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We must act now


Active Member

I want to start something. I am extremely concerned about climate change. It is apparent that it is very real. Just five years ago most people viewed ‘Global Warming’ as scientific scare mongering. Sadly many still do.
‘Global Warming’ sounds like a nice thing to many, we all like to have sunny days. But this is not so. This is the most dangerous threat to the planet and us and our progeny.
Every parent says they love their children, that they would do anything for them. Well, now is the time to prove it. What I want everyone to do, what every one must do, is be more thoughtful. More considerate. We may not think it will affect us, but it will. Many think that it won’t happen in their lifetime. Well, guess what, it is already happening, they just can’t see it. Will people have to wait until they are waste high in water before they act? And it will get a whole lot worse.
If everyone can pass this message on to everyone they know, educate people of the dangers of Climate Change then we can still make a change.
Please, tell as many people as you can, all your friends and family. Spread the word on forums. The Internet is an amazing tool to spread a message. If governments aren’t acting fast enough, then we can. Why wait for laws to be established?
We are a short time from the point of no return, but we can still make a change. Even little changes can make big changes. Turn off that light if you’re not in the room, open the window instead of using the fan or air con, don’t boil too much water in your kettle, reuse your shopping bags, don’t waste water when you brush your teeth, don’t over use your car if you could walk. Please, we must act now! You will feel better.
If you don’t believe it’s real, please watch Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ despite your political persuasion. Please show that you care. Please.

Tomorrow maybe too late to act.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Turning off lights and walking to the market? A drop in the sea!

Support Earth First! or Sea Shepherd. Donate to Forest Guardians, The Center for Biodiversity, or the Rainforest Action Network. Form an ELF cell.
Above all DONT BREED!


Well-Known Member
I don't disagree that Global Warming is real, but how do we distinguish it from the natural climate changes of the earth over time?


Oldest Heretic
nutshell said:
I don't disagree that Global Warming is real, but how do we distinguish it from the natural climate changes of the earth over time?

It may turn out not be any more extreme than the ice ages.

May be it would happen one day anyway.
But it would be putting our heads in the sand not to try to slow it down.

Think how the world will change after the hot spell is followed by an Ice age.( this is the normal format)
Perhaps it will be possible for 2 to 3% of todays population to survive.


Well-Known Member
Ryan2065 said:
Er, how was this calculated?

87% of all statistics are made up!

What! I thought it was 92%!

But, he has a point. It seems only a small percentage would survive an Ice Age. Then again, we've made a couple technological advances since the last one so we'll see.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
ThisShouldMakeSense said:
If you don’t believe it’s real, please watch Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ despite your political persuasion.
I was one of the totally blasé until my 26-year-old son practically insisted that I see "An Inconvenient Truth." It convinced me that this is a reality and that we need to be concerned. The unfortunate thing is that, individually, there is so little we can do. What we need is legislation that forces society to establish standards and controls. What struck me was his (Gore's) comparison to how long it took before we started to take seriously the claims that cigarettes caused cancer. Global warming is real. The fact that its effects are insidiously creeping up on us is what's scary. Sadly, some people have to watch a loved one die of lung cancer caused by smoking before the truth sinks in. It's the same with global warming.


Oldest Heretic
Ryan2065 said:
Er, how was this calculated?

87% of all statistics are made up!

True it is impossible to calculate a reasonable figure.
How ever there are a lot of factors apart from an ice age itself, that would do the killing.
The main ones would be the fighting over the dwindling resources. and the loss of infrastructure, and not passing on of knowledge.