪnəl]adj existing in a place from the earliest known period; indigenous; autochthonousaboriginally adv

ie. living in the past

Yet diversity is part of human nature, I guess I cant stand by when stupidity grows all around me. I have to try and help. It is now mission in life, so I have just gone back to school to get my Dip Ed, and guess where my first placement is... A catholic ladies college and I put down i didn't want a religious school :( , anyway we will soon see if logic prevails over superstition.

Secondly, my aunt went out with the son of a "Bretheren" family. As teens engaged to be married, my aunt told him some salacious lies during an emotional tiff, so he strangled her to death. His view that lies were punishable by death showed he had totally lost control of reality, and this was based solely on the abnormally dogmatic teachings of his religious mother. My point is I dont blame the young man who viciously murdered my aunt but I do question the right of the religious institution the espoused basically absolute non-reality nonsense, the right to bring up children. In her memory I choose to confront any who profess religion as a belief, rather than creed, to get them to assess their reality, rather than try and convert them.


I have to agree with you here. A lot of otherwise reasonable and smart people do ridiculous things in the name of gods they've never seen or proven to exist. I think people should understand everything that is going around us in this world before searching for some invisible being in another one


Because religion is a huge influence on culture, therefore your religious adherence is a moral matter. It affects not only your life but the lives of others. When someone believes that invading another country is what god wants them to do, I have a real problem with that. When we make decisions based on imaginary principles, we make bad decisions, which affect other people. That's why I care about religion.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
My own concern regarding religion is when people try to impose it upon others and when it threatens people's rights and freedoms. Otherwise I couldn't care less what other people believe. That and I have an interest in how religions influence cultures and societies, such as sexual repression and bigotry for example.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
What is the point? Most Atheist websites are just full of arguments and quotations against God. I thought about what the most meaningful thing in life was in the hypothetical situation that there was no God. The conclusion I came up with is living for others. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said- It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. Shouldn't this be the most highly exalted virtue of any humanist philosophy: The "golden rule." "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die." And what brings more joy then to live together in love. If not then what is the best focus to have, or what brings joy?

Because they can't help it. When someone doesn't let god into their heart, they have no defense against Satan. They are essentially tools of the Devil, and they don't even know it. They don't realize that the poisonous hate and ignorance spewing out of their mouths is the result of Satan using them as mouthpieces. Evolution, science, the internet - these are nothing more than trinkets the Evil One has given us to distract us from God's love and the Truth - which is why these are the primary tools that atheists use to unknowingly advance Satan's agenda.


How are we "knowingly" advancing an agenda we have nothing to do with? I don't believe in Satan any more than I do God. Just the invention of Satan as the being that makes people evil shows you how ridiculous religion makes people. Rather than take responsibility for humanity's evil thoughts and actions, people would love to believe there is an outside force pushing us toward these things, and that all people are inherently good. Humanity has spent too much time shifting blame and giving credit where it doesn't belong. We really need to own up to human nature and start making more progress and less superstition.

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
That's a pretty naive take.
also what is the relation between the title of your thread and your OP.
Atheists have many reasons to discuss issues which involve religion. atheists do not want creationism to compromise education for example, they want seperation of church and state, they might be concerned about religious dogmas against minorities such as the LGBT community, or they may follow world news that involve religion, such as the Vatican's agenda to preach against the use of condoms. atheists perhaps have all the reasons to dicuss and debate religion.
as for the OP, is it hard to imagine that secular or atheist people have various elements in their life that they pursue and do not involve a belief in the supernatural?


Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
How are we "knowingly" advancing an agenda we have nothing to do with? I don't believe in Satan any more than I do God. Just the invention of Satan as the being that makes people evil shows you how ridiculous religion makes people. Rather than take responsibility for humanity's evil thoughts and actions, people would love to believe there is an outside force pushing us toward these things, and that all people are inherently good. Humanity has spent too much time shifting blame and giving credit where it doesn't belong. We really need to own up to human nature and start making more progress and less superstition.

He's being sarcarstic... That's kinda his style :D


Well-Known Member
Sonic247 said:
What is the point? Most Atheist websites are just full of arguments and quotations against God.

Although I am an agnostic, not an atheist, I wish to say that if conservative Christians did not try to legislate religion, I would not debate Christians. For example, in the U.S., it is well-known that conservative Christians are the chief opponents of homosexuality, same-sex marriage, physician assisted suicide, and abortion.


Well-Known Member
Because religion is a huge influence on culture, therefore your religious adherence is a moral matter. It affects not only your life but the lives of others. When someone believes that invading another country is what god wants them to do, I have a real problem with that. When we make decisions based on imaginary principles, we make bad decisions, which affect other people. That's why I care about religion.

If you are referring to the war against terrorism this is false, the majority of people that is affected by the support of such decision, did it out of fear of the plan to harm our Western mostly Christian nations, it is political and economical, it isn’t a religious war!
Most of the hatred that we are the target of is political and economic, there is not intend to forcibly convert them, just keep developing and increasing our power, conversion to Christianity is achieved by prayers.
Most atheist support the war and they would wish that it would be extended to all forms of religion specially Islam that will kill them first of all.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with that. I would start by attempting to create a society that didn't bomb other countries for ungodly reasons; like, attempting what Jesus actually taught and not, on the whole of the country as a majority of Christians, basically everything he was against. Then, I would start considering your world view.

I realize that is pointless but I’ll have another go at this issue. It is the godless that wishes that Islam be fought and bombed out of existence to direct their attention to other faiths. I return your advice “I would start considering your world view” you need it more than me, I don’t know your reason for your hatred of religion, but it is clear that it got you blinded.


Resident Liberal Hippie
I realize that is pointless but I’ll have another go at this issue. It is the godless that wishes that Islam be fought and bombed out of existence to direct their attention to other faiths. I return your advice “I would start considering your world view” you need it more than me, I don’t know your reason for your hatred of religion, but it is clear that it got you blinded.
Do you have any evidence to support your rash generalization?


Resident Liberal Hippie
Because religion is a huge influence on culture, therefore your religious adherence is a moral matter. It affects not only your life but the lives of others. When someone believes that invading another country is what god wants them to do, I have a real problem with that. When we make decisions based on imaginary principles, we make bad decisions, which affect other people. That's why I care about religion.

If you are referring to the war against terrorism this is false, the majority of people that is affected by the support of such decision, did it out of fear of the plan to harm our Western mostly Christian nations, it is political and economical, it isn’t a religious war!
Most of the hatred that we are the target of is political and economic, there is not intend to forcibly convert them, just keep developing and increasing our power, conversion to Christianity is achieved by prayers.
Most atheist support the war and they would wish that it would be extended to all forms of religion specially Islam that will kill them first of all.

I believe MSizer is referring to the reports of President George W Bush telling Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.
And, according to former Commerce Secretary Don Evans, Bush believed he was called by God to lead the nation while at war.


If you are referring to the war against terrorism this is false, the majority of people that is affected by the support of such decision, did it out of fear of the plan to harm our Western mostly Christian nations, it is political and economical, it isn’t a religious war!
Most of the hatred that we are the target of is political and economic, there is not intend to forcibly convert them, just keep developing and increasing our power, conversion to Christianity is achieved by prayers.
Most atheist support the war and they would wish that it would be extended to all forms of religion specially Islam that will kill them first of all.

"I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn't do my job"
George Bush, during campaign visit to Amish community, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Jul. 9, 2004

"I am driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did. And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East'. And, by God, I'm gonna do it."

George Bush, August 2003

"The spirit of our people is the source of America's strength. And we go forward with trust in that spirit, confidence in our purpose, and faith in a loving God who made us to be free."
5th anniversary of the Sep. 11 attacks, White House, Sep. 11, 2006


Well-Known Member
"Befuddle," really? I'm saying the focus of Athiest's literature seems unbalanced, it leans further towards Why religion is dumb then what good can be done by humans.

I am not sure what are calling atheistic literature, perhaps you could be more specific. In my mind, Camus is atheistic literature, Nietzsche is atheistic literature , Sartre is atheistic literature.

But those web site you talked about are not necessarily for atheist. They are for people who have questions, for people who want to hear the other side of the coin on the whole god thing.


Well-Known Member
It's just that time is valuable to an atheist I would think. Unless they don't care all that much about life. If I was an athiest I would work on my music all day, buy a hot tub, try to find the best wife possible and spend time with friends etc. I wouldn't come to a depressing place like this.

Time is valuable, and that is why I like to take some it of to relax and pursue my interests. I mean, why the big rush? To what ends? It is better, in my mind, to take my life at a comfortable pace.

I am interested in human behavior and religion/gods happens to be a big part of that.


I realize that is pointless but I’ll have another go at this issue. It is the godless that wishes that Islam be fought and bombed out of existence to direct their attention to other faiths.

It might be the 'godless' that wishes that Islam be fought and bombed out of existence, but it certainly isn't the self-proclaimed atheists.

I return your advice “
I would start considering your world view” you need it more than me, I don’t know your reason for your hatred of religion, but it is clear that it got you blinded.

I don't hate religion. I hate religion that rallies around a war cry. If blinded is acknowledging the Christian rhetoric that lead the majority of people in this country to start a war (a country that is predominantly Christian) than blind I must be.

Of course, I'm still trying to figure how you think 11 percent of the nation somehow convinced all the god fearing people to start a billion dollar war, and why Christians pay their taxes despite the situation.

I agree with you that the war is actually political and economic.. religion is only used to convince people who don't understand this to support the war.