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No overwhelming historical proof: Why I doubt Jesus


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
This reminds me of a story I heard once about an ancient and powerful Emperor. He apparently wore magical Empirical robes that were so beautiful that they could only be perceived by people who saw with spiritual eyes. No one who saw with only material eyes could not see them at all.

If the people had spiritual eyes they would never have been fooled in the first place as the spiritual senses are acutely tuned by God to recognise truth only and acknowledge it.

The spiritual senses never acknowledge falsehood.


Active Member
This is why I don't believe in prophets. Almighty God doesn't need them.
Humans trying to get others to believe implausible things are who needs prophets.

~;> even us dont believe in prophets
during this present time of ours
coz as they say
He that speaks of himself seeks his own glory: but he that seeks his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

that is why we dont believe

as the written words of what is good and
cannot lie help those good people before
to write something which is what we considered now
a overwhelmin written facts
I have not written unto you because all of you know not the truth, but because all of you know it, and that no lie is of the truth.
Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denies the Father and the Son.
Whosoever denies the Son, the same has not the Father: he that acknowledges the Son has the Father also.
Let that therefore abide in you, which all of you have heard from the beginning. If that which all of you have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, all of you also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father.
And this is the promise that he has promised us, even eternal life.


unto all always


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
But nearly always it does. Ive been around plenty of people who sincerely believed that they could see things nobody else did. Usually the result of heavy drug abuse, but sometimes it just happens for no discernible reason.

On the other hand, there is evidence I would expect if Christian people were really experiencing something beyond my ability. They would behave differently from the rest of us, better than the rest of us. But they don't. One would expect that after 2000 years of being led by Jesus and the Holy Ghost towards God, Christian culture would be superior.
But it is not.

I don't think that means none of them have been able to see something others have not or are not of upright character but you make a very valid point. The behaviour must go hand in hand with the name.

But we should always look at the Prophets and Their lives and their Books not the followers.

If we ponder and contemplate their Words we may also find or discover other truths and things we were unaware of previously.

But we need to do so with a humble posture of learning not in a prideful way. See how the mountain stands tall above everything and the river is placed lower? Where does the water run? It runs to the river which places itself lower. The same with truth. Truth flows to the humble but deserts the proud.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
The first would be crowds. A bunch of people saw that Jesus guy dragged through the streets to His death. Then they spent the next couple of days eating and hanging out with family, as people do on holidays. So lots of people, regardless of how they viewed Jesus, knew about the events of Friday. Jesus, Alive!, would be a huge big deal. A secret like that cannot be kept. People would care, even if they didn't believe in the Trinity. And Jesus was around for almost 40 more days. Then He Ascended to Heaven. The crowds would be wild.
Would he be recognizable? He was thrashed so good he should look a lot like hamburger meat. People can be unrecognizable just by a weight change, a change in clothes, and a new hairstyle.

They would want to know everything possible about His prior life and lineage and teachings and Everything. The spot He was born, His girlfriends, the spot from which He ascended
This is why there are lots of Jesus "fanfics". They didn't have details so they made it up.

The remarkable lack of historical evidence, when it should exist in piles, is why I doubt that the character in the New Testament is more than a legend created later, for the purposes of humans. Nothing to do with God.
I agree that it if Jesus existed, he was just some preacher and everything else was embellished later. For people who think it's unlikely, remember celebrity worship or any kind of fandom where a serious fan nearly cries and faints because they touched a kleenex some celebrity used to blow their nose. It's not that far of a jump into worship.

Even the writers of Captain America, someone who isn't even pretending to be real, had to deal with death threats when some sort of "he was with the bad guys all along" plot came round recently. If that doesn't show how irrational devotion can be, I don't know what would.

g2perk said:
For someone that did not exist His story is being told even by those who hate Him. The proof is His words.
Noting a fandom does not prove the subject of the fandom exists in reality.

The difference between Jesus Christ and others is simple to believers but mind blowing to unbelievers. Jesus wants his children to KNOW him first, then know his word. You can read that bible until you are blue in the face and never understand it. Its only when you have a relationship with the almighty, He will give you understanding of His word.
I asked God about that very thing. He said humans wrote the bible and most of that stuff He didn't even say or do. Now what?

Someone said "If you believe in a Virgin Mary, you will believe in anything". It is a just a different level of credulity that I cannot understand.
What gets even more amusing is when Christians say that only abstinence is effective at preventing pregnancies and yet believe Jesus was born of a VIRGIN ...
Christ and Bible can only ever be truly appreciated by the spiritually minded. The atheist and materialist are deprived of knowing their true value because they see with material eyes only.
I am spiritually minded. I also know better than to make a book anything more than a collection of ink and paper.

That being said, you have clearly created a fictional ''version'' of the Scripture. In the Bible, Jesus not only performs miracles, so forth, He doesn't even have a human father. Where are you getting this ''average'' character from? Not the text.
He's average from the standpoint of ancient literary tropes.

I would contend that is highly unlikely that /deified teacher cult could have started in the timeframe that it did, without clear reasons, for the adherents, to be adhering to Jesus.
Dude, people put "Jedi" on censuses. Apparently it doesn't take much time at all.

It takes spiritual eyes and ears to understand Christ and to those whose spiritual eyes and ears are open and hear we don't require any evidence. To us its as clear as day.
When I ramp up my spiritual sight, I notice that any "messengers" don't even matter, but the Way itself.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
Would he be recognizable? He was thrashed so good he should look a lot like hamburger meat. People can be unrecognizable just by a weight change, a change in clothes, and a new hairstyle.

This is why there are lots of Jesus "fanfics". They didn't have details so they made it up.

I agree that it if Jesus existed, he was just some preacher and everything else was embellished later. For people who think it's unlikely, remember celebrity worship or any kind of fandom where a serious fan nearly cries and faints because they touched a kleenex some celebrity used to blow their nose. It's not that far of a jump into worship.

Even the writers of Captain America, someone who isn't even pretending to be real, had to deal with death threats when some sort of "he was with the bad guys all along" plot came round recently. If that doesn't show how irrational devotion can be, I don't know what would.

Noting a fandom does not prove the subject of the fandom exists in reality.

I asked God about that very thing. He said humans wrote the bible and most of that stuff He didn't even say or do. Now what?

What gets even more amusing is when Christians say that only abstinence is effective at preventing pregnancies and yet believe Jesus was born of a VIRGIN ...

I am spiritually minded. I also know better than to make a book anything more than a collection of ink and paper.

He's average from the standpoint of ancient literary tropes.

Dude, people put "Jedi" on censuses. Apparently it doesn't take much time at all.

When I ramp up my spiritual sight, I notice that any "messengers" don't even matter, but the Way itself.

None of God's Messengers ever wanted to be Messengers. They certainly never wanted to be worshipped. They came to educate and transform our characters.

Yet many just now worship the Teacher and ignore the Teachings and Way.

Putting it this way Baha'u'llah summed it up:

"If the character of man be not changed, the futility of God's Messengers would be realised"

So unless we live the life, all the words in the world are meaningless.


Active Member
~;> someone could determine something through their naked eye
but history tell us that it is only during the time that humans discovered the atom
is the only time they believed in its existence

its just a weak arguments just to tell something that it doesnt exist becaused
theres no object to be represented
what if there's one person told unto another person that he has known something but it never existed from the thoughts of another person
would that another person considered it as it never existed
becaused that another person has no idea on that one person have known

by the way
as they say no one could imagine anything
to imagine something atleast
theyve heard it before
theyve seen it and probably
theyve felt smell and even tasted it before
coz after only that is the proper time
that someone could use their so called imagination


unto all always


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Could be true, however so many Christians today believe in a personal Jesus. He's a lot like Krishna now. It is coincidental that 'Krishna' and 'Christ' sound kind of the same, but many believers seem to think of them in the same way, too. Many accept Jesus as their 'Personal lord and savior', yet they don't seem to realize they've become Hindus. Krishna is quite popular, and so is a personal Jesus.

Check out this list of similarities:


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I personally don't believe Jesus ever existed, for if he did there would have been much written about him, like there was an earthquake when he was on the cross, many graves were opened and many of the dead walked though the land, walking on water and all the many other so called magic tricks he did. Lets face it, if all these thing truly happened they would have been written about by many historians, but they ain't, and the only so called proof by one historian, that is Josephus, has been proved a fake.
There are two references in Josephus to Jesus. Only one (the more spectacular one) is considered fake. The other one is - I believe - generally considered genuine but is much less remarkable (an offhand comment in his recount of the trial of a man named James where he describes him as "James, brother of Jesus, the so-called Christ").

Personally, I put the historicity of Jesus somewhere around that of Ragnar Lodbrok: probably real, possibly didn't exist at all, but certainly didn't do all the magical things attributed to him.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
The stories of Gandalf, Mohammed, Buddha, and Darth Vader are being told.
The question is "How much of the story is true and how much is fiction? "
ETA ~ I am reasonably confident that the Legend of Jesus is based on some truth. I have no real question about His existence~

Don't you believe that Mohammad(pbuh) story had was real ?


Active Member
~;> perhaps if my thoughts could only exist in the minds of my fellows then we could be as one thought but with diffirent emotions as they say
perhaps this could be true or there is something else meaning another option
that is existed before or will existed after
the time comes
which no mind could ever think of
for now

just for a thought
. ... probably someday (assuming)
not today i guess for we are not all knowing and not even a liar ... .


unto all always


Would he be recognizable? He was thrashed so good he should look a lot like hamburger meat. People can be unrecognizable just by a weight change, a change in clothes, and a new hairstyle.

This is why there are lots of Jesus "fanfics". They didn't have details so they made it up.

I agree that it if Jesus existed, he was just some preacher and everything else was embellished later. For people who think it's unlikely, remember celebrity worship or any kind of fandom where a serious fan nearly cries and faints because they touched a kleenex some celebrity used to blow their nose. It's not that far of a jump into worship.

Even the writers of Captain America, someone who isn't even pretending to be real, had to deal with death threats when some sort of "he was with the bad guys all along" plot came round recently. If that doesn't show how irrational devotion can be, I don't know what would.

Noting a fandom does not prove the subject of the fandom exists in reality.

I asked God about that very thing. He said humans wrote the bible and most of that stuff He didn't even say or do. Now what?

What gets even more amusing is when Christians say that only abstinence is effective at preventing pregnancies and yet believe Jesus was born of a VIRGIN ...

I am spiritually minded. I also know better than to make a book anything more than a collection of ink and paper.

He's average from the standpoint of ancient literary tropes.

Dude, people put "Jedi" on censuses. Apparently it doesn't take much time at all.

When I ramp up my spiritual sight, I notice that any "messengers" don't even matter, but the Way itself.
I think your a little confused kelly


None of God's Messengers ever wanted to be Messengers. They certainly never wanted to be worshipped. They came to educate and transform our characters.

Yet many just now worship the Teacher and ignore the Teachings and Way.

Putting it this way Baha'u'llah summed it up:

"If the character of man be not changed, the futility of God's Messengers would be realised"

So unless we live the life, all the words in the world are meaningless.
Like someone said once. The only bible some unbelievers may see is what's inside if you.


Could be true, however so many Christians today believe in a personal Jesus. He's a lot like Krishna now. It is coincidental that 'Krishna' and 'Christ' sound kind of the same, but many believers seem to think of them in the same way, too. Many accept Jesus as their 'Personal lord and savior', yet they don't seem to realize they've become Hindus. Krishna is quite popular, and so is a personal Jesus.

Check out this list of similarities:
I don't believe that. Most real Christians never measure up any Gods besides Jesus Christ.


I believe atheism was made up because someone hated a christian and wanted to get back at them. Why would a person hate Christ when his whole teaching is about love. The history in the bible is made up of horrible war stories wrote by men. Jesus is love.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
There is a mention of Jesus in the histories of Josephus, as a man worth something not much more than a footnote, so to speak. He said there was a man crucified under Pontius Pilate who many believe to be Messiah and that these believers still exist at the time Josephus wrote this. There is also a letter believed to be written by Pontius Pilate mentioning Jesus, which might not really be legit.

I wholeheartedly agree. If Jesus was such big news, why would Josephus make him to be not much more than a footnote?

The talmud was finished I believe by the 5th or 6th century and claims to be a compilation of oral traditions. By that time, the story of Jesus was big news. And the compilers of the Talmud wrote down the oral traditions of who the Jewish leaders saw him to be. They said Jesus studied to be a rabbi and was a very bright and precocious student, but unusually sensitive. And that Jesus quit his studies with his rabbi before he was done over a misunderstanding, and that he used his intelligence and Torah knowledge to start a new religion. But actually it was St. Paul (formerly Rabbi Saul of Tarsus) who actually created Christianity as we see much of it today. The religion of Jesus, I agree with you on this, actually got obscured very quickly.

Having spoke with a scholar familiar with the Talmud, says there were actually about a half a dozen men named Yeshua at that time in the first century. And that the Jesus myth is actually a combination of about a half a dozen different men, all amalgamated into one mythological man. That there is a historical basis for the gospels.

You forgot one detail, at the time Jesus was crucified, there was an earthquake, and many dead people came back to life and went to town and many people saw them. Unlike Jesus, who you say took a vacation his last 40 days on earth, these other dead people who came back to life were said not to be vacationing, but showed themselves to everyone in Jerusalem. Now if this really happened, don't you think Josephus would have devoted at least a long paragraph to Jesus? rather than just a blurb?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I wonder when people began to give some thought to whether Jesus ever existed as a literal person.

From what I know of Anthropology, I don't think it was a significant concern until after some centuries had passed. It may well be that it was Islam, or even Muhammad specifically. that raised the matter to the level of significant subject matter.

For the most part, religious figures tend to be considered for their messages and their inspirational value. It is almost implied that they are not expected to actually have existed.

Even Socrates in Plato's Republic is a fairly fictional character, despite having been based on the historical Socrates. I don't think all that many Hindus necessarily believe that Krishna existed and walked over Earth as Arjuna's charioteer, either. But most of all, that is not supposed to be important far as I can tell.

Christianity (and Islam)'s obsession with proclaiming to have "the truth" is very much an oddity, if not an all-out flaw.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
No overwhelming historical proof: Why I doubt Jesus

Post 4 I am reasonably confident that the Legend of Jesus is based on some truth. I have no real question about His existence~
So do I. That's why I made the distinction between Jesus and "the character in the New Testament "
Post 10
I have nearly zero doubt that the Gospels were based on a real live guy. All based on the same one, named something like Jesus.

It is Christianity that I don't think is based on Jesus.

Columbus..... all the above are sentences of yours.
Ergo, it seems that you do not doubt that Jesus the Galilean handworker probably did exist, but that you do doubt the reports of the resurrected Christ, the raiser of the dead etc? Is that about right?

If so, or if nearly so, then you are just one of the people that accept the probability of an Historical Jesus, but do not believe in, say, the Pauline Christ?

Jesus probable..... Christ no ?

If so, join the club!! :)