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Mississippi Governor Proclaims Confederate Heritage Month

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
FWIW, I agree with you and the others who have pointed out this bad behavior. In my experience, MAGA Christians (and most conservatives in general) normally react angrily, rudely, and irrationally to liberals or to anyone else who disagrees with their political and religious beliefs. I'll admit that there are occasions when I get too angry over some of the posts I read, but that's when I realize I need to step away and take a break from the forum for a while.
They are being ginned up by the likes of Sebastian Gorka, Dennis Prager, Steve Bannon, et al.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
And yet here we are calmly exercising independent thought while you regurgitate canned political talking points at us, while trying to write off an entire population of people.

Do you know what psychological projection is?
I get it, no one likes to think they aren't perfect and leftists are intently self absorbed.

Yes and I also know that leftists are incapable of self examination.
FWIW, I agree with you and the others who have pointed out this bad behavior. In my experience, MAGA Christians (and most conservatives in general) normally react angrily, rudely, and irrationally to liberals or to anyone else who disagrees with their political and religious beliefs. I'll admit that there are occasions when I get too angry over some of the posts I read, but that's when I realize I need to step away and take a break from the forum for a while.
In my experience leftist atheist and Democrats in general is they are loud and obnoxious and have no capacity for self examination. I started a thread one time on another site which asked the leftists there to explain why they hate Trump so much. They actually tried to suggest that they didn't hate trump. It's not that leftists hate trump that bothers me it's that think everyone actually believes their BS.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
They are being ginned up by the likes of Sebastian Gorka, Dennis Prager, Steve Bannon, et al.

They remind me of Donald Trump, and that is not a compliment. The vast majority of them are professing Christians who don't appear to care that their behavior towards those they dislike (e.g., liberals, undocumented immigrants, LGBTQ+ people) is the polar opposite of what the Bible says about how they should behave, such as "love your neighbor as yourself," "love your enemies," "turn the other cheek," and "treat others the way you want to be treated."

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
They remind me of Donald Trump, and that is not a compliment. The vast majority of them are professing Christians who don't appear to care that their behavior towards those they dislike (e.g., liberals, undocumented immigrants, LGBTQ+ people) is the polar opposite of what the Bible says about how they should behave, like "love your neighbor as yourself," "love your enemies," "turn the other cheek," and "treat others the way you want to be treated."
In love when leftists fancy themselves bible scholars. Does love your neighbor as yourself mean let people do whatever they want? Love your enemies means let your enemies destroy you? Turn the other cheek means you can be abused? Treat others the way you want to be treated means people can do whatever they like to you? I notice people only listen to half the message. Disagreement= hatred right?
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Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Ok. You don't like it. Should they be prevented from doing it because you dont like it?

That's complicated due to the likelihood of racial gerrymandering, since voting out politicians who support it would be a good democratic way of doing it.

They shouldn't be prevented from it because I don't like it. Any preventing of it should be fairly democratically decided, emphasis on the fair. Otherwise, they are alienating close to 40% of their citzens by literally (in the literal sense!) celebrating a history that enslaved people like them and proclaimed them as unworthy of equality.

Saint Frankenstein

Wanderer From Afar
Premium Member
I have both Confederate and Union ancestors and I don't see the problem actually.
Same. My dad and this family are from New Orleans. I understand both sides of the argument but the truth is, Southerners are a proud people and to many of them, the Confederate flag and such just represents Southern pride (like with the band Lynyrd Skynyrd). At that point, I don't see the point of arguing. (I don't understand the people who aren't Southern at all displaying it, like people here in Ohio. That's just weird.)


Well-Known Member
Same. My dad and this family are from New Orleans. I understand both sides of the argument but the truth is, Southerners are a proud people and to many of them, the Confederate flag and such just represents Southern pride (like with the band Lynyrd Skynyrd). At that point, I don't see the point of arguing. (I don't understand the people who aren't Southern at all displaying it, like people here in Ohio. That's just weird.)
No it does not represent pride in the south any more than the Nazi flag represents my pride in my German ancestry.
It was the battle flag which represented the army that fought for slavery.

Saint Frankenstein

Wanderer From Afar
Premium Member
No it does not represent pride in the south any more than the Nazi flag represents my pride in my German ancestry.
It was the battle flag which represented the army that fought for slavery.
To you, it doesn't. But it is used like that a lot of the time.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
From the link in the OP....
“Whereas, as we honor all who lost their lives in this war, it is important for all Americans to reflect upon our nation’s past, to gain insight from our mistakes and successes, and to come to a full understanding that the lessons learned yesterday and today will carry us through tomorrow if we carefully and earnestly strive to understand and appreciate our heritage and our opportunities which lie before us,” says the governor’s proclamation, which is dated April 12. “Now, therefore, I, Tate Reeves, Governor of the State of Mississippi, hereby proclaim the month of April 2024 as Confederate Heritage Month in the State of Mississippi.”

I wonder to what extent celebrations & events will
seriously address the mistakes & lessons referred to?


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I think it's the tradition of southern heritage and not the hate that is being celebrated.

There's a lot more than just the injustices as different cultures abound around the country with their own unique traditions and customs not found anywhere else in the nation.

The south and the land of Dixie is no exception to the rule.

The South has existed for a long time before the Confederacy and a long time after it.
Celebrating its uniqueness seems totally fine, cool and warranted.

Celebrating the Confederacy itself...nup.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
If they want to. That's the effect of a supposedly free society. You aren't required to attend the celebration. If anyone is required to attend I would be vehemently opposed to that.

The answer to everything in a 'supposedly free society' becomes 'if they want to' I guess.
It becomes interesting who 'they' is, and where the state puts its interest and resources, as opposed to private actors.

The state...a state in the United States of America...is declaring a month long recognition of the time it tried to secede. It's not a celebration with a long history, but rather a more recent invention. It's curious to me.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Correct. Same sex "marriage" is like a marriage in the same way a bicycle is a motorcycle. As to gender there's two genders. Everything else is an anomaly.

If by answered you mean not answered then yes.

I'm talking about actual day to day survival like when people in the "wrong" groups speak out and say things that people in the correct group dont like. The people in the correct group feel completely justified in ruining the lives of people in the wrong groups when they speak up.
No, marriage is just an agreement between two people and made public that they are with each other. Hopefully for life. It is no different from a different sex marriage where people agree to be true to each other, and if they want to raise their children together. Gay people are only stopped from having each other's children, but so what? In countless marriages there are already children involved. Sometimes from both parents, but quite often not. If the children of a straight marriage are from different parents are they not "really married". Marriage equality only means that people get to marry the one that they love.

As to gender, you are more than a generation behind the times scientifically. Yes, for well over 90% of us there are two genders. You want to assume that is always the case and science says that you are wrong for a whole bunch of reasons.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
A thought that comes to mind regarding this issue is that much of this seems to be a consequence of a general failure in society in coming to terms with its own history, both in the positive and the negative. Part of this is the result of generations of Americans being spoon-fed a kind of "whitewashing" of history based more in mythic, idealized views of America and Americans.

In a way, the "Lost Cause" approach to Civil War history also served Northern interests to a large degree. It's probably the reason why "Confederate Heritage" was treated more as kind of a sentimental, folksy, regional peculiarity which was largely perceived as benign. Even if the Confederacy had been considered treasonous, once they were defeated and no longer a threat, they were once again "part of the family" and granted certain indulgences. Even their songs, flags, major personages, monuments, etc. were absorbed and assimilated into the overall tapestry and mythos of Americana.

All the North really wanted was for slavery to be ended on paper. They ostensibly had no issue with segregation, racism, or white supremacy, since the North was largely of the same mindset anyway. The Northern cause was about preserving the Union, followed by an orderly reconstruction and an amicable reconciliation, which is what the Union government wanted. The Northern industrialists also got what they wanted in the ridding of the outmoded plantation economy, along with a free hand in the West, which would remain "wild" for the following few decades. (The Wild West was also woven quite heavily into the same tapestry of American folklore.)

It would seem that whatever they're trying to do in Mississippi with this "Confederate Heritage Month" likely has very little to do with the history of the Civil War itself, but possibly the history after the Civil War, even including recent history up to contemporary politics.

I suppose a Northern state could respond by proclaiming a "Union Heritage Month," but I wonder what that would look like. Or maybe we could have "American Heritage Month" (if we don't have one already).

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
The answer to everything in a 'supposedly free society' becomes 'if they want to' I guess.
It becomes interesting who 'they' is, and where the state puts its interest and resources, as opposed to private actors.

The state...a state in the United States of America...is declaring a month long recognition of the time it tried to secede. It's not a celebration with a long history, but rather a more recent invention. It's curious to me.
Why is it curious to you? Are they celebrating the fact they tried to secede? They fought for what they believed in just like other people today fight for things they believe that somebody else might find reprehensible.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Do you know that I havent walked away from one friendship because the person was a Biden supporter but I have lost a number of "friends" because of my support for trump. I admit it's not all my Democrat friends but I've never dropped a friendship over politics but libs have.
And they were right to do it, IMO.

Trump and Biden aren't two sides of the same coin.

Biden is a flawed right-leaning neo-liberal, while Trump is a corrupt fascist who tried to stage a coup by overturning the results of a democratic election.

I remember an era when (or maybe I was just naive enough to believe that) parties across the political spectrum were all trying to make their country better and just disagreed on how to do it. Over the last few decades, though, it seems that the far right is just interested in burning everything down, not making things better.


Veteran Member
Why is it curious to you? Are they celebrating the fact they tried to secede? They fought for what they believed in just like other people today fight for things they believe that somebody else might find reprehensible.
I think fighting to keep human beings enslaved is reprehensible. And I think everyone should find such a thing reprehensible. You don't?

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
No, marriage is just an agreement between two people and made public that they are with each other. Hopefully for life. It is no different from a different sex marriage where people agree to be true to each other, and if they want to raise their children together. Gay people are only stopped from having each other's children, but so what? In countless marriages there are already children involved. Sometimes from both parents, but quite often not. If the children of a straight marriage are from different parents are they not "really married". Marriage equality only means that people get to marry the one that they love.

As to gender, you are more than a generation behind the times scientifically. Yes, for well over 90% of us there are two genders. You want to assume that is always the case and science says that you are wrong for a whole bunch of reasons.
I agree with most of what you said in the first paragraph. The flaw in your argument though is the very last sentence. I am going to ask you a straight forward question and I hope you can give me a straight forward answer. Is "love" a requirement for marriage?

So you want to assume you know what I assume about gender. Fascinating. I would submit I observe two genders I dont assume them. I known that those two genders account for well over 90% of the people we see. I also observe that a tiny portion of people that dont fit neatly into either of those categories for reasons related to biology. I also observe that the vast majority of people who presently claim they are neither male nor female do so for reasons that have nothing to do biology. It's based on belief, thoughts and feelings. Fine if belief, thoughts and feelings actually brought things into existence I would be a billionaire and right now I would be on an island i own with my super model wife all of which I brought into existence with my beliefs, thoughts and feelings. I sure as heck would be taking to you. Things aren't true simply because you believe them, think them or feel them.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
And they were right to do it, IMO.

Trump and Biden aren't two sides of the same coin.

Biden is a flawed right-leaning neo-liberal, while Trump is a corrupt fascist who tried to stage a coup by overturning the results of a democratic election.

I remember an era when (or maybe I was just naive enough to believe that) parties across the political spectrum were all trying to make their country better and just disagreed on how to do it. Over the last few decades, though, it seems that the far right is just interested in burning everything down, not making things better.
You're right, biden is a horrible human being.