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Suppose Israel Destroys Hamas In Gaza.....


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Israel's strategy of seeking peace by eliminating Hamas
at great cost in life & property of Palestinians is dubious.
Hamas will survive in other countries. And Hamas isn't
alone in fighting Israel.

How will Israel achieve peace if it continues its long held
policies....ie, what is the path to ending the attacks by
so many groups?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Even if they manage to completely wipe out Hamas, they will be replaced by those seeking revenge for the deaths of their innocent friends and family members.
Is it possible that Israel will respond to more
attacks with brutal crackdowns in Gaza (assuming
Palestinians will be allowed back in)?

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
what is the path to ending the attacks

Massive funds allocated for rebuilding. People to people efforts among those who desire a better future. Open forums for those who are angry to vent their spleen without bombs. Stop and reverse settlements. Move to allowing the Palestinians to take over more control of their lives. Stop locking up those who disagree with Israeli policies - instead offer them a seat at the table.

(I did not say it would be easy).

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Israel's strategy of seeking peace by eliminating Hamas
at great cost in life & property of Palestinians is dubious.
Hamas will survive in other countries. And Hamas isn't
alone in fighting Israel.

How will Israel achieve peace if it continues its long held
policies....ie, what is the path to ending the attacks by
so many groups?

They could turn Palestine into one of these

and Hamas would still exist, or those that were left would be a part of another terrorist organization


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Israel's strategy of seeking peace by eliminating Hamas
at great cost in life & property of Palestinians is dubious.
Hamas will survive in other countries. And Hamas isn't
alone in fighting Israel.

How will Israel achieve peace if it continues its long held
policies....ie, what is the path to ending the attacks by
so many groups?
The elimination of Hamas will change the situation in one very important way. Hamas demands the total destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination of all Jews living there. So long as they exist there is a major obstacle of peace. Without them all parts, Arabs and Jews alike, can work out their issues.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The elimination of Hamas will change the situation in one very important way. Hamas demands the total destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination of all Jews living there. So long as they exist there is a major obstacle of peace. Without them all parts, Arabs and Jews alike, can work out their issues.
Hamas won't be eliminated, except in Gaza.
But what do the other anti-Israel groups say
about Israel's right to exist?


Outstanding Member
Israel's strategy of seeking peace by eliminating Hamas
at great cost in life & property of Palestinians is dubious.
Hamas will survive in other countries. And Hamas isn't
alone in fighting Israel.

How will Israel achieve peace if it continues its long held
policies....ie, what is the path to ending the attacks by
so many groups?

I don't really think peace was achievable even in the (mere) absence of Israel's past policies. I see the path towards peace as relying on two fundamental pillars: providing economical support and keeping control over the area (in some form). If one of them fails, peace will succumb.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The problem is that neither side can react rationally. Israel had quite strong, of course not unanimous, worldwide support when they were first attacked. But that support is quickly eroding away as they are showing that their motives now are largely revenge and not fixing a problem that is not going away.

I think that it will take a strong statesman from another country that can be minimally biased to both sides to find a solution. I was no Jimmy Carter fan, but he did get at least some serious peace talks and compromise. We need another Jimmy Carter in the Middle East.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I don't really think peace was achievable even in the (mere) absence of Israel's past policies. I see the path towards peace as relying on two fundamental pillars: providing economical support and keeping control over the area (in some form). If one of them fails, peace will succumb.
Support would initially be essential after Israel's
heaping destruction & death upon Palestinians.
But then Israel would also have to end the policy
of keeping Gaza on the verge of economic collapse.
Desperate people do desperate things.
And then Israel would have to end the oppression,
eg, wrongful arrests, torture, police state. Those
are policies that radicalize oppressed people.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Hamas won't be eliminated, except in Gaza.
But what do the other anti-Israel groups say
about Israel's right to exist?
You can either take the stance that 1000 years from now nothing will have changed, they'll destroy each other utterly or they'll take the very hard road to peace. Look at the ancient enemies in Europe for what's possible. Or in other places where there has been true genocide such as in Africa. Ancient enemies can make peace. So I agree with @Shaul that there will be a chance that things work out this time. Both sides need to be ready to work on a different, difficult path.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hamas won't be eliminated, except in Gaza.
But what do the other anti-Israel groups say
about Israel's right to exist?
Hamas was eliminated in Judea and Samaria by their Fatah rivals. Fatah does not have a inflexible policy that requires the elimination of Israel nor all Jews.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
And then Israel would have to end the oppression,
eg, wrongful arrests, torture, police state. Those
are policies that radicalize oppressed people.

It's bigger than that. And the true change is more than policies though they are a part of the picture. I've been collecting quotes from Kabbalah and find inspiration and possibilities. What is needed is true wisdom and a true change of heart. The following quotes illustrate what is truly needed:

"What is hateful to you do not do to your neighbor.
That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary. Go, learn (it)!"
Rabbi Hillel, Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 31a

"Love is when you don't pay any attention to yourself, but you take the desires of another person and try to fulfill them in exactly the way they would like. In other words, you turn yourself into a vessel of fulfillment for the other person."
Rav Michael Laitman

"The general purpose of the whole universe is for humanity to reach the state where all people will be as one family. Everyone will take others into consideration and will be a guarantor for everyone else."
Rav Michael Laitman

"The general purpose of the whole universe is for humanity to reach the state where all people will be as one family. Everyone will take others into consideration and will be a guarantor for everyone else."
Rav Michael Laitman


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
You can either take the stance that 1000 years from now nothing will have changed, they'll destroy each other utterly...
An option I oppose.
...or they'll take the very hard road to peace. Look at the ancient enemies in Europe for what's possible. Or in other places where there has been true genocide such as in Africa. Ancient enemies can make peace. So I agree with @Shaul that there will be a chance that things work out this time. Both sides need to be ready to work on a different, difficult path.
I don't see peace as something that'll just happen
here because it has elsewhere. The conditions for
peace are necessary. This means Israel's ending
financial, political, & social oppression.
Last edited:


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Hamas was eliminated in Judea and Samaria by their Fatah rivals. Fatah does not have a inflexible policy that requires the elimination of Israel nor all Jews.
None of these groups can actually eliminate Israel.
And Fatah has fought Israel before. Besides there's
nothing to prevent their adopting the same policies
as Hamas. Nor is there anything to prevent Hamas
from returning.
The better path is for Israel to stop brutally inspiring
armed resistance.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It's bigger than that. And the true change is more than policies though they are a part of the picture. I've been collecting quotes from Kabbalah and find inspiration and possibilities. What is needed is true wisdom and a true change of heart. The following quotes illustrate what is truly needed:

"What is hateful to you do not do to your neighbor.
That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary. Go, learn (it)!"
Rabbi Hillel, Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 31a

"Love is when you don't pay any attention to yourself, but you take the desires of another person and try to fulfill them in exactly the way they would like. In other words, you turn yourself into a vessel of fulfillment for the other person."
Rav Michael Laitman

"The general purpose of the whole universe is for humanity to reach the state where all people will be as one family. Everyone will take others into consideration and will be a guarantor for everyone else."
Rav Michael Laitman

"The general purpose of the whole universe is for humanity to reach the state where all people will be as one family. Everyone will take others into consideration and will be a guarantor for everyone else."
Rav Michael Laitman
A country that quotes eloquently about peace,
but practices oppression & war crimes needs
an epiphany.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I don't see peace as something that'll just happen
here because it has elsewhere. The conditions for
peace are necessary. This means Israel's ending
financial & other oppression.
And it will probably take an outside source to force Israel's hand a bit. This situation does set up the possibility for peace. But Israel is going to have to learn how to be wise in victory. It is when you have won that you can afford to make concessions. Israel cannot have it all their way so now is the time to make concessions for peace. At the same time it has to be made clear to Hamas that Israel is not going away. And that this is their best time to deal as well.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
The elimination of Hamas will change the situation in one very important way. Hamas demands the total destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination of all Jews living there. So long as they exist there is a major obstacle of peace. Without them all parts, Arabs and Jews alike, can work out their issues.
In the past , Yasser Arafat was offered a real recognized Palestinian State. He refused.

Right then and there I knew only the complete destruction of Israel is the only thing on the plate. They don't want a state. They want Israel completely gone.