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Who do we come from?Adam and eve?Or Noah?

Romans 5:12-14. in the New testament states we are descendents of Adam. And it is important as Believers in Jesus Christ and in understanding the need for salvation that we accept we are descendents of Adam

Romans:12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned.
13 To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged against anyone’s account where there is no law. 14 Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come.

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

Who do we come from?Adam and eve?Or

Adam and Eve lived about 6000 years ago and about Noah 5000 years ago, this short span of time is not sufficient in entire mankind to descend from either Adam or Noah. It is obvious therefore; mankind has descendant from the ancestors of Adam. However, when it is said that Adam was a first man it indicates that Adam was the first to create the social system such as that of marriage which led to the development of the Human Civilization.


Esteban X

Active Member

Adam and Eve lived about 6000 years ago and about Noah 5000 years ago, this short span of time is not sufficient in entire mankind to descend from either Adam or Noah. It is obvious therefore; mankind has descendant from the ancestors of Adam. However, when it is said that Adam was a first man it indicates that Adam was the first to create the social system such as that of marriage which led to the development of the Human Civilization.

Thats an ...... um, interesting interpretation.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
We all share the DNA of.

Mitochondrial Eve whi lived about 170 to 100 thousand years ago


Y-chromosomal Adam who lived around 210 to 340 thousand years ago

Thought it is shown that these two are the ancestors of all of us there were humans living before them whos genes have either died out or are not present in all of us.

(Note - dates in different studies vary by a few percent so are approximate)


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Who do we come from?Adam and eve?Or
Since neither Adam and Even, nor Noah are historical people, we are not descended from any of those fictional characters.

If you are talking about WITHIN THE STORY, Noah is said to be the descendent of Adam and Eve, so the mythical line for all humanity goes back through BOTH Noah and Adam and Eve.


Veteran Member

Adam and Eve lived about 6000 years ago and about Noah 5000 years ago, this short span of time is not sufficient in entire mankind to descend from either Adam or Noah. It is obvious therefore; mankind has descendant from the ancestors of Adam. However, when it is said that Adam was a first man it indicates that Adam was the first to create the social system such as that of marriage which led to the development of the Human Civilization.

If you've a eye for the obvious, how did you miss
noticing those are fictional characters, in a book?


Veteran Member
Let us not call the truth fiction simply because we cannot understand it.
For sure. That's a reasonable generalization.

What truth do you refer to?

The fiction I referred to was among others,
the ( obvious) fictional flood - noah- ark thing.

You didn't tell how you missed the obvious.

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

The Idea that the Adam and Noah are fictional characters is based on the assumptions that these persons are biological ancestors of all human kind. However, the Bible never says that they were the only human beings at those times, What the Bible says is that they were the first Humans. My understanding is that Adam was the first to established to institution of marriage. So, that the woman and man together helped evolve. As long as man and woman were independent the capacity of both as limited. The woman had to find food for her children as well as bear them and the man did not support her in this. So, the Adam become the first man of the creator of humanity in the sense of Adam having started the division of labour between the man and woman. Therefore, these are not fictional characters, what is fictional about them is that they are biological ancestors whereas actually they are the social ancestor of the Human Beings.


Well-Known Member
The Idea that the Adam and Noah are fictional characters is based on the assumptions that these persons are biological ancestors of all human kind. However, the Bible never says that they were the only human beings at those times, What the Bible says is that they were the first Humans. My understanding is that Adam was the first to established to institution of marriage. So, that the woman and man together helped evolve. As long as man and woman were independent the capacity of both as limited. The woman had to find food for her children as well as bear them and the man did not support her in this. So, the Adam become the first man of the creator of humanity in the sense of Adam having started the division of labour between the man and woman. Therefore, these are not fictional characters, what is fictional about them is that they are biological ancestors whereas actually they are the social ancestor of the Human Beings.

In the story of Adam and Eve, they had two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain was a tiller of soil; farmer and Abel was a herder of animals. When Cain kills Abel this symbolized that farming had superseded migratory herding; rise of civilization.

The reason Cain kills Abel was out of jealousy. Both had given offerings, Cain from his farm and Abel from his herd. The Lord was extra pleased with Abel. Cain gets jealous and kills Abel. The reason the Lord was more pleased with Abel is because Abel was a throwback to the past; Pre-human migratory herder. He had human DNA, and was natural and instinctive. He had not yet evolved the secondary center of consciousness; ego. Cain, via his ego, had will and choice and he chose death to the past and his biological brother.

Cain is punished by the Lord.

3 Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is more than I can bear.14 Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”

15 But the Lord said to him, “Not so[e]; anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him. 16 So Cain went out from the Lord’s presence and lived in the land of Nod,[f] east of Eden.

If Adam and Eve and Cain were the only three humans on earth at that time; after the death of Abel, who were these whomever that made Cain so afraid, that he needed a sign for protection? Adam and Eve were the first two modern humans, connected to a brain update; ego. The first human in the Bible was not based on human DNA, but based on a major change in consciousness. Will and choice are implicit of the brain able to lead the DNA. Today human consciousness has technique and tools to splice the DNA. DNA is not the top drive anymore.

The whomever, were more natural, like Abel. Cain would have been odd to them, anyway. They were the previous generation of natural humans, from the last ice age, based on DNA, but who had not yet evolved the secondary center of consciousness; ego. When Adam and Eve, bred, and had two son's. Cain was more like Adam and Eve; modern mind, while Abel was almost a throwback to paradise; natural and instinctive, instead of a willful and egocentric man like Cain. This tells us both shared human DNA. But Cain's mind was different; software update. The analogy is buying a new computer and then a year later, update it. It is still the same computer; analogy of human DNA, but all of a sudden it had new capabilities will and choices to learn new man made things.

In this sense, everyone is right. Evolution attaches all Humans via our DNA to the natural man and even primates, while Adam, Eve and Noah, connect us to the modern man; ego, who willfully builds new civilizations and also destroys others. The rise of sustainable civilization would have required a new set of learned mental capacities. Since this is not natural, it may also have repressed natural instinct. This civilization based change for humans, based on carbon dating, is close to the dating found within Genesis; 6-10K years ago.

The other day I found an interesting study about the brain. The cerebellum, is a small brain structure in the back/bottom of the brain. It has about 10% of the brain's mass, but contains over 50% of all the neurons of the brain. It has many functions, but the main functions are to help coordinate and regulate muscle movement. It is also connected to timing, the mechanics of speech, reading and writing, and even to the processing of memory.

The science study compared the surface area of the cerebellum in humans and to primates, and what they found was the human cerebellum had 80% of the surface area, of the cerebral matter, while the primate cerebellum only had about 30% compared to its cerebral. This one area of high neuron density, developed/evolved very fast in humans, compared to other primates. It is very distinct.

My theory is rise of sustainable Civilization added a wide range of new body movement requirements, that were not exactly natural. This would include, song and dance, writing and reading, all types of jobs, sports, art and sculpture, preforming arts, music, construction and war, etc. Through will and choice; mind over matter, this part for the brain was exercised beyond natural; primate. It will be interesting to see when this neural change took off and when the new type of human appears; symbolized by Adam.


Veteran Member
The Idea that the Adam and Noah are fictional characters is based on the assumptions that these persons are biological ancestors of all human kind. However, the Bible never says that they were the only human beings at those times, What the Bible says is that they were the first Humans. My understanding is that Adam was the first to established to institution of marriage. So, that the woman and man together helped evolve. As long as man and woman were independent the capacity of both as limited. The woman had to find food for her children as well as bear them and the man did not support her in this. So, the Adam become the first man of the creator of humanity in the sense of Adam having started the division of labour between the man and woman. Therefore, these are not fictional characters, what is fictional about them is that they are biological ancestors whereas actually they are the social ancestor of the Human Beings.
This sort of flight of fantasy is without
connection to any fact.