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IF God dislikes GAYS , Why does God CREATE THEM ?


Veteran Member
With The - FACT - that 20 Percent of a Group is infected with Aids. You could easily estimate or Wonder =-, that nearly Half of all homosexuals are infected with some type of disease. ?
Alright, you are gonna have to explain this to me. Facially it makes no sense, but I must be confused. How do you jump from 20 to 50? That's more than double.


Active Member
- They wander, and roam about the country having fast, quick, hot sex with partner after partner. I am INSULTED by Your lack of interest in these facts.

That's news to me. I've lived in one city my whole life. I've had three boyfriends, only one of whom I ever had intercourse with - one time. I've never had a "one-night stand" in my life.

Anonymous, unsafe casual sex is common in the gay community for a specific reason. It took until 2003 for gay sex to be legal in parts of the US. In several countries, it's still punishable by death. What kind of sex life would you have if every time you got physical with somebody attractive, you risked imprisonment or execution(!)? Cultures where homosexuality isn't stigmatized don't particularly feature Grindr/bathhouse-type behavior.

Why do you think the gay community has been so focused on legal marriages? Do you view it as some kind of Trojan horse for casual sex? If that's all we wanted, we'd just keep doing it and not make a fuss about domesticity and monogamy. (Gods know the gay activists of the 70s didn't make that a priority!)

God lover

I love prostitutes. Does that count?:D
Lol. Halarious. Me too;)

Fun fact: Jesus hung out with prostitutes, tax collectors and other stereotypes that the religious class considered sinners. He loved them and came for them. He condemned the people who thought they were righteous, saying," those who say they can see will be made blind and those who are called blind shall see". (That's a paraphrase from my memory ). See the books; Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John. These guys new Christ and hung out with him and compiled accounts of his life years later after his resurrection and assention. They realized he wasnt coming back a soon as they hoped:):):)

Many direct quotes from Jesus himself.

So if you believe he represents God, as I definitely do, then he absolutely loves homosexuel people and is an advocate for all good hearted souls.


Premium Member
Apparently God likes to make creatures so that they create drama. Why else set rules in opposition to people's nature.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Apparently God likes to make creatures so that they create drama. Why else set rules in opposition to people's nature.

Maybe we are all just some experiment God has made in order to see what happens? Or perhaps God has a bet with Satan to see how many people will jump through His hoops for the prospect of Heaven?

(Incidentally, this is how I interpreted Christianity and indeed many religious teachings about morality as a child.)

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Maybe we are all just some experiment God has made in order to see what happens? Or perhaps God has a bet with Satan to see how many people will jump through His hoops for the prospect of Heaven?
I've considered that as a possibility. Or some alien life that created life here in order to learn more about themselves.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I wonder if we've managed to teach them anything. Hmmm.
It'll be something that is either profoundly disappointing and soul crushing, such as a realization that the level of violence, blood lust, and overall stupidity is truly a part of them, or something profoundly groundbreaking, such as testing other dimensions of reality, black matter, or other things that we are just learning about, or things we don't even know of. Maybe those fading lights off in the distant universe are just the aliens, god, or whatever/whoever, pulling the plug on our expirement?


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
It'll be something that is either profoundly disappointing and soul crushing, such as a realization that the level of violence, blood lust, and overall stupidity is truly a part of them, or something profoundly groundbreaking, such as testing other dimensions of reality, black matter, or other things that we are just learning about, or things we don't even know of. Maybe those fading lights off in the distant universe are just the aliens, god, or whatever/whoever, pulling the plug on our expirement?

Maybe it's both. As to the distant fading lights, maybe this whole reality TV show that is earth's existence is loosing viewers! Eeek!


bible reader
If God dislikes gays, then why oh why, dose GOD CREATE THEM ? What do you think ?

The fact of the matter is that we have to go back to the garden of Eden. Adam and eve were perfect and that is what god had intended originally for us. With the choice that Adam and Eve made they lost the perfect state which they had. once imperfect they could no longer genetically that is produce perfect offspring. The more offspring they had the more diluted (for lack of a better word) and imperfect they became. Now we are all born imperfect with different imperfections. I believe people can be born gay and can choose to be gay, but I also have seen brothers overcome that imperfection. So any natural sinful tendency can be overcome but is a lot of work.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
The fact of the matter is that we have to go back to the garden of Eden. Adam and eve were perfect and that is what god had intended originally for us. With the choice that Adam and Eve made they lost the perfect state which they had. once imperfect they could no longer genetically that is produce perfect offspring. The more offspring they had the more diluted (for lack of a better word) and imperfect they became. Now we are all born imperfect with different imperfections. I believe people can be born gay and can choose to be gay, but I also have seen brothers overcome that imperfection. So any natural sinful tendency can be overcome but is a lot of work.

Can something perfect lose its perfection?
If yes, can God lose His perfection?
If no, is He "more" perfect than Adam and Eve?


- viole


bible reader
Can something perfect lose its perfection?
If yes, can God lose His perfection?
If no, is He "more" perfect than Adam and Eve?


- viole
there is no wickedness or imperfection in god he is perfect and complete the perfect combination of power,love, justice, and wisdom. for god to be powerless is impossible, for god to be unloving is impossible, for him to be unjust is impossible for god to be unwise is impossible. his perfect nature does not allow him to do any of these things just mentioned


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
Well then God must obviously have no problem with gays, as I do believe.


bible reader
Well then God must obviously have no problem with gays, as I do believe.
well god does have a problem with the act of being gay just as any sexual immoral person. God dislikes anything that goes against what he intended for humanity. he dislikes those actions and he wants us to change it. some of us are born with anger issues or are born or prone to some tendencies due to genetics, but we can overcome our imperfections. I like what god tells us in Ezekiel 18:23