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Forgiveness of Sins


Wonder Woman
I just got to thinking about this and I'm wondering something. Why is it, that in certain faiths and denominations, it is a priest or other form of clergy that does the forgiveness of sins? I guess this would most likely go towards Catholics since I know for a fact that they do this. Why does a person have to go to a priest to have to confess their sins and ask forgiveness? Why can't they just ask directly of God themselves? Why is a middleman necessary?

I can understand going to a clergy person for guidance and counseling when you are at a loss in your life, especially spiritually. However, why treat the clery person as a middleman between believer and God?

Is confession/forgiveness through a priest really necessary?


Well-Known Member
Is confession/forgiveness through a priest really necessary?

No, but it gives the penitent great peace of mind to have someone on whom to upload their sins, who then uploads them to the bishop, who uploads them to the cardinal, who uploads them to the Pope, and the Pope sends the whole package up to God for disposal.


I can understand going to a clergy person for guidance and counseling when you are at a loss in your life, especially spiritually. However, why treat the clery person as a middleman between believer and God?

Yes, especially since "christians" are warned not to utilize/seek the aid of "mediums".;)

Super Universe

Defender of God
I just got to thinking about this and I'm wondering something. Why is it, that in certain faiths and denominations, it is a priest or other form of clergy that does the forgiveness of sins? I guess this would most likely go towards Catholics since I know for a fact that they do this. Why does a person have to go to a priest to have to confess their sins and ask forgiveness? Why can't they just ask directly of God themselves? Why is a middleman necessary?

I can understand going to a clergy person for guidance and counseling when you are at a loss in your life, especially spiritually. However, why treat the clery person as a middleman between believer and God?

Is confession/forgiveness through a priest really necessary?

How else is the clergy going to get money? Four Sunday's a month is not enough to pay for all the marble floors.

God does not forgive any sin, you have always been forgiven from heaven. The only person who can truly forgive you in the afterlife is the one you harmed. You cannot continue to ascend until this happens, but, they cannot ascend until they have forgiven you as well.


No, but it gives the penitent great peace of mind to have someone on whom to upload their sins, who then uploads them to the bishop, who uploads them to the cardinal, who uploads them to the Pope, and the Pope sends the whole package up to God for disposal.

It's far eaiser to just lay down all your burdens right where you are...
and continue on right in that moment, in the lightness of be-ing.

Why "upload" what you can simply lay to rest.;)

That reminds me, lol,
when I was still a catholic I spent an entire fourth of july
driving through five towns trying to find a priest to hear my confession!:eek:
I even got hot tar stuck all over my tires,
stuck behind this parade in scorching hot temperatures!

The freshly paved road to hell can be hot hot hot!:D

I found out that day that the sweet young sisters we loved at a marian shrine
(world apostilate of fatima- dedicated to keeping people from the fires of hell)
--where I also couldn't find a priest that day--
had all left due to the politics of a fire in the chapel there.
Most of the young ones had left the sisterhood all together it turned out.

Come to think of it,
that was also the very last time I ever went to confession.


Well-Known Member
It's far eaiser to just lay down all your burdens right where you are...then continue on right in that moment, in the lightness of be-ing.

That's my personal motto. "Do good now and you are good." But others might be more scrupulous and require the physical action of absolution to feel forgiven.


Veteran Member
No, but it gives the penitent great peace of mind to have someone on whom to upload their sins, who then uploads them to the bishop, who uploads them to the cardinal, who uploads them to the Pope, and the Pope sends the whole package up to God for disposal.
Also, it's important to tell an actual human being about our moral failings, because it helps us to more realistically own up to them. And too, the human being we confess to can ask questions and talk back, and make sure that we're taking responsibility for what we've done.


Will to love
Also, it's important to tell an actual human being about our moral failings, because it helps us to more realistically own up to them. And too, the human being we confess to can ask questions and talk back, and make sure that we're taking responsibility for what we've done.
Ah, I was just about to say this too. It's very true, and why confession is so much harder than just asking the Lord in private for forgiveness, which I believe He freely gives. Telling another person is a step in 'getting real' about changing our ways and turning away from that which is causing a break in our relationships.


Active Member
I personally don't believe that confession/forgiveness through any human being is necessary. I do know that there are those who believe they have to confess to another human and that's their right. I respect their beiefs, just don't share them.


Not your average Mormon
James 5:16 says, "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

I don't believe it's up to any human being to tell another human being that God has seen fit to forgive him, but I suppose there is something to be said for confessing one's faults to another person. If nothing else, it's a humbling experience.


The Feisty Penguin
I just got to thinking about this and I'm wondering something. Why is it, that in certain faiths and denominations, it is a priest or other form of clergy that does the forgiveness of sins? I guess this would most likely go towards Catholics since I know for a fact that they do this. Why does a person have to go to a priest to have to confess their sins and ask forgiveness? Why can't they just ask directly of God themselves? Why is a middleman necessary?

I can understand going to a clergy person for guidance and counseling when you are at a loss in your life, especially spiritually. However, why treat the clery person as a middleman between believer and God?

Is confession/forgiveness through a priest really necessary?

The way I think of it is, in that mindset, we as humans are so full of sin that we could not possibly think to go forth to God, the most Holy of Holy as such.

But on a more socialogical level, having someone physically tell you that you've been forgiven will most likely lead more people to believe that they have been forgiven, a self-fulfilling prophesy almost. Plus the act of confession in and of itself is a weight off the person's shoulders anyway.


Wonder Woman
The thing that gets me is that if you have done something that may be considered a horrible sin, then confess it to a priest, even if they say you are forgiven, how do you really know?

It is one thing to admit what you have done to somebody, it is another thing to ask for forgiveness. You can admit and unburden yourself, but, IMO, ask your forgiveness of god and no one else. For, no matter what their title is, a clergy person is just a human being and not an ear and voice of god.

As for the sociological thing Gentoo mentioned, wouldn't that be for the benefit of the "sinner" to feel good? Not necessarily for "forgiveness"? I mean, if it is all about making one feel better than that may be accomplished by spilling your guts at the local watering hole.


The thing that gets me is that if you have done something that may be considered a horrible sin, then confess it to a priest, even if they say you are forgiven, how do you really know?

It is one thing to admit what you have done to somebody, it is another thing to ask for forgiveness. You can admit and unburden yourself, but, IMO, ask your forgiveness of god and no one else. For, no matter what their title is, a clergy person is just a human being and not an ear and voice of god.

As for the sociological thing Gentoo mentioned, wouldn't that be for the benefit of the "sinner" to feel good? Not necessarily for "forgiveness"? I mean, if it is all about making one feel better than that may be accomplished by spilling your guts at the local watering hole.

That's how you really know. It is often accompanied by tremendous gratitude and freedom, but that may come later.


Wonder Woman
That's how you really know. It is often accompanied by tremendous gratitude and freedom, but that may come later.

Just because a priest may say something, at least to me, doesn't mean that is how God would feel. The priest is making judgements on what he thinks God would do.

Isn't it better to just pray? To talk to God directly and leave it to Him?

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
I agree with Katzpur: confess to ANYONE you are close to. They can follow up on you later! But, ONLY GOD can forgive our sins, and he did it before we even asked him to.

Scriptures teach that ALL Christians are priests and Jesus is our Head Priest.


Wonder Woman
I agree with Katzpur: confess to ANYONE you are close to. They can follow up on you later! But, ONLY GOD can forgive our sins, and he did it before we even asked him to.

Scriptures teach that ALL Christians are priests and Jesus is our Head Priest.

See, that makes more sense to me.


Just because a priest may say something, at least to me, doesn't mean that is how God would feel. The priest is making judgements on what he thinks God would do.

Isn't it better to just pray? To talk to God directly and leave it to Him?

I am certainly not against this at all - going to God alone. But having a priest as a witness to forgiveness adds accountability (someone else can care for you and pray for you, struggle alongside you), assurance (witness God's forgiveness and assure restoration), and comfort.
hi all ,i'ts interesting to note that the catholic liturgy did not have private confession to a priest until the 900 ad. It was due to the irish and others that wished their sins to be heard in private,and not in a public forum.It may be further inteesting to note that Jesus never mentioned venial and mortal sins while he was on earth. This classification thing only came from institutional christianity...harley davidson