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Sound of the earth crying


Resident megalomaniac
Greetings to all seekers!

I just received this in my email -

When Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh was asked what we need to do to save our world, he replied, "What we most need to do is hear within us the sound of the earth crying."

The suffering in our world arises out of a sense of separation—from our own bodies and hearts, each other, and this living web.

In this week's talk, we will explore this trance of separation and how it’s led humans to destroying our larger body, earth. We'll then look at the pathways of awakening to the truth of "interbeing" and responding to our precious world with love.

There is plenty more at Tara's site - for instance -

Talks: Audio & Video

Enjoy your browsing!



Veteran Member
When Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh was asked what we need to do to save our world, he replied, "What we most need to do is hear within us the sound of the earth crying."
I agree. Empathy (feel the pain of the Earth) is most needed. If you don't feel it, you don't change destructive habits

Good start to develop Empathy might be to stop killing animals (non vegetarian diet).

If you want to hear the earth cry, you should be able to hear the animals cry that end up on your plate. Most people don't want to give it up, hence earth will continue to suffer


Resident megalomaniac
I agree. Empathy (feel the pain of the Earth) is most needed. If you don't feel it, you don't change destructive habits

Good start to develop Empathy might be to stop killing animals (non vegetarian diet).

If you want to hear the earth cry, you should be able to hear the animals cry that end up on your plate. Most people don't want to give it up, hence earth will continue to suffer

Thanks for sharing.

I agree with you.

The biggest selling-point for a non-meat diet is that it is much healthier for you. I have not had an upset stomach for decades!

Enjoy the rest of your browsing!