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Wuhan Institute of Virology Issues Dire Warning

We Never Know

No Slack
Imagine that. The source of where covid came from is predicting more outbreaks..

Wuhan Institute of Virology Issues Dire Warning

"The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China is warning that another coronavirus outbreak is “highly likely.”

The FBI and other U.S. agencies have concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic resulted from a leak from the Wuhan lab.

A study in Wuhan found that as many as 20 species of coronavirus are “highly likely” to cause an outbreak among humans. (Trending: 4 Uncomfortable Facts Supporting Biden Impeachment)

The Wuhan scientists documented their study of 40 coronavirus species and identified 20 as “high risk.”

“It is almost certain that there will be future disease emergence and it is highly likely a CoV [coronavirus] disease again,” the study found."

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The FBI and other U.S. agencies have concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic resulted from a leak from the Wuhan lab.

Your link is from MSN, but MSN's source link is to an opinion piece from the extreme right-wing Analyzing America by Mike Fishmore.
I have no idea who he is.

Anyway - the FBI's assessment was rated "moderate confidence," and whether or not Covid originated with the Wuhan Lab is still contested.


We Never Know

No Slack
Your link is from MSN, but MSN's source link is to an opinion piece from the extreme right-wing Analyzing America by Mike Fishmore.
I have no idea who he is.

Anyway - the FBI's assessment was rated "moderate confidence," and whether or not Covid originated with the Wuhan Lab is still contested.

Lol Try again. It isn't extreme right wing.
It is right bias though

Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
MBFC Country Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic


Well-Known Member
Lol Try again. It isn't extreme right wing.
It is right bias though

Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
MBFC Country Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic

Not American Insider. MSN's link is to Analyzing America.

Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 11.56.15 AM.png



Veteran Member
Imagine that. The source of where covid came from is predicting more outbreaks..
I would be surprised if this is false

In nov 2019, 3 high Chinese officials made a creepy remark when the American interviewer made some not so nice remarks about China

His creepy remark was "we will see if you Americans know fear, when 10.000 Americans will die...a few month later Covid started, and soon the counter hit 10.000

No coincidence IMO, seems clear to me that there are links to China, and Wuhan

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Lol Try again. It isn't extreme right wing.
It is right bias though

Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
MBFC Country Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
Okay, I see what happened. Your OP had more than one link from your copy and paste. The original article was from America Insider, which of course the MBFC rating that you copied. They are of Medium Credibility. That is not good. But the article itself got its claim about where the virus came from was Analyzing America. Not every story is going to have the same rating. When a story relies on a poor source, as this one did, it gives the story a lack of credibility.

Now that being said, we have been warned about the possibility of this sort of outbreak for some time. As to the source of the outbreak, that would seem to be a science problem, not an FBI problem. From what I have seen scientists say that this was not a lab grown virus. Which means that it could happen again.