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Vengeance of the Gods

Goodman John

Active Member
Many years ago the gods placed a great gift before me- a woman with whom I fell in love with immediately and wanted to make a life with, and she with me. I was too weak or timid to take this gift, though, and she eventually slipped from my grasp, but not before leaving a burning mark in my heart. We remained close friends- albeit at a distance- and although she has since married another I had felt our lives would bring us together again. But now even the one tenuous line of contact is being closed and I fear she will be gone forever. I feel the gods are punishing me for not taking their gift all those years ago; since then they have taken my health bit by bit and now may sight is failing and I cannot help but think the gods are laughing at me. Although I may not regain this woman, what must I do to regain the favor of the gods? My entreaties and offerings have thus far proved to be unproductive. What must I give them in return for their blessings and relief from this pain?

Goodman John

Active Member
In my opinion, the gods have bigger things to do than punish you (or anyone) for such a thing. You're just depressed over it; depression and stress can do terrible things to your body. Just let her go.

Perhaps it's all my own doing- even if that's so I'm pretty sure they're laughing at me for being a doofuss.

(BTW- do you know what's up with religionforums.org ? Is it dead meat now or just on permanent repair status? I seem to remember seeing that you posted there previously as well as here.)

The Hammer

Premium Member
Many years ago the gods placed a great gift before me- a woman with whom I fell in love with immediately and wanted to make a life with, and she with me. I was too weak or timid to take this gift, though, and she eventually slipped from my grasp, but not before leaving a burning mark in my heart. We remained close friends- albeit at a distance- and although she has since married another I had felt our lives would bring us together again. But now even the one tenuous line of contact is being closed and I fear she will be gone forever. I feel the gods are punishing me for not taking their gift all those years ago; since then they have taken my health bit by bit and now may sight is failing and I cannot help but think the gods are laughing at me. Although I may not regain this woman, what must I do to regain the favor of the gods? My entreaties and offerings have thus far proved to be unproductive. What must I give them in return for their blessings and relief from this pain?

My recommendation would be to find a way to calm and center yourself, invoke the Gods, and then write out exactly how you feel about this person, like you were writing her a letter: be as emotional and descriptive as needed to feel better, and take your time. Thank the Gods for the love they brought you, and the positive lessons learned (doesn't have to be written). When finished burn the letter with a sincere offering of thanks to Freyja. Then take a few moments to sit in silence and reflect.

The Kilted Heathen

Crow FreyjasmaðR
(BTW- do you know what's up with religionforums.org? Is it dead meat now or just on permanent repair status?
Either that one "hacker" kid finally got his vengeance, or the Admin (GodRocks) just stopped caring and let it die. Either way, it's been down for a while and I'm pretty sure it's toast. Which really sucks, because I can't connect to people from there like Herm and Vis.