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Songs about world affairs, the media, and political issues

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
You know, this old song has got to be the most prophetic and revelant one I have ever heard....

It could easily have been sung yesterday.


Veteran Member
Couldn't turn up the first song loud enough to make out the lyrics, but enjoyed the second song :)

Yeah, the Switchfoot singer has a quiet voice. Here's the lyrics:

Welcome to the Holy City; the silver screen
Built with the lends of the low self esteem
A teenager's plea for meaning and means
We're selling the news
See, opinions are easier to swallow than facts
The greys instead of the whites and the blacks
If you shoot it too straight it won't come back
We're selling the news
See, money speaks volumes louder than words
And virtues with wings, maybe not quite at first
But salaries are payed with the eyes not the verbs
We're selling the news
See, all men are equal; all is for sale
A powerful dog has been chasing his tale
The lowest common denominator prevails
We're selling the news
I wanna believe you, I wanna believe
But everything is in-between
The fact is fiction, the fact is fiction
I wanna believe you, I wanna believe
But everything is in-between
The fact is fiction
Suspicion is the new religion
America listens as the story is told
With the eye on the truth as the story unfolds
But the ratings determine which story was sold
We're selling the news
Begging the question, mongering fears
Stroking the eyes and tickling ears
The truth is seldom just as it appears
We're selling the news
I wanna believe you, I wanna believe
But everything is in-between
The fact is fiction, the fact is fiction
I wanna believe you, I wanna believe
But everything is in-between
The fact is fiction, the fact is fiction
I can see your talking heads
On the television set
On the Internet they said
The fact is fiction
Suspicion is the new religion
Substance, oh, substance, where have you been?
You've been replaced by the masters of spin
Who make good looking books and write history in
We're selling the news
The lines start to blur; I get so confused
They get shiny new models mixed up with the blues
They get binary code mixed up with abuse
The facts are simply one option to choose
When nothing is sacred, there's nothing to lose
When nothing is sacred, all is consumed
We're still on the air, it must be the truth
We're selling the news
I wanna believe you, I wanna believe
But everything is in-between
The fact is fiction, the fact is fiction
I wanna believe you, I wanna believe
But everything is in-between
The fact is fiction, the fact is fiction
I wanna believe you, I wanna believe
But everything I see is green
The fact is fiction
Suspicion is the new religion

Source: LyricFind

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
it's true there were better ones. that led their people. to lead their country. who cared for this world but who are we to
change. without the strength of all. the nations will crumble. feed lies for war bring the nations to it's knees. risking worldy
structure and integrity. the balance of our kind controlled by hatred, distorted truth and lies. united is the only way to stand.
leaders of the free world lead into the land of the un-free. god sent politics hammered down with a fist too bold. play the
council of pawns in the quest of total control. free us of this hate. free us from this hate. take over the world does hate meed
freedom. divide our home. does hate mean freedom. take over the world. divide our home does hate mean freedom

(Copied/pasted, sorry for ****ty grammar and formatting)


Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Our fears ring true
We're on a march towards the end
Cover my eyes
But I still hear the deafening drums of war
Onward every twisted spoke

Let's make history
Let's make history stop
When there's nothing left
We'll be fed our father's dreams

And I find every time I face this skyline
I picture it in ruins
It's not going to stop

Our fears ring true
We are numbered with the dead
When I finally come apart
Every piece will melt holes into the streets
Onward every twisted spoke

Let's make history
Let's make history stop
When there's nothing left
We'll be fed our father's dreams

We can't let it happen like this
Burn it down
Burn it to the ****ing ground
It's not going to stop


Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Turns out I never had a thought at all.
I've been talking in my sleep, reciting teleprompted anthems -
A marionette strung tight to the executives upstairs.
I almost had myself convinced that I meant everything I said. What a shame.
Oh captain, my captain, you've been drinking. What happened?
I've been slurring my cadences and blacking out when I stand.
I know all about your son, who never did return from the war.
But there was poison in that bottle, I tell you.
(1, 2, 3, 4)
Tell the tower I've been hijacked
Tell the gunman this vehicle's been stolen
I'm coming out with my hands in the air. This is not my voice.
What you are hearing is not me.
There's been a horrible mistake. I'm a proud God-fearing registered democrat.
This is all the same elaborate scheme and it will be cleared up when the governor beckons for me.
He'll clear my name. It appears that the inmates have overrun the asylum.
There's a madman at the wheel. We are not even remotely capable of keeping our heads about us.
We've abandoned all semblance of presence. Dead bolted, buckled in. Keeping our word to the sinking ship.
Let the rats orchestrate the new mutiny. I'll meet you overboard.


Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Rob this world of resource
Burn the oil for fortune
Stealing from our savior
In quest of power
Our fate is catastrophic
The coming days of failure
Aborting evolution
In quest of power
Take all you want and these bloody skies will reign
Take what's hers and these blood skies will reign
Oh mother close your eyes
These bloody skies will reign
Dear savior brace your heart
These bloody skies will reign
Blackened lives
Sunsless skies
Our bare world weeps
Black hearts how reign
Blasphemous corruption
Controlling progression
Our bare world weeps
Black hearts now reign
In solitude a lonely voice is heard
This future of despair is easy to avoid
This future of despair is easy to avoid
Lies strangle this world hope
In quest of power
