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The last post is the WINNER!


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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Hairdressers tomorrow. Hey @John53, are you missing your visits to the hairdresser's?
I found one who was good and who fixed my hair. I didn't realize I'd be feeling better with my hair at least the shape I want. The length will take some more time, but that's what happens when some daft bellend who ignoreds what the customer says gets a hair stylist license and is employed in the field.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I found one who was good and who fixed my hair. I didn't realize I'd be feeling better with my hair at least the shape I want. The length will take some more time, but that's what happens when some daft bellend who ignoreds what the customer says gets a hair stylist license and is employed in the field.

I've always been lucky with my hairdressers, in the UK, the guy was as gay as "just one of the girls" can be stereotypical and a wonderful hairdresser. Moved to France and tried a girl just opened up in business she too is good so i stuck with her.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Gastro bug :( Was awake most of the night with both fore and aft exhausts working. When I did get to sleep I'd wake up with a fever, sweating like a pig.

Odd saying that, I've never seen a pig sweating. They don't actually have a lot of sweat glands.

Anyway, not good and no good lady to pamper you.
Something you've eaten do you think?
Drink plenty of fluids, stay comfortable and close to the bathroom.
When you're up to it, dry toast, maybe scrambled eggs.
Get well soon


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
And after that medical advice im weary, time for mt night restoration. Goodnight everyone.

images (14).jpeg

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Terminology win

15 Fascinating Linguistics Terms You Didn’t Learn in School

Cutthroat compounds are less bloodthirsty than they sound.
  1. Amphiboly
  2. Back-formation
  3. Cutthroat compound
  4. Dysphemism
  5. Eggcorn
  6. Epenthesis and Syncope
  7. Kangaroo word
  8. Mondegreen
  9. Nonce word
  10. RAS syndrome
  11. Rebracketing
  12. Snowclone
  13. Spoonerism
  14. Tmesis

Cutthroat compound

Plenty of compound words include the subject (also known as the head) within the compound itself. Watermelons are melons, bluebirds are birds, and bedrooms are rooms. But there are also exocentric compounds, in which the head isn’t part of the actual term. A specific class of these compounds involves an action (verb) being performed on an object (noun). A cutthroat, for example, isn’t an actual cut throat; it’s a person who cuts a throat, literally or figuratively. Scarecrows scare crows, daredevils dare the devil, and so on.

Though they’re formally called “agentive and instrumental exocentric verb-noun (V-N) compounds,” historical linguist Brianne Hughes gave them a much catchier nickname: cutthroat compounds. And while they’re not super common in English, you might start noticing them in unexpected places. Technically, William Shakespeare’s surname counts as a cutthroat compound: “one who shakes a spear.”