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Synchronicity and spirituality

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
What is wrong with synchronicity and coincidence as definitions of spiritual revelations, experience of Practice, and/or answered prayers (etc)? Living In Synchronicity: The Power of Meaningful Coincidence | Natural Awakenings Magazine

When prayer is associated with coincidence it is more than likely taken negativity or dismissed (or so have you) as if the laws of nature that involve synchronicity and coincidence can not be spiritual unless it did not happen by chance. Why is that?

A true story.

Mother, my friend's friend Sara, and I all have something in common. We were all checked to see if we had some form of cancer because they found something on my mother's breasts they will soon recheck. My friend's lump wasn't cancer but something else similar but the doctors say it was benign. I have a tumor of my pituitary gland and it is benign (very low risk of becoming cancerous).

Mother won't get checked into September. They're deciding what treatment they will do for my friend's friend. They're "watching" the growth of my tumor so it won't cause other symptoms cause of the size....

.... nonetheless

My friend and her girlfriend Sara was on edge when the doctors told them "it doesn't look good." My friend had a few signs which was the good news (not cancerous), she also got a few others like she told me when she and her girl were eating at a restaurant, on the table was a little christian pamphlet of testimonies. One of the testimonies and stories of change was a woman who was being checked for cancer and her husband was with her praying to god-she didn't have it. Another (and totally weird to me) I sent her a prayer quote by facebook saying that if there wasn't anything else to say in prayer, thank you is enough. A couple of nights before she told me the good news, I had a dream I was dying from cancer. The last day of my life when I died I woke up. Mother has dreams of premonition. I never had so the experience was new. All of these things happen within a day my friends thought it was from god.

My friend says god was working with her. Of course she doesn't see these things as coincidences or synchronicity but I have these things every single day. I don't believe in god and any spiritual force to attribute these things too, but they exist nonetheless. I guess it's a part of life maybe people dismiss as if S/C are somehow inherently bad or mundane.

It makes people differentiate the believer and disbeliever, the spiritual and non-spiritual, the this and that. It also makes it seem if it's not religious or have some sort of gnostic, mystic, or new age spin it's too mundane to be part of a spiritual conversation. Why is that?

While believe in any spiritual religion or concept regardless the religion, faith, Practice, and theology would be nice to have, not all of us have these things to fall back on to quote on quote "explain" what these S/C should mean. Which is fine....

Also, this made me wonder because my dream was so vivid I wondered who could it be referring to-my friend's friend, my mother, or myself. I also notice the more personal the S/C a person has, the more he or she will say it's not any of these two things....and even more so.... dismiss the need to "prove it to non-believers" as if maybe they don't want to be challenged for something each of us may have but interpret differently without any religious connotation to it.

Anyway. This is all in the journal section. I just thought that S/C isn't a bad thing at all.

Why do we see it as a bad thing whether separating it from religion or seeing it as mundane or diminishing the nature of the spiritual experience?

Why is it taken negatively (or possible from imagination)?

To understand this more, why can't people who have these experiences talk about it without feeling they are trying to validate their experience to others?

It would be a nice thing to talk about in general but I put this in journal cause though I am extremely curious, I have a huge premonition it won't go that far.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
This is an interesting topic to me. I have a small story.

Many years ago I met someone who I thought my wife would like to meet. She happened to meet the same person in another context. We were surprised to find we had both met the same person in two different situations and thought the other one should me the person. We've stayed friends for decades.

I don't know if this fits what you wrote about. Certainly it was not as serious as cancer, but it was a coincidence and maybe a meaningful one in a friendship realm.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
This is an interesting topic to me. I have a small story.

Many years ago I met someone who I thought my wife would like to meet. She happened to meet the same person in another context. We were surprised to find we had both met the same person in two different situations and thought the other one should me the person. We've stayed friends for decades.

I don't know if this fits what you wrote about. Certainly it was not as serious as cancer, but it was a coincidence and maybe a meaningful one in a friendship realm.

Yeah. I think the meaningfulness of them is more important than determining what isn't and is spiritual by S/C. Most of my events happens when I'm out on the road and cars near miss hitting me. I keep telling myself that these and others I should put to some use (don't know another way to phrase it) but at the end, I forget and it comes back the next day. Sometimes its so strong I think "now wonder why people believe in god..." or "now I understand what people mean when they talk about god." Kind of like a light bulb of religious experiences.

Did you guys question about the multiple occurrences or was it one of those things that wasn't a big deal once the friendship strengthened?


Premium Member
This is an interesting topic to me. I have a small story.

Many years ago I met someone who I thought my wife would like to meet. She happened to meet the same person in another context. We were surprised to find we had both met the same person in two different situations and thought the other one should me the person. We've stayed friends for decades.

I don't know if this fits what you wrote about. Certainly it was not as serious as cancer, but it was a coincidence and maybe a meaningful one in a friendship realm.

Off topic, but I knew a husband and wife pair in two totally different contexts. Then, one day, in a third context, I saw them both together, and looked puzzled. (So stupid I am, they even had the same last name) Good thing I didn't introduce them to each other.

Gargovic Malkav

Well-Known Member
I think one of the reasons why some people see such a coincidence as something not-spiritual and can be so pushy about it is because they fear it will lead to dangerous forms of superstition. There are plenty of stories about people who've been miraculously healed of some ailment(although, if you don't believe in miracles, you can always come up with some theory to make it seem more plausible to yourself). But there are also stories about people who've had cancer for instance, but were persuaded by some medium or guru that they can heal them through spiritual means, and that medical treatment wasn't necessary. Because of this, their disease got worse and eventually became their death. Another reason is, I think, pride. Some people just feel that they belong to "the good guys" or "the smart ones" whenever they see a reason to mock people with different beliefs. However, this will only make it harder for themselves to face their own shortcomings, because they fear they will be mocked and judged the same way as they have mocked and judged others.


Veteran Member
To understand this more, why can't people who have these experiences talk about it without feeling they are trying to validate their experience to others?
I don't have this feeling. I know my experiences, and I don't want/expect others to believe me (I even advise them not to). That solves it for me.

It would be a nice thing to talk about in general but I put this in journal cause though I am extremely curious, I have a huge premonition it won't go that far.
Interesting to see if your premonition is right:D

I used to not share my experiences for quite a few years. Now I do sometimes, if people ask me, or if people claim the opposite.
To overcome the above feeling, I just witnessed the feeling (I am aware it was just imposed feelings by my parents; I finally let go of my parents ****)


Veteran Member
I think one of the reasons why some people see such a coincidence as something not-spiritual and can be so pushy about it is because they fear it will lead to dangerous forms of superstition.

There are plenty of stories about people who've been miraculously healed of some ailment(although, if you don't believe in miracles, you can always come up with some theory to make it seem more plausible to yourself)

But there are also stories about people who've had cancer for instance, but were persuaded by some medium or guru that they can heal them through spiritual means, and that medical treatment wasn't necessary. Because of this, their disease got worse and eventually became their death.

Another reason is, I think, pride. Some people just feel that they belong to "the good guys" or "the smart ones" whenever they see a reason to mock people with different beliefs.

However, this will only make it harder for themselves to face their own shortcomings, because they fear they will be mocked and judged the same way as they have mocked and judged others.

Wonderful. I have nothing to add.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
My wife lived in a dilapidated old mouse infested colonial style home in Venezuela where rooms had to rented out for her mom to make ends meet. Her dad, who never said to her "I love you", was an alcoholic abusive dad who left with a "maid" that was given to him as a debt repayment and started another family. The family was left to fend for themselves with no government help.

Renters included drug addicts, prostitutes, pimps, a murderer et al.

She lived in the poor section of Caracas, Venezuela - a city which, back then was of about 2 million people. Her life consisted of a 3 block square in the area she lived in. School, groceries and clothing could all be found within that area..

She would see other marriages fall apart in the home, men dragging women by the hair on the floor, never a marriage that lasted for more than 7 years.

Her two sister and herself, slept on a twin size bed.

She would see American cartoons where there was a happy family with a dog. Every night from age 11, she would run to the bed before the sisters got into bed, burry her face in the pillow and pray, "God, send me a blue-eyed American that will marry me and take me to the United States."

I lived in the other side of town, middle class by US standards, rich by Venezuelan standards. Would never be in that section of town. No reason whatsoever would have drawn me to that area. At age sixteen a shy "Ken" who never had a girlfriend said, "God, is there anyone who will love me for just who I am". Probably the first prayer I had ever made.

My brother had a Venezuelan woman that he decided he was going to marry. Sonia, her name, looked for a place that they could live in until they got married. Somehow, she happened to pass by the house that my wife lived in and just "happened" to have a room for rent. She took it.

Betsy heard that he had a brother. One day, a blue-eyed American named Ken went to visit her brother. Betsy was 14 - three years of faithful prayer.

As I walked in and sat down waiting for my brother to come out of the rented room, Betsy peeked out of a corner with her sister and said "That's the man I am going to marry". Her sister said "What in the world do you think he is going to see in your!"

The rest of our 46 year of marriage is history.

Synchronicity worked by a higher power - IMO
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Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
When people say it's to real to be a coincidence, how do they confirm their conclusions beyond giving in to strong connection that it's true?

Especially for those not dependent on a scripture to confirm their experiences?


Veteran Member
Every night from age 11, she would run to the bed before the sisters go into bed, burry her face in the pillow and pray, "God, send me a blue-eyed American that will marry me and take me to the United States.

As I walked in and sat down waiting for my brother to come out of the rented room, Betsy peeked out of a corner with her sister and said "That's the man I am going to marry". Her sister said "What in the world do you think he is going to see in your!"

The rest of our 46 year of marriage is history.

Synchronicity worked by a higher power - IMO

Beautiful story. Great Love story, I love those.

When I see a woman in distress, many times I thought "I would like to marry her". Thank you for sharing. Prayer does have effect sometimes (I know from experience). Others, who never experienced the power of prayer, naturally might argue "coincidental she just uttered these words simultaneously when it was due to happen anyway" (which I can't believe, as it happened just a few times too often with me):D

And even better that you are still happily together.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Beautiful story. Great Love story, I love those.

When I see a woman in distress, many times I thought "I would like to marry her". Thank you for sharing. Prayer does have effect sometimes (I know from experience). Others, who never experienced the power of prayer, naturally might argue "coincidental she just uttered these words simultaneously when it was due to happen anyway" (which I can't believe, as it happened just a few times too often with me):D

And even better that you are still happily together.
Thank you! And I believe you are right... too many times are prayers answered to be a coincident.


Veteran Member
Thank you! And I believe you are right... too many times are prayers answered to be a coincident.
When I went to Sai Baba the second time, I was so happy and enthusiastic, that I wanted all to go. I was in a group, and 5 of them never went and said "there is no need". I prayed for them, and within a few year, all of them changed their mind and went.

@KenS : I also prayed to Jesus for my Christian neighbor with a broken back and told her to go to Christian meeting, where they prayed for the sick. She did not believe in this, but I kept telling her to go, for a few weeks, and finally she went (maybe just to get me off her back, so to speak:)) and she got cured. I was sitting next to hear when she got cured. Wonderful to see this happen.

After all this I became a bit more careful with prayer, because it whatever I ask might happen, so I better be careful what I pray for. Once I asked something, and God gave, and it got me in a horrible situation. But afterwards I could see it was good it happened, but not fun at all.

Still I am not sure how it works. It might be that God, who knows everything, gives me the thought to pray, because He knows it is going to happen. So in a way, it is even God making me pray, and making it happen. I am just a puppet in His Hands.
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Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
When I went to Sai Baba the second time, I was so happy and enthusiastic, that I wanted all to go. I was in a group, and 5 of them never went and said "there is no need". I prayed for them, and within a few year, all of them changed their mind and went.

@KenS : I also prayed to Jesus for my Christian neighbor with a broken back and told her to go to Christian meeting, where they prayed for the sick. She did not believe in this, but I kept telling her to go, for a few weeks, and finally she went (maybe just to get me off her back, so to speak:)) and she got cured. I was sitting next to hear when she got cured. Wonderful to see this happen.

After all this I became a bit more careful with prayer, because it whatever I ask might happen, so I better be careful what I pray for. Once I asked something, and God gave, and it got me in a horrible situation. But afterwards I could see it was good it happened, but not fun at all.

Still I am not sure how it works. It might be that God, who knows everything, gives me the thought to pray, because He knows it is going to happen. So in a way, it is even God making me pray, and making it happen. I am just a puppet in His Hands.

Do you think these things can happen as a part of life or attributes that only aligns with god?