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Forum Members' changing religious beliefs..


Just maybe
After spending months/years on this forum are the forum members' religious beliefs likely to change?
So who's winning....christianity, islam, atheism, etc, etc,?
Does one particular religion tend to pull in the forum members?
edit: Or do members' religious beliefs tend to stay the same?
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
After spending months/years on this forum are the forum members' religious beliefs likely to change?
So who's winning....christianity, islam, atheism, etc, etc,?
Does one particular religion tend to pull in the forum members?
edit: Or do members' religious beliefs tend to stay the same?
We've had a few members announce that their beliefs have changed over time, but we try to discourage people treating RF as a place to "win converts"; our rules don't allow proselytizing.

Personally, I wouldn't say that my religious beliefs have changed, but I think my attitudes toward other religions have. For instance, before I got here, I'd only ever met a handful of Mormons and I don't think I'd ever met any Baha'is at all, but my interactions here with people of both groups has really helped to put a human face on the religions for me.


Just me
Premium Member
After spending months/years on this forum are the forum members' religious beliefs likely to change?
A few have "changed beliefs" so I would say there is some likelihood.

So who's winning....christianity, islam, atheism, etc, etc,?
It's not a contest. :)

Does one particular religion tend to pull in the forum members?
I don't think so. A lot depends on the symbolism that will appeal to individual tastes.


Well-Known Member
A few have "changed beliefs" so I would say there is some likelihood.

It's not a contest. :)

I don't think so. A lot depends on the symbolism that will appeal to individual tastes.

"It's not a contest."

For a few maybe not, but is clear that some do not share that perception.


Premium Member
I doubt many people came here to change their beliefs. I am sure they came for the reason I did- to learn about other faiths. Most people don't like to talk about religion, including their own and this was one place where it could be done with others who wanted to talk about it. I certainly did not come here to change other people's faiths to mine. It seems that if anyone does try to change other's beliefs, they end up disappearing (or being banned).
And as Willamena said, it is not a contest (at least not for me). :)


Premium Member
My beliefs are still pretty much the same as when I joined. Like others have said I came to learn about other religions and it has been great. Learning is needed for acceptance and tolerance IMO.

I would say though RF has maybe changed my political views more than religious views but that could also be put down to growing up.


Resident Lycanthrope
My faith changed before joining. I think those that changed while members were probably not content with their own religion as it was and they were probably researching more than just poking around, even if they didn't realize they were doing so.
Some wear religion like a suit, while others feel religions describe who they are at their core. One is prone to change as the wind blows, while the other does not. There seems to be plenty of both kinds here at RF.


Mother Heathen
I've seen several Christians express a change in their religious/spiritual mindset over the years of posting here.

Even I've changed. Though the core of my faith remains the same, I'm not the same person I was, four-five years ago.


Well-Known Member
I've only seen a few people completely change their religious outlook, but I don't think any particular viewpoint has "outmatched" any other in this regard :shrug:

Personally, my core beliefs and values have stayed pretty sturdy, but exposure to so many different philosophies and outlooks has given me plenty of ideas to incorporate into my homemade "religion". If I see something I like, I'll happily take it ;)


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I've stayed pretty much the same, except I feel like I've successfully incorporated Trampolinism into my Tibetan Buddhist practices. :trampo:


Tu Stultus Es
I've changed in that within the 11 or 12 months I've posted at RF I've become much more humble about my vast intellect and intimidating charisma.


Veteran Member
After spending months/years on this forum are the forum members' religious beliefs likely to change?
When I first started posting, I was a devoted Christian looking for a place with regular, lively theological discussion. There were cracks beginning to form in my traditional Christian beliefs but I still held strong to my 25 year commitment to Christ. However, after being influenced by all the fun loving heathens of RF for a lengthy time, I am happy to report that I was completely cured of my former beliefs. :D

Nah, while the above statement is mostly true, participating on RF was the catalyst I needed to investigate the pressing doubts I had regarding what I believed. I am happier than ever now that I don't believe in God and the members of RF helped. :)


Agnostic Pantheist
After spending months/years on this forum are the forum members' religious beliefs likely to change?
So who's winning....christianity, islam, atheism, etc, etc,?
Does one particular religion tend to pull in the forum members?
edit: Or do members' religious beliefs tend to stay the same?
I don't think that after posting on RF for a year the beliefs of people stay unchanged. RF is a great experience in that it tests your beliefs on regular basis, you are forced to look at things from different and multiple angles, you are forced to see things through other people's eyes, and you are exposed to a flow of exotic spiritual systems and beliefs that bend the shape of your faith and takes it to realms of uncharted territories.
If you are a Christian joining RF, be willing to be crucified, if you are a Muslim get ready to fly Al Buraq and try to tame it, if you are a Buddhist be willing to sit under the Bodhi tree all over again and go back to square one.


Well-Known Member
After spending months/years on this forum are the forum members' religious beliefs likely to change?

Yes, absolutely and invariably; I've seen it over and over, this forum is catalyst for apostasy and conversion, despite proselytism being prohibited. There are only a handful of regular debaters here who have retained the one belief system throughout their stay.

So who's winning....christianity, islam, atheism, etc, etc,?
:D Silver

Evangelical Atheism.