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Stuff I Like

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner

I love Alice In Chains, but haven't been listening to them much because they drop my mood... Hopefully I can go back to it when I'm feeling better. That song is one of my favorites by them, though.

I wish I could find vegetarian marshmallows. I did once, but they didn't sell them long. They were tasty.
I love Alice in Chains, but the real Alice in Chains with Layne Staley as his voice and Jerry Cantrell's voices harmonizing made that group awesome.


Veteran Member
I like an appropriately placed swear word.

Too many, you lose the oomph they're supposed to have. Put one in the wrong spot, and its sloppy.

Finding the right spot for one, however, is an art.

I recall a Star Trek movie I went to see in theaters where people appeared to laugh when the character said, "Are you out of your Vulcan mind?!" because, at least through the theatre speakers, it sounded like he had used the 'F' word instead of saying "Vulcan".


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
What do you think of the economy sizes which offices sometimes buy, but can also be found online, that cost like $13 and are so large, they don't even look like a roll of toilet paper?
They're not my favorite, but I've not had paper enough times when I needed it that I still appreciate them.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I like toilet paper.

It does a great job, I'm glad you appreciate the work it does.
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Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I like the rabbits in the woods around my place.

I especially like the fact that they don't seem even a little bit afraid of me now.

I like the fact that there are so many used tech devices and gadgets on the market now that I can find something that I was drooling over a few years ago but couldn't afford (or couldn't justify the expense) and pick it up for pocket change now.

For instance, I just picked up one of these in almost perfect shape for $43.83 on eBay:

That's like 7% of what it cost when it first came out, and from what I can tell it works pretty close to like-new: there's some kind of scanner in settings that tells you what kind of shape your device is in and this one registered at 97%.

For me it isn't just about saving money, it's about the hunt: I can spend weeks looking for something on eBay, Mercari, Craigslist, etc. before I find something that's such a good deal I don't even have to think about it.

And I know if I took all of that time and and devoted it to actually making money I could pretty much buy anything I wanted brand new, but thats not thr point. :p


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
I like the rabbits in the woods around my place.
I like rabbits, too. :)
I especially like the fact that they don't seem even a little bit afraid of me now.
I'm sure you're just one of the crowd to them.
I like the fact that there are so many used tech devices and gadgets on the market now that I can find something that I was drooling over a few years ago but couldn't afford (or couldn't justify the expense) and pick it up for pocket change now.

For instance, I just picked up one of these in almost perfect shape for $43.83 on eBay:

That's like 7% of what it cost when it first came out, and from what I can tell it works pretty close to like-new: there's some kind of scanner in settings that tells you what kind of shape your device is in and this one registered at 97%.

For me it isn't just about saving money, it's about the hunt: I can spend weeks looking for something on eBay, Mercari, Craigslist, etc. before I find something that's such a good deal I don't even have to think about it.

And I know if I took all of that time and and devoted it to actually making money I could pretty much buy anything I wanted brand new, but thats not thr point. :p
I think I get that. I might not go after much tech, but there's something satisfying in finding something nice at a tiny price.