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Slovakia is banning Muslim immigration.


Premium Member
Well what is Islam then?

Diverse set of beliefs and practices, hardly monolithic.

Did you miss the post that the goal of Islam IS WORLD DOMINATION?
What other religion has this as a written goal one wonders?

Well, it's not that I missed the point. I think it's a strange claim to make about all of Islam from your interpretation of a couple of non-comprehensive sources.

@Smart_Guy you wanna dominate the world?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The point that I think is important is that religious fundamentalism - in general - is far too often the tail wagging the dog. This thread is about Muslim immigration, and the fact that I want to keep Islamic fundamentalists from immigrating is distinct from the issues of fundamentalism in other religions. I oppose those as well, but strictly speaking that's a topic for another thread.
Not really. It's the same thing. The OP branded all Muslims as those wanting to take over the government with Sharia law. That is false. It is not different than some looking at Christianity at judging it as a whole by the likes of the fundamentalists within it. It's the same thing, just who wants to be the right religion to dominant others. "Obama is a coward", says the OP to not do the "right thing" and allow only Christians into this society. I can imagine the Taliban saying the same thing about only allowing Muslims into Afghanistan.

This is important, because what we see over and over again on this forum is "two wrongs make it right" logic.
My point is not to say two wrongs make a right, but to point out the hypocrisy of the OP. It's the pot calling the kettle black. It's the exact same thing as what is claims is evil.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I believe the Slovakian government made a statement that they wouldn't allow Muslim immigrants because there weren't any mosques in the country, and so they wouldn't be able to integrate. I am not sure why a mosque or two could not have been built, or why this could not have simply been left in the hands of the Muslims themselves to sort out as they saw fit, as generally happens. Of course, it's more because the parties in charge suspect they'll lose approval due to a strong sense of Islamophobia within a sizable proportion of the populace.

Can you see how "Islamophobia" is such a lie - as a term? Islam is a totalitarian ideology. It is not "phobic" in any way to be suspicious of such a divisive set of ideas.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Hey WindWalker,

Have you been keeping track of how non-inclusive Muslim majority countries are? Have you, for example been tracking the fate of Christians in the ME. It is abundantly clear that in places like SA and Iran and so on, Christians are being forced out.


Premium Member
I don't have time for that. I still have Streets of Rage Remake to to get highest score in. Gotta do that before Doom is released. Not to mention Shadow Warrior 2... wait, I heard it's lobster season!

Look, the totalitarianism of Islam at work! Not only will they take over the world, they'll get the top scores on every computer game!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Name some and cite some examples please of these Christians that
attempt or espouse a goal of world domination?
Please, leave the hundreds years old ancient history of the Crusade
be dead in ancient history.
Anything past the 20th century would do just fine.
Easy: The Lord's Resistance Army, Eastern Lightning, Ku Klux Klan, Catholic Reaction Force, abortion clinic bombers/shooters, Phineas Priesthood, Concerned Christians, Aryan Nations, Neo-Nazis, Christian Identity Movement, Timothy Mcveigh, Army of God, Anti-Balaka, Provisional-IRA, National Liberation Front of Tripura, Lord's Resistance Army, Orange Volunteers, and of course the countless murders, beatings, discrimination, harassment, and other atrocious behavior from a bunch of Christians acting on their own. It's called Dominion Theology, and adherents do believe they must work towards either their own nation or the entire globe being subjugated under conservative Christian law.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I don't have time for that. I still have Streets of Rage Remake to to get highest score in. Gotta do that before Doom is released. Not to mention Shadow Warrior 2... wait, I heard it's lobster season!
I'm still terrible at the Remake, probably because I have played Streets of Rage 1 a bunch of times (the only challenge for me anymore is the boss fight with the twins), I've played 2 a few times, and I've hardly played 3, which seems to be the control set-up/play mechanism of Remake.


Premium Member
Look, the totalitarianism of Islam at work! Not only will they take over the world, they'll get the top scores on every computer game!
Um, you're still bothered with what's said about Muslims?
Don't worry about it much. Many people seem to complain about us, but they are good at heart and doing it out of worrying :)

I'm still terrible at the Remake, probably because I have played Streets of Rage 1 a bunch of times (the only challenge for me anymore is the boss fight with the twins), I've played 2 a few times, and I've hardly played 3, which seems to be the control set-up/play mechanism of Remake.
Yes, the Remake's difficulty is way higher than the originals. Remember to unlock secret characters, specially Shiva. That's guy's speed, precision and police special are awesome!
Now I'm a half way to mastering it on mania with Shiva and Max.


Premium Member
Yes, the Remake's difficulty is way higher than the originals. Remember to unlock secret characters, specially Shiva. That's guy's speed, precision and police special are awesome!
Now I'm a half way to mastering it on mania with Shiva and Max.

Shiva, being all of existence, is indeed pretty amazing.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Oh, okay. So because the infidel does it that makes it okay for Muslims to do the same thing. Don't you think you're trailing near the bottom if you're using the behaviour of the immoral non-believer as a benchmark for your own conduct? Oh, and 'it's okay because you do it too' is playground logic.

How wonderfully ironic it is that you're posting links to anti-Islamic websites to make your point.
why this lie ?

where I am posted anti-Islamic websites !!!!

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
Name some and cite some examples please of these Christians that
attempt or espouse a goal of world domination?
Please, leave the hundreds years old ancient history of the Crusade
be dead in ancient history.
Anything past the 20th century would do just fine.

Dominionist Christians of which there are plenty:

  • Michelle Bachman
  • Rick Perry
  • Ted Cruz
  • Sarah Palin
  • Ann Coulter

These people believe virulent and fierce application of Christian dogma to the laws of the United States will solve all their country's problems. Additionally, I'm confident each of these (if given the chance) would be willing to allow their religious beliefs to shape foreign policy; acting against Muslim nations that persecute Christian minorities, arming Christian militias in Africa, the Middle East etc, remaining steadfastly loyal to Israel on religious grounds, deploying ground forces to battle Islamic State across the region, trying to incite a Christian-oriented revolt against the Chinese government and so on.

These people believe Christianity is a panacea for the problems of the world at large too; hence they'd probably encourage and even use public funds to sponsor the export of Evangelical Christianity to numerous nations in Africa.

Edit: Looks like Shadow Wolf beat me to it.


Well-Known Member
Do you think President Obama would ever have the guts to do this?
Most likely not, he would take the opposite approach.

The government of Slovakia has said it will take in struggling migrants from Syria and other countries under a European Union scheme to share the burden of 40,000 new arrivals to the continent, but stipulated it will only be taking Christians, and not Muslims.

( From the article; not my words or politics)


The guts? Try the mendacity. And I certainly hope not. This is about Syrian refugees, not broader cultural and immigration policy. And Slovakia is saying, sure, if there are Christians being persecuted, we welcome those Christians with open arms. But if they are Muslims, well, no. Because we have no mosques! And also, we don't want to build those mosques!

It sucks to be Syrian, Muslim or otherwise. And in Eastern Europe in the 1940s it really sucked to be Jewish. I think that the ultraconservative religious Jews are bigoted and kind of scary. I'd still open my borders to refugees fleeing state sponsored terror. This is no different. But then, I am not surprised that conservative Christians are championing this discriminatory refugee policy. They have a track record that would suggest as much.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Dominionist Christians of which there are plenty:

  • Michelle Bachman
  • Rick Perry
  • Ted Cruz
  • Sarah Palin
  • Ann Coulter

These people believe virulent and fierce application of Christian dogma to the laws of the United States will solve all their country's problems. Additionally, I'm confident each of these (if given the chance) would be willing to allow their religious beliefs to shape foreign policy; acting against Muslim nations that persecute Christian minorities, arming Christian militias in Africa, the Middle East etc, remaining steadfastly loyal to Israel on religious grounds, deploying ground forces to battle Islamic State across the region, trying to incite a Christian-oriented revolt against the Chinese government and so on.

These people believe Christianity is a panacea for the problems of the world at large too; hence they'd probably encourage and even use public funds to sponsor the export of Evangelical Christianity to numerous nations in Africa.

Edit: Looks like Shadow Wolf beat me to it.

Interesting but hardly world spotlight material.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Excuse me, but do you know any Muslims?

Hi Jaiket,

Yes, I know several Muslims - a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny sampling of the whole. And I've debated many Muslims for several years now. And I've read several translations of the Quran. And I've read half a dozen other books on Islam and Muhammad. In fact, at the suggestion of a moderator I read a specific, very apologetic biography of Muhammad.

I can tell you specifically, that I've asked many times before, and I'll ask Muslims again now:

What unique positive messages or unique core values or morals did you learn from Islam?

(So far the answers have been not very compelling.)