Continuing from this hijacked thread:
What other strategies do you use when you are stuck in the difficult spot between those who commit sick stuff saying you are wimps for not doing it, and those who assume you agree with the sick stuff? Luciferians get falsely accused about this stuff as much as Satanists do. Perhaps we can compare notes?
Speaking; as a Satanist and an (technical?) atheist... and both of those things are something I rather don't like to openly discuss identifying as...
But speaking from those perspectives, as a nontheist (that seems a better term for what I am) I don't really see any issue with "sick stuff" in of itself. Everything must be taken in a context.
But speaking as an initiated Satan(ist) I should say that I am probably more often than not at odds with people who do "sick things" that harm other people. If there is no suffering or rights being violated, then it isn't really my business. I would be against, for example, killing some innocent person. But I might be okay with an animal sacrifice.
Some might even say the blood magic I am involved in is "sick" even though I'm not hurting anyone or anything there either. Some might say I'm sick just by the fact that I have made music glorifying the Satanic archetype and the concept of Satan. Heck even a lot of sex magick probably looks sick to people (particularly if it's the fun kind with ropes and stuff).
"Sick" is very subjective. But to me, if someone can't handle a little bit of blood magic, necromancy, sex magic (vanilla or BDSM/whatever), violent imagery or stuff like that I don't really see how antinomian they really are... at least if I am understanding the usage here. I'm not sure the one I'm seeing used a lot actually follows the definition I see in and Wikipedia. Wikipedia mentions it as being part of the Left Hand Path and modern Satanism but over the years I've only really seen it manifest in nontheistic satanism as the inclination towards being a hedonistic jerk with little consideration of most people. That is rather par for the course (even if unfortunate) for modern society and human history in general so I don't see what's so special about that.
If Satanism is humanism in a devil's mask as some commentators have said over the years, it might be antinomian in the more traditional christian sense (just without the Christian god) but that isn't unique and doesn't make one very much if at all different from secular humanists. I would hope that 'modern' Satanism, being about the Christian Satan, would at least be willing to explore the taboo, the forbidden and the unquestionable. Some things are probably best left alone such as murder, but that doesn't mean that everything is off the table. It just means you need some kind of standard for what is allowed to be acted upon.
Satanism tends to be dogmatic, and my own group has rules for what we can and can't do. We disavow many "sick" things but we also do many "sick" things. Who's to say who's the sicker one? Many sick things are accepted by society and my group doesn't illusion itself as being immune. We just think our values are better and act on those. To most of society we are "sick" but they are just as if not more sick to us.
As far as what I do to differentiate myself between those I find to do "sick" things in the name of religion... I simply point out that I'm not part of their religion. I think a lot of terrorists do sick things in the name of several religions. Like shoot up Sikh churches because they think they are Muslims or because it has black people in it, or behead Buddhists for their faith. They might even glorify and celebrate the execution of an innocent man and symbolically like cannibalize him.
Notice how my examples didn't include any supposed or real Satanists or any other occult group. Usually when it's claimed that someone who killed someone was a Satanist it's not true. I've never really heard of very many credible stories of an actual Satanist, Luciferian or whatever killing someone. And the few times that it did seem that they did something "Satanic" it's more resembled Christian propaganda about Satanism than actual Satanism. For example many many years ago two very disturbed Russian teenagers reportedly stabbed someone 666 times and buried them with an inverted cross. Their understanding didn't seem too authentic, but say if they had some kind of Satanic literature and did it in some kind of proscribed ritual they then probably would probably be legit.
So I just kind of point out that kind of thing. Nothing in Satanism (with a few infamous exceptions that are mostly just talk) actually advocates doing sick things that hurt people, and of those very few, Far-Right groups that do they are all theistic as far as I am aware. It is actually much more common that major world religions have had and do do sick things on a large scale.
Also many people think I do agree with sick stuff, but that isn't that bad of an assumption since 90% of my society agrees with very sick stuff and doesn't even realize how sick it is. So again it's pretty subjective. Really the only true answer is just talking plainly.