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Whenever there is a territorial dispute. What happens.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
First Russia's goal is to defeat. occupy and ethnically cleanse All of Ukraine not just the Donbas, as a Part of the Manifest Destiny Czarist Orthodox Church claim of the Domination of Eastern Europe and Russian Asia by force.
With all due respect...I speak Russian, his desire is to de-sorosize Ukraine, since it has been colonized by the Sorosian framework.

He loves Ukrainians and the Ukrainian culture.
The Donbas was not totally Russian.
In Donbas people speak Russian.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Tucker Carlson did a long interview with him, available on YouTube. It's long and in-depth.
Too bad he didn't stay amd bring his fans if he likes it so much. Yeah, they got a very nice subway system. Freedom is still better.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Territorial disputes have been a significant cause of conflict going back to ancient times. Even if a conflict is settled by treaty, there will always be those who are dissatisfied and feel they've been robbed. For example, there are still those who feel the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was unfair to Mexico, and there are even those who advocate for the return of those territories back to Mexico.
I understand.
In the EU there are countless territorial disputes by zero wars, because the EU bodies take care of the issues through diplomacy and dialogue.
Just let me tell you that the Catalan independentist Puigdemont had to flee from Spain.
But Catalans and Spanish are not at war with one another.
And yet Ukrainians and Russians are like Catalans and Spanish.

I don't know about this elitist cabal of warmongers you mention, but ultimately, what I see happening is that a lot of Russians and Ukrainians are dying, and Ukraine itself is being devastated. They're the ones doing the fighting, killing, and dying. While there have been some volunteers from Western countries, I doubt any of them hail from the elitist cabal circles.
I didn't invent the term...

The elitist cabal of warmongers is a circle of billionaires who pay the Ukrainian Deep State, so Ukrainians keep fighting to weaken Russia. They are demons, ravenous wolves who want to conquer Russia.
I don't deny that a lot of our leaders are up to no good, and based on their actions and the results they produce, calling them "warmongers" is fair comment. My favorite comedian, the late great George Carlin, said that America is a warlike country, and he's absolutely right. I find studying war to be fascinating, but also quite gruesome and horrific. That's why I see it as a thing to be avoided as far as possible.
In our country, whoever speaks of war as a positive thing, is immediately accused of being a Fascist or a Nazi.
In the US speaking of war is something normal. And that is sad.

It's because we endured something horrible in WW2, and we are over the notion of war.

I think that our policymakers went on an incredibly wrong path after WW2. I've said many times before that the Cold War could have been avoided, though it's difficult to truly understand what kind of mindsets were operating at the time (or even now, for that matter). You call them an "elitist cabal," but looking at the decisions made and the consequences they have wrought to the world and to America, they seem more like utter nincompoops.
The nincompoops are the servants who obey the elitist cabal. The elitist cabal is behind the scenes. It's invisible.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The elitist cabal of warmongers is a circle of billionaires who pay the Ukrainian Deep State, so Ukrainians keep fighting to weaken Russia. They are demons, ravenous wolves who want to conquer Russia.
They why haven't they invaded Russia? A few years later and Putin is still the only involved party to launch an invasion.
If anyone is weakening Russia it is Putin for sending so many to their grave and continually throw bodies into years later. The vikings even knew better and were very reluctant to siege a city unless victory seemed certain because it's terribly expensive in resources and men.
Even Sun Tsu says Putin is weakening and bankrupting Russia with his lengthy, and unpopular, invasion and siege.