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True Love


The sikh true gurus have told us that the love between god and true devotee is beyond worldy understanding. However for our benefit the gurus in their hymns have described some of this love through different worldy examples such as:
love and respect of a master
motherly love
fatherly love
love between a bride and groom
and etc


today we shall cover the bride-groom love feeling a true devotee feels with waheguru (god)

Awpxy ipr kY rMig rqI mueIey soBwvMqI nwry ]
aapanae pir kai ra(n)g rathee mueeeae sobhaava(n)thee naarae ||
Let yourself be imbued with the Love of your Husband Lord, O beautiful, mortal bride.

scY sbid imil rhI mueIey ipru rwvy Bwie ipAwry ]
sachai sabadh mil rehee mueeeae pir raavae bhaae piaarae ||
Let yourself remain merged in the True Word of the Shabad, O mortal bride; savor and enjoy the Love of your Beloved Husband Lord.

scY Bwie ipAwrI kMiq svwrI hir hir isau nyhu rcwieAw ]
sachai bhaae piaaree ka(n)th savaaree har har sio naehu rachaaeiaa ||
The Husband Lord embellishes His beloved bride with His True Love; she is in love with the Lord, Har, Har.

Awpu gvwieAw qw ipru pwieAw gur kY sbid smwieAw ]
aap gavaaeiaa thaa pir paaeiaa gur kai sabadh samaaeiaa ||
Renouncing her self-centeredness, she attains her Husband Lord, and remains merged in the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

sw Dn sbid suhweI pRym ksweI AMqir pRIiq ipAwrI ]
saa dhhan sabadh suhaaee praem kasaaee a(n)thar preeth piaaree ||
That soul bride is adorned, who is attracted by His Love, and who treasures the Love of her Beloved within her heart.

nwnk sw Dn myil leI ipir Awpy swcY swih svwrI ]1]
naanak saa dhhan mael lee pir aapae saachai saahi savaaree ||1||
O Nanak, the Lord blends that soul bride with Himself; the True King adorns her. ||1||
in the first part of this particular hymn the true guru is instucting us first to remember the lord and develop love. eventually (how long depends on previous karma and the amount of effort you put in devotional worship meditation) the soul will blend into the supreme soul WAHEGURU. this is the highest stage in spirtuality, who knows if we starting chanting WAHEGURU for long hours, just maybe god will take pity and bless us with something close to this stage.
this stage is beyond what other religions preach nowdays (heaven, paradise etc and even devloh the beautiful godly realm of devtas which hindus worship).
it is like a drop mearging with the ocean, then there is no difference between the devotee and god. it is like a drop in the ocean, no difference at all! the devotee becomes waheguru!
very rare are the true sikhs who have reached this stage on this planet. finding them is only possible with the grace of the lord. even seeing such a rare sikh soul will remove millions and millions of our sins, thats just by looking at such an enlightened devotee!!
may we do more waheguru meditation to atleast reach the realms of extreme divine light, if we cannot reached this topmost stage of becoming one with waheguru.


2nd part of the hymn:

inrguxvMqVIey ipru dyiK hdUry rwm ]
niragunava(n)tharreeeae pir dhaekh hadhoorae raam ||
O worthless bride, see your Husband Lord ever-present.

gurmuiK ijnI rwivAw mueIey ipru riv rihAw BrpUry rwm ]
guramukh jinee raaviaa mueeeae pir rav rehiaa bharapoorae raam ||
One who, as Gurmukh, enjoys her Husband Lord, O mortal bride, knows Him to be all-pervading everywhere.

ipru riv rihAw BrpUry vyKu hjUry juig juig eyko jwqw ]
pir rav rehiaa bharapoorae vaekh hajoorae jug jug eaeko jaathaa ||
The Lord is all-pervading everywhere; behold Him ever-present. Throughout the ages, know Him as the One.

Dn bwlI BolI ipru shij rwvY imilAw krm ibDwqw ]
dhhan baalee bholee pir sehaj raavai miliaa karam bidhhaathaa ||
The young, innocent bride enjoys her Husband Lord; she meets Him, the Architect of karma.

ijin hir rsu cwiKAw sbid suBwiKAw hir sir rhI BrpUry ]
jin har ras chaakhiaa sabadh subhaakhiaa har sar rehee bharapoorae ||
One who tastes the sublime essence of the Lord, and utters the sublime Word of the Shabad, remains immersed in the Lord's Ambrosial Pool.

nwnk kwmix sw ipr BwvY sbdy rhY hdUry ]2]
naanak kaaman saa pir bhaavai sabadhae rehai hadhoorae ||2||
O Nanak, that soul bride is pleasing to her Husband Lord, who, through the Shabad, remains in His Presence. ||2||
sikhism is unique in the different spirtual ecstacy a devotee can obtain through praising god through chanting waheguru waheguru waheguru waheguru continuously. in this 2nd part the true guru has taking pity on seeing mankind devoid of such spirtuality. we may not know it, but we are suffering and the 5 thieves (discussed in previous thread) have brainwashed us into focusing only on this world and forgetting waheguru.
true guru says "O worthless bride" change yourself and see god everywhere. but how can sinners like us who have been apart from god so long see him? the main prinicple of sikhism comes into play, meditate on god by reciting waheguru! this is the main principle of sikhism. seeing the divine light everywhere is not the highest stage. imagaine if you saw you favourite actor on stage...so the fortuate ones are able to see god, but yet have not met him.
then finally the devotee through more meditation and spirtual efforts meets waheguru and they talk face to face. the languange they speak is beyond earthly sounds, the music speech in that realm is beyond all worldy concept and i have heard that its extremly beautiful speech, from one who has experienced this.
Meeting waheugurr face to face is the 2nd highest stage, the highest stage is when the soul aborbs itself with waheguru by his grace, and there is no difference between the devotee and waheguru.
another thing mentioned is the delicious taste of the lord. when meditating on waheguru, the fortunate devotee evntually becomes blessed by god and starts drinking AMRIT (divine sweet nectar) from within. imagine the most delicious sweet you have ever had? well this is beyond worldy taste. in this world when we have too much sweet food or drink, we feel sick. here the spirtual sweet drink is so delicious one just wants more and more and never gets sick or tired from drinking this divine drink!
those who intesly meditate on waheguru are blessed with these amazing spritual expierences and they literally drink in waheguru! other spritualist relgions do offer some bliss and happiness with their eperiences, however they do not come close to the bliss and ecstacy of waheguru meditation.