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Schumer changes Senate dress code

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Yes, I think having no government shutdown is a fine thing. You were complaining there would be one due to Gaetz but there wasn't. You put him down as an "empty suit" yet he forced out a Speaker, something that has never happened before. That isn't something an "empty suit" could do. You were wrong.

So Gaetz plan to shutdown the government was thwarted and you want to give him credit for that? Being an incompetent villain does not make you the hero.

What happened is the Democrats and a few Republicans (not including Gaetz) avoided a shutdown, and then little Matty has a temper tantrum and breaks his toys.

The Government did not shutdown but the the House is out for at least a week, maybe longer, then when they do get back they have to waste more time picking a new Speaker. All this wasted time due to Gaetz and seven other idiots.

You consider that productive? You think that is a good thing?

More to the point, is this a good thing for the Republican Party? When you vote, as I assume you do, for a Republican to be your representative in Congress, is this what you want them to do?

You are correct, this has never happened before. No other political party in U.S. history has been this stupid and incompetent. But that only shows that Matt Gaetz is perhaps the dumbest Congressman to ever be elected.
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Active Member
Rather have a Senator who can do his job in a hoodie than a Senator who can't do his job but looks good in a suit.

As Matt Gaetz whines about Fetterman's Hoodie the government is about to shut down in less than two weeks, largely because of empty suits like Gaetz.
Problem is they are a lot lot lot of clever people who do not wear suits.They just never got the chance.Let them wear what they want.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
So Gaetz plan to shutdown the government was thwarted and you want to give him credit for that?
You should have stopped right there since that was never his plan. His plan was to maximize his spending priorities. Which he seems to have done and also removed a Speaker. The rest of your blah, blah, blah...
Being an incompetent villain does not make you the hero.

What happened is the Democrats and a few Republicans (not including Gaetz) avoided a shutdown, and then little Matty has a temper tantrum and breaks his toys.

The Government did not shutdown but the the House is out for at least a week, maybe longer, then when they do get back they have to waste more time picking a new Speaker. All this wasted time due to Gaetz and seven other idiots.

You consider that productive? You think that is a good thing?

More to the point, is this a good thing for the Republican Party? When you vote, as I assume you do, for a Republican to be your representative in Congress, is this what you want them to do?

You are correct, this has never happened before. No other political party in U.S. history has been this stupid and incompetent. But that only shows that Matt Gaetz is perhaps the dumbest Congressman to ever be elected.
...blah, blah, is just so much sour grapes. Gaetz did some significant things that you don't like. Boo hoo.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
You should have stopped right there since that was never his plan. His plan was to maximize his spending priorities. Which he seems to have done and also removed a Speaker. The rest of your blah, blah, blah...

...blah, blah, is just so much sour grapes. Gaetz did some significant things that you don't like. Boo hoo.
On the contrary, I love the things Matt Gaetz has done. He is attacking Republicans and destroying himself. It is a joy to watch.


Veteran Member
On the contrary, I love the things Matt Gaetz has done. He is attacking Republicans and destroying himself. It is a joy to watch.
For once I agree with you. However, only time will tell if what he did causes those who voted for him to still support him.
This also goes for the other Republicans that voted with him.
Then again it shows that the Dems are putting party over the country.