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was Jesus a wizard?


Well-Known Member
John 4:22
Ye worship ye know not what; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.
OK... Worship is for morons.

Salvation is not relevant to what IS REAL. Nothing is saving anyone. The good keep the rules and do what is right by choice.

IN simple terms the good keep the rules, the dross dont make it


Jesus in me
A practice that is indistinguishable from self induced brain-washing because that is precisely what it is.
I believe I see it as a call to come into reality. Brainwashing usually calls people into deception. The blind man was not deceived. He did receive his sight.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Were any miracles that Jesus performed done via The Holy Spirit or by some kind of power that Jesus himself had?

I think that they were done via The Holy Spirit as he didn't do any miracles until after The Holy Spirit had descended on him immediately after his baptism (see Matthew 3:16-17)

To say otherwise would be to say that Jesus had magical powers, which to me sounds a bit silly

That would make him a wizard rather than someone with an extraordinary relationship with the divine

I believe in the divine but I don't believe in wizards or magical powers so to me this means that his miracles were done by The Holy Spirit

"was Jesus a wizard?"



How can I turn water into wine?

I think this would be a very useful thing to be able to do
You need to get six stone water pots that can hold two or three firkins (no more no less). Fill the six pots with water and then you have wine.


Well-Known Member
Tell me what you really think of me.

Especially with blanket statements.
I have no issue with you. I am just aware that worship is a waste of life time.

Seeking to understand is natural but worship is based on submission, not humility.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Seeking to understand is natural but worship is based on submission, not humility.

Worship isn't necessarily about subservience, though. And humility isn't always a boon.

I've never worshipped a God/dess because it's required of me because I am some lowly human.

Also, worship is natural. Even chimpanzees and gorillas have been documented in aspects of ritual/worship.


The Hammer

Premium Member
What did you think I meant?

Why would the Gods give everyone the ability to interact with both the spiritual and mundane world like that, when it has been proven we can't take care of the place or people directly in front of us?

Now, are there people that can... yeah. But secrets are kept for a reason. ;)


Well-Known Member
Worship isn't necessarily about subservience, though. And humility isn't always a boon.

I've never worshipped a God/dess because it's required of me because I am some lowly human.
That's exactly what submission is
Also, worship is natural. Even chimpanzees and gorillas have been documented in aspects of ritual/worship.
sorry, but the praying mantis is not worshiping either