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Will I be forced to go to Heaven?

Ðanisty;836306 said:
FerventGodSeeker posted something in another thread that got me thinking:
I'm not a Christian. I don't like God and I have no interest in going to heaven. I do feel like I'm a good person though, so this has got me a bit worried. What if God thinks I'm good enough to go to heaven? We he make me go? I've heard others say that God will change my mind and make me love him. Nevermind that argument because I don't believe it's possible. I'm just curious as to whether God would force someone to go to heaven if they don't want to go.

Actually no Danisty. The concept of heaven is limited to only certain religious beliefs. Unless you believe in them, they have absolutely nothing to do with your spirit after it leaves this material realm. Im sure you have heard the term that we create our own "heaven" and "hell". That means that we choose the destination for ourselves. That is unless you follow a sheeplike fundie path where everything is decided for you. So no worries. :beach:


Well-Known Member
If your so confident that you can create your own reality why don't you go drive your lamburgini and own a quiznos. But if heaven and hell are real then they are real regardless of what people think.


One of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity (most kinds anyway, some of the more modern versions such as Calvinism have changed this) is that God endowed us with free will and will not violate it - He wants us to choose Him out of love, not to force us. The answer to your question, then, is no, God will not force anyone.
My thoughts exactly.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Ðanisty;836306 said:
FerventGodSeeker posted something in another thread that got me thinking:
I'm not a Christian. I don't like God and I have no interest in going to heaven. I do feel like I'm a good person though, so this has got me a bit worried. What if God thinks I'm good enough to go to heaven? We he make me go? I've heard others say that God will change my mind and make me love him. Nevermind that argument because I don't believe it's possible. I'm just curious as to whether God would force someone to go to heaven if they don't want to go.

The thing is, you can't get to heaven unless you know where it is and how to get there. It doesn't happen automatically, you actually have to purposely travel there.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Will I be forced to go to Heaven?

There are three things that I understand could happen:
  • The entity goes to a spiritual existence to prepare for another incarnation. This next physical existence could be anything or anywhere and is not an existence just afforded to this physical planet. It is usually some plan or purpose that can be achieved solely for the entity or shared among other physical (familiar) entities.
  • The entity goes to a spiritual existence and can stay in the spiritual realm most likely to perform some responsibility. This job depends on the continual purpose of the individual.
  • You can decide to completely terminate your existence, forever.
Again all these decisions or choices are decided only by the individual and are precluded by anyone as a judgment or passed as a sentencing.

Yes to the first two but the last one...

I've never heard of it and can't understand how it would even be possible. The Ancients of Days can annihilate a being completely, this will most likely be Lucifer's eventual fate, but the specifics of this are unrevealed.

I can't believe it's possible to annihilate God energy (spirit) so perhaps this annihilation is simply a forced separation of the spirit from the personality it adopted?


Well-Known Member
The Ancients of Days can annihilate a being completely, this will most likely be Lucifer's eventual fate, but the specifics of this are unrevealed.
Unless you believe Revelation- And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet [are], and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. (revelation 20:10)

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
If your so confident that you can create your own reality why don't you go drive your lamburgini and own a quiznos. But if heaven and hell are real then they are real regardless of what people think.

How can one not create their own reality?

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Can you wake up tommorow and be 10 feet tall?

No, but that's not within my power. I create my own reality because my reality is the product of my mind. I will not survive being hit by a train because my mind cannot control the survivability of the collison. But, I create the train by interpreting data given to me.

The train objectively is not what I interpret it to be.

Danisty's heaven is not what your heaven will be.


Well-Known Member
But then the diffrence is in the interpratation not in whether the train really exists. You know that the train really exists, someone could go on a huge rabbit trail to try and say it doesn't or that they made it exists, but in a practical sense there is no point to. When it hits you it's all over.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
But then the diffrence is in the interpratation not in whether the train really exists. You know that the train really exists, someone could go on a huge rabbit trail to try and say it doesn't or that they made it exists, but in a practical sense there is no point to. When it hits you it's all over.

My reality is not contingent upon the state of the thing I observe, but only in its interpretation.

When that train hits me (and I'm sure it will be Hume driving! :)), it will be over. There goes my reality!


Just me
Premium Member
But then the diffrence is in the interpratation not in whether the train really exists. You know that the train really exists, someone could go on a huge rabbit trail to try and say it doesn't or that they made it exists, but in a practical sense there is no point to. When it hits you it's all over.
Reality is not existence, they are different things.


The Feisty Penguin
Ðanisty;836306 said:
FerventGodSeeker posted something in another thread that got me thinking:
I'm not a Christian. I don't like God and I have no interest in going to heaven. I do feel like I'm a good person though, so this has got me a bit worried. What if God thinks I'm good enough to go to heaven? We he make me go? I've heard others say that God will change my mind and make me love him. Nevermind that argument because I don't believe it's possible. I'm just curious as to whether God would force someone to go to heaven if they don't want to go.

I hope not Danisty, I'm looking forward to visiting your condo in hell :)


Well-Known Member
Realty is not existence.
But it sure make selling houses easier ; )
Just kidding, the reality of that situation is the existence of the train, just like it was about the existence of heaven and hell before, if they are real then it doesn't matter what people say they are, they will effect them in the same way.


Not your average Mormon
Now, I have heard everything...:rolleyes:
Just curious, is this just some sort of generalized slam against Mormonism, or was it the comment of a truly informed individual? Danisty said she prefers the LDS concept of Heaven to that of other Christian denominations. Would you care to explain why the Heaven of other Christian denominations appeals to you more? I will be watching for your answer.


Well-Known Member
Wow, this took off...lol.
In the Baha'i view, you'll be going to the same afterlife as everyone else!

The only expected difference is that our initial situation will be spiritually close to God (the definition of "Heaven") or spiritually remote from God ("hell") as the direct result of whether or not we've chosen to acquire the spiritual virtues various scriptures commend to us.
Okay, I could very well be confused here, but it sounds like you are saying heaven and hell are in the same place.

Danisty, God won't make you do anything, according to LDS theology. He won't make you love Him and He won't make you go to Heaven. But I've got to admit, I'm one of those who think you'll end up changing your mind on your own. Remember, if we LDS are right about how this all works, the decision isn't going to be made the day you die anyway. If you were to die today, you'd have at least another thousand years to think things over, maybe many times that long. When it comes to people changing their minds, I've learned it's best to never say never!
Lol...I'm not afraid to say never. For example, I'm never having children. I do have another question though as it relates to the LDS spirit world. You just suggested that I'll have another thousand years to think things over. What if I don't want to think it over for a thousand years? What if when I die, I just want to go ahead and make my decision? Is there some kind of form I can fill out in the spirit world to waive my right to think about it for thousands of years?

God wont force you to do anything - its called free will! :) Im unsure on your religion - do you believe in a God and Heaven and just dont like them or do you not believe in them at all?
I believe in them and do not like them.

Why dont you want to go to Heaven?
Because I'm a Luciferian and would prefer to be where Lucifer is.

What if you were to find out that the Bible and like-minded text lied about how evil God is? What if God's heaven was not so much a perfect place with harps and fluffy clouds, but a place much more enjoyable? What if God did not demand slavish conformity, but loved you as a daughter? Would you want to go to heaven?
Unless heaven has porn, liquor, cigarettes, rock and roll, my husband and Lucifer, I'm not interested.

Within the bounderies of the original post, I would argue that it wouldn't matter. After you are dead, you will probably be different than you are now.

Another point of view would be that your heaven would be being anywhere but with God. So ironically, getting your wish would be granting you heaven.
That obviously depends on how heaven is defined. If heaven is defined as being apart from God (as it seems most people define it), then being apart from God would not be heaven. Although it would make me happy.

According to my personal belief, "heaven" is existence apart from the mind, so there is no way your mind is going there anyway.
Hmm...I'd like to stick with my mind then. That's where all the important stuff is.

Actually no Danisty. The concept of heaven is limited to only certain religious beliefs. Unless you believe in them, they have absolutely nothing to do with your spirit after it leaves this material realm. Im sure you have heard the term that we create our own "heaven" and "hell". That means that we choose the destination for ourselves. That is unless you follow a sheeplike fundie path where everything is decided for you. So no worries. :beach:
Actually, I do believe in heaven. I'm a theistic Luciferian.

Now, I have heard everything...:rolleyes:
Is that so? Can you point me to the flawed logic? It seems to me if someone is going to believe God is the good guy, they should at least believe God is a good guy! Everything I've learned about the LDS doctrine indicates that they believe God is good. What doesn't make any sense is when people have beliefs that God is an egotistical, whiny jerk, but they still think he's right. On the same token, if I didn't believe Lucifer was a good guy, then I wouldn't be Luciferian.

The thing is, you can't get to heaven unless you know where it is and how to get there. It doesn't happen automatically, you actually have to purposely travel there.
Well, that's a relief.


Well-Known Member
Ðanisty;836732 said:
I believe in them and do not like them.

Because I'm a Luciferian and would prefer to be where Lucifer is.

Unless heaven has porn, liquor, cigarettes, rock and roll, my husband and Lucifer, I'm not interested.

Thats an interesting concept - you believe in them but dont like them - can I ask why? And where is lucifer? or is lucifer satan?