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my RF journal


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
Once you club one animal you can make them fight eachother instead of using the club.
Yay dogfighting! (I guess this is also a criticism of Pokemon).

You can also catch other humans in the pokeballs, if you want to get into human trafficking.
Yes, I caught my first human slave earlier today!

I've been playing it for about eight hours today

I've basically become a survivalist nutcase who lives in a fortified compound in the middle of nowhere who goes around shooting wild animals with a cross-bow

That is not the type of person I aspire to be away from computer games!

It reminds me of the father of a kid I was at primary school with

This kid only showed up at school for two or three days each term and their father drove a battered old landrover defender and lived on a farm

One of these but more falling apart:



Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
I very rarely use my heating, it is stupidly expensive for me too, I think it is for most people now

Much cheaper to put on some extra layers and have a big mug of hot chocolate!
It gets too cold not to here... your pipes will freeze!


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
1st of February 2024

Today I have been playing a computer game called Papers Please

It is basically Sim Border Control

You play the part of a passport checker working for a fictitious tin-pot Eastern bloc republic in the early 80s that is run by some kind of authoritarian regime, it seems like quite a hell-hole really

It's really cool, there is a story to it and you get to make decisions that determine in what direction the story progresses

It made me adopt a rather immoral tactic though.........

You have to pay for your housing costs, food, heating, and medicine out of your wages and bribes

And when you **** up more than a couple of times the boss fines you. If your budget doesn't' add up then you go to prison and it's game over!

And you have a family to look after

You have to keep your son, your uncle, your wife, and your mother in law in good condition

I decided that there was (seemingly at the time) zero incentive for me to allow my family to live so stopped feeding them and paying for their medicine and so they died, but when the last one popped their clogs (the mother in law) the game ended and I lost my job because the regime wants population growth, for everyone to have big families (like in Romania in the 1980s, which lead to hundreds of thousands of orphans who were kept in horrible conditions)

I had to go back and restore a saved file and now my wife, son and uncle are dead and I'm just keeping the mother in law alive to stop me going to prison!

Screenshot 2024-02-01 031620.png

Whilst I'm toiling at some horrid border post my poor mother in law languishes in a nasty squalid hovel all on her own all day

Pretty bleak if you think about it

But it's a really fun game!

And the boss gave me a nice plaque to hang on the wall of the border post

Screenshot 2024-02-01 025009.png

Indeed so far he's given me two

It feels good to be appreciated

May add them to my CV to make me more employable IRL :D


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
2nd of February 2024

I've been told that I look like Rasputin!

I think that's awesome

I consider that a high compliment

Although my hair is more curly and I'm quite bald



Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
8th of February 2024

I don't much like reality

I'd rather live in a fantasy world

Specifically a high fantasy world, a swords and sorcery world populated with elves, ogres and gnomes, that sort of thing

I especially want to be an elven wizard - elves are cool, they have pointy ears, are good with magic, and can live for 800 years

I'd like to be an adventurer and go on quests, saving villages from rampaging goblins, retrieving ancient magical artifacts from dungeons - that sort of thing, along with a party of friends, experiencing exciting challenges and camaraderie

That's the life I want to live but sadly that would be totally impossible :(

I hope that after I die I will be reincarnated as an elven wizard, for me that would be the ideal afterlife


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
21st of February 2024

The other day some trashy Christmas pictures someone had produced came up on my Facebook feed and in a comment I called them "pure ****". And they were. They were generic Christmas kitsch. Technically mediocre and artistically dead and empty. Some Frenchman (possibly the artist) told me I was nasty and rude and I told him that it was the pictures in question that were nasty and rude and that it had zero artistic merit. I should have also told him that better works of had passed out of my backside and plopped into my toilet bowl and if the person who made it wasn't self taught then they should seek a refund from wherever they learnt to draw. But they were ****.

Judge for yourself. Here's one of them:


I think it's an abomination. Would anyone actually hang it on a wall????????? Would anyone actually display it in an art gallery???????????

At the absolute best it could pass as a very forgettable Christmas card, the type you'd give to someone who lives across the street whose name you can just about half remember and only buy because they were on sale for a discount for one reason or another

If I made it I most certainly would not boast about it on Facebook

It does actually look a lot like the work of generative AI too. Indeed I hope it is, as that would mean there is not a terrible human artist out there producing trash such as this

I am now going to eat a 600g trifle all to myself and then have an early night

I am diabetic and probably shouldn't eat a 600g trifle all to myself but I no longer care about my physical health and am quickly losing the will to live indeed much of my will to live has long since evaporated. I am however in good spirits and generally happy. How does that work out? I have no idea. But then I suppose I am under no obligation to have to make sense to people. If people find me nonsensical and can't understand me then I think that's firmly a "them" problem. From my perspective everything's A-OK and none of anyone else's business.

I had a lovely cheese pie in a café earlier today, it came with chunky chips, gravy, mushy peas, and mint sauce. Very nice. I had it with a cocktail of espresso, Baileys, and vodka. It had three or four coffee beans on top of it too, which was a nice touch. I may recreate it at some point, only bigger and more boozy.​


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
26th of February 2023

Today I met up with some Christian friends of mine who I hadn't met in person for months, it was good to see them

This has got me back on track with Christianity, I strayed quite far from Christianity but am back at it now

In the town we met up in there are two establishments with the same name

One is a rather seedy greasy-spoon cafe where they serve strong coffee and fried crap (the one we didn't meet in)

And the other is a national chain of restaurants (the one we met in)

I was going to go to the scummy one but thankfully I didn't and went to the correct one which is just as well as they are both on opposite sides of town

****ing expensive though, but nice

Had a lovely cheesecake, which was nice!


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
26th of February 2023

Today I met up with some Christian friends of mine who I hadn't met in person for months, it was good to see them

This has got me back on track with Christianity, I strayed quite far from Christianity but am back at it now

In the town we met up in there are two establishments with the same name

One is a rather seedy greasy-spoon cafe where they serve strong coffee and fried crap (the one we didn't meet in)

And the other is a national chain of restaurants (the one we met in)

I was going to go to the scummy one but thankfully I didn't and went to the correct one which is just as well as they are both on opposite sides of town

****ing expensive though, but nice

Had a lovely cheesecake, which was nice!
What kind of cheesecake?


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
What kind of cheesecake?
It was a standard cheesecake with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream and granules of caramel, with a kind of drizzle over it that was some kind of syrup!

Beautiful, would have it again. But it would have been nice if the portion was just a little bigger!


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
2nd of March 2024

They don't make TV like this anymore, I think these are pure genius:

Just discovered RF doesn't allow more than five embedded videos in a single post! What a scandal! o_O


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
17th of March 2024

I like Wizard hats

Earlier today I found a Wizard hat for sale on the internet...........

It costs £300 which is waaaaaaaaaaay beyond the budget I have for crap

And if I wore it I'd look like a nutter :(

Because I'm not actually a Wizard :(

There is no actual reason for me to buy it and I'll probably forget about them by the time I wake up tomorrow...........

I wish it was possible for me to become an actual mage :(

But why do Wizard's hats so often have stars on them?

Pic related:


Saint Frankenstein

Wanderer From Afar
Premium Member
17th of March 2024

I like Wizard hats

Earlier today I found a Wizard hat for sale on the internet...........

It costs £300 which is waaaaaaaaaaay beyond the budget I have for crap

And if I wore it I'd look like a nutter :(

Because I'm not actually a Wizard :(

There is no actual reason for me to buy it and I'll probably forget about them by the time I wake up tomorrow...........

I wish it was possible for me to become an actual mage :(

But why do Wizard's hats so often have stars on them?

Pic related:

View attachment 89522
That's a good question. Would you want one with or without stars?


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
17th of March 2024

The other day I randomly remembered a cartoon that was on when I was a kid

It was called Ulysses 31 and is a kind of sci-fi take on Greek mythology

It features a kind of wacky space Jesus (as the main protagonist) and Greek Gods in space and an annoying little robot side-kick and some funny blue people

The theme is really catchy, here it is (it doesn't really get going till half way through!)

I think all the episodes are out on YouTube


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
21st of March 2023

It's almost exactly twenty years since I went mad at university trying to launch a mass peace movement....

I am now twenty years older and twenty years wiser

My first attempt failed as I was madly insane and out of touch with reality

I am now in my right mind and firmly in-touch with reality

I now plan to go back to my old ways

I have plans and ambitions

I look forward to seeing what will happen

In 2004 I was not ready for my task, far from it

Now that we are in 2024 I think that I finally am


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
27th of March 2024

Is there anything anyone would like me to blog about?
Any issue you'd like to see me address?

Please let me know, I'm taking requests! :cool:

Also, I have moved all my blog/website contact from a site that was hosted on Wix to one that is hosted on Blogger

It's the same blog/website, it just has a different domain name and is hosted by a different provider

The new address for my same old blog is: Madaba.info


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
28th of March 2024

I have started a video blog on my website at Madaba.info

Here is my latest (indeed my first) video:

In it I introduce my YouTube channel and my intentions for it - at least two videos per week!

I also say what I'm about

I had to make it on my old computer as my new computer has started making an annoying rattling noise which would have disrupted the recording!

I am feeling a massive feeling of trepidation right now, it's a big move to go ahead and post an actual video of yourself as I am now

Also the top of my head is out of shot - next video I will do it differently!