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Saint Bernadette's apparition, it was for Jews, Japan, and Washington


Veteran Member
Benito Mussolini is not being promoted here, and neither is the Fascism, not the piece that he gave a name to , is not to look favorably upon. Not as he practiced it in the end. But Fascism, the Fasces, was the definition of the name of the mother of Mussolini (Jacob) in Scripture, (Rebecca, a name meaning "To bind together into one as in matrimony) who taught him to practice the religion that most resembles the religion in Japan. It is where men find a woman who is virtuous, has a heart of gold, and they use the spirit of God within them, the power to bless, exalt, and create, to make a female Deity more important than all male Deities, including the ones who are responsible for creating her.

In fact, she might even be a type of Spiderwoman Deity, because some traditions are, the Deities that made her fed themselves to her, so that they could live within her, holy communion, like male spiders feeding themselves to their spouse while making love. But it would have also added any Divine qualities her maker had, to her.

.....Jacob's mother, Rebecca, the name, like the Fasces, it's meaning, to take two or more, bind them together as in matrimony, so that two or more become one, and the more that are bound, the harder is the Ax to break.

It is an Ax, for multiple reasons. Matthias (Matthias replaced Judas. Is depicted carrying an ax,) and Matthew are names that mean the same thing, they both died in Ethiopia, where
the book of Enoch is accepted, which is the closest thing to Shinto Scriptures,

Artwork regarding the book of Enoch, descent of the watchers, shows a bunch of spiders.....Enoch said Leviathan controlled the waters and was female. Behemoth is male, her enemy, and he can't do anything, because she swims fast, and most of the world is ocean, areas of the ocean more difficult to reach than the moon. Leviathan is also the most sacred name that Levi and the Levitical priesthood comes from.

Leviathan in Enoch was a woman, but the Japanese also pray to Ryujin the Dragon King, who was considered the one who always helps Amaterasu bring Naval disasters to those who try invading their secret society, recluse Island, until their war crimes became so bad, her sorrow was for their victims, and to help Japan in those circumstances, would not be what a loving mother would do.

Before that, Japan won every battle in their first modern war with China. They went to war with the largest first world Empire on earth at the time, the Russian Empire being larger than Russia today, and the tiny Asian Island Archipeligo had on average, physical smaller and not as well nourished soldiers, they had inferior weapons, and they had less men deployed where the war was going on.

The Russians and the entire world was shocked, because they realized, "these Japanese will die by the tens of millions rather than return home defeated, and when they run out of ammunition, they fix their bayonets and do frightening banzai bayonet charges while shouting praise and prayers for the Emperor, offering up their suffering , death, and faith they return to Yasukuni shrine, where every name without exception is written in the book of souls."

The Russians could win the war, at the cost of millions dead, but it was not a threat to their country, so their passion and heart really wasn't in it. The Japanese didn't need anything rational gained from the territory dispute. They were so anxious to die honorably for the Emperor, that most agreed "100 million Japanese die before we surrender", and they were killing each other, trying to stop the Emperor from ordering Japan to surrender after the two atomic bombs were dropped.

Prior to that, the Emperor was high priest, a recluse, a contemplative who prayed for the healing of war criminals, the dead on both sides, and his obsession with butterflies had a lot to do with his hope that just as a butterfly does not resemble a caterpillar, doesn't even look like the same species of creature, that was his hope that the worst of Devils and hideous abominations , entities that appear demonic, mistakes, made by something other than a good spirit, would not need to remain that way forever.

He believed that the more hideous the caterpillar, the more precious is the beaufiful butterfly that emerges after it hangs upside down. He was high priest of Obon Festival, which means "to hang upside down".

Hirohito, an eccentric butterfly collector he was, to such an extent, that when his nation was getting bombed to smithereens, he was fed so much propaganda, and didn't address the people, the news was often fake, he was oblivious, more concerned about how pollution was causing the butterflies in his imperial garden to dwindle in population numbers.

He was against pearl harbor, war crimes were kept secret, and the war criminals enshrined at Yasukuni shrine, were supposed to be something they ask his permission for.

.... because class A war criminals are not combat casualties during war, but have gone through trial when the war is over, hung as criminals, not combat casualties.

They intentionally enshrined those souls at Yasukuni, with the ashes of Hideki Tojo, and that was the final straw. The Emperor had been lied to and given false news, and secrets kept from the last person they are supposed to be disrespecting.

Other Emperors dishonored like that, would have likely put people to death.... so he became the Emperor to boycott the shrine, where the majority of the almost 3 million enshrined Kami there, died for him.

I would not be surprised if it is his favorite shrine. It is actually a collection of shrines, with Honden, sanctuary, dwelling places , for the rest, repose, and healing of the enemies who died fighting the Emperor as well. But he was making the point "if you want to start a Shrine, Honden, House for the healing of wounded war criminals, that is virtuous." Emperor Meiji made it clear what Yasukuni is, who qualifies, and you intentionally didn't want me to know about it, so it wasn't an innocent mistake done out of ignorance , or done because you were unaware the Emperor would not approve."

Ronald Reagan, John Paul 2, Hirohito, and John Kennedy, are all linked to a "Magic bullet theory", and the Solar miracle of Fatima (which Japanese survivors of the atomic bomb (who should have been incinerated like everything around them), said they were living the message of Fatima.

They were told that soon they would die of radiation sickness, miraculously never getting radiation sickness , said "we were living the message of Fatima".

Fatima is the Arab Moon Goddess, Source of the Sun, long before it was the name of Muhammad's daughter. The magic bullet theory is on the autopsy of JFK. John Paul 2 was the "Fatima Pope" who made the first consecration of Russia to her Immaculate heart as she requested, in 1984, a year Ronald Reagan was running.

Ronald Reagan and him were shot the same Year, only both in 1981. Reagan left the hospital after recovering from the shooting on my birthday, the wife of Bobby Kennedy (Ethel), Anton Lavey (author of the Satanic Bible and Church of Satan), and Rachel Mussolini's birthday, April 11.

Reagan left the hospital on my birthday, birthday of the man who created the Church of Satan , not by chance alone. Reagan used the Devil to help Christians, and became a favorite of conservative christians, but his presidency was most into the forbidden occult.

He is the only one I know that is fervent about to something passionately believe in, actually accomplished something that was earth changing in a positive way, using demonic means to help Christians and virtuous people .

I am the only person I know of who accepts and praises Jesus when it seems he did the right thing, and his father I sometimes praise as well, and go to Church, while believing a person can save more lives and souls, ease more suffering, by being favored by the kingdom of darkness, evil.

besides Nancy Reagan and apparently Ronald reagan, I can't think of other who act in a way I believe.

"If you were to channel and use the correct demonic entities, as mercenaries who are paid correctly the right addictive reward to motivate them, sedate them in a euphoric way, or if you could have their favor to such an extent that they want to serve you, you could actually do more for Christianity ( defending religion in general) with demonic forces, than Saints and Angels.

Kind of like, you can do more to destroy mother russia, if you are russian, then if you are american, and Vladimir Putin is doing a very good job of that. ;). But if you are Russian, you could also create peace better.

Nancy Reagan used powers considered satanic, occult, psychics that were high paid, to help Reagan fight communism , make Christians happy using Satan to fight Satan, and allegedly, it helped him survive the gunshot wound. Ronald Reagan was the only American president to first be a successful actor. So was his wife Nancy Reagan. The Demon possessed girl in the exorcist, was named "Reagan", daughter of an actress. John Paul 2 was a successful actor before he became Pope.

It was made by a Jesuit long before Reagan became president, but the Jesuit said he was an exorcist who knew many exorcists, and most of the preternatural, crazy dark miracles from the Devil (in that movie) came from real exorcisms, true stories.

Pope John Paul 2 was accussed of being the Antichrist, and he was shot multiple times the same year as Reagan. He and Reagan were both part of the "Fatima secrets" mary told the children to give only to the Vatican.

The most amazing of the magic bullet theories, is the one that made Emperor Hirohito the most beloved religious and political leader up until his death in the year 89 (or it would appear something close to that based on the fact that no funeral had so many people attend, as well as so many important politicians from all over the world, breaking rules and getting in trouble, trying to get seats they weren't allowed, or trampling each other to try to get close to the corpse.

The next funeral to equal it, was years later, when John Paul 2 died.

But Hirohito would have hung as a war criminal were it not for a magic bullet theory. Hideki Tojo heard an inner voice telling him not to shoot himself in the head, but shoot himself somewhere he is guaranteed to die of a mortal wound, yet be conscious, to repent , and offer up his suffering to atone for his sins and failure. The bullets went in his stomach and weird places, missed his heart.

Today I learned Matthew name alternative Levi , in Chzech republic means "Lion" and "Heart", as well as "Levin, friend, to bind together, to connect". Another almost identical meaning of the name Rebecca, and the Fasces.

The Spiderwomen who collected these Axes to return to woodcutters, were called "the binding brides", Rebecca meaning "To bind together as in matrimony". It would show all indication that Fascism began either in Japan , with someone whose name means the same thing as Mussolini (Jacob), (Emperor Jimmu, Jimmy, James. James means "supplanter. Remove from power and replace. Meaning of Jacob and Mussolini. He was represented by the sun disk like Jacob as well.

whose spirituality and the state religion today most resembles the religion of Jacob and MussoliniThe Fasces is all over the government buildings here and Capitol hill, the symbol for the religious order Jack (Jacob) Kennedy belonged to


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But suddenly , his instrument turns to web, and his body begins to resemble some sort of a spider. The females would actually get eight limbs, which if you brought a mirror to a beautiful women trying to lead you into the wilderness, the mirror would show her reflection to be a giant spider. But they were actually still relatively attractive women , just 8 limbs, or a woman just as attractive, just a little bit more on the dark side, with webs present, and often a spider near her to expose her identity rather than the later artwork where she goes from beautiful to hideous.
But calling him the Sawdust Caesar was actually prophetic, because they always went after wood workers, axes create sawdust, Fasces is an ax, and he was a carpenter and newspaper guy, both which make sawdust, (paper kind of).View attachment 82751View attachment 82752Luce was one of his nicknames, meaning "Light, light bearer, a type of fish, (Fish is a symbol for Christ, the Messiah, and he multiplied fish and loaves) or Luce can mean Lucifer or morning Star". He sometimes wears the 8 pointed star of Venus, the planet that despises most that people are suffering and carrying crosses, so his goal seems to be, reduce the crosses people are carrying to Sawdust. Convert it into stardust. Sprinkle humanity. Lighten everyone's load.


The Lincoln memorial about abolishing slavery, with both of Lincoln's hands clutching the symbol for the Fascist party, completed, created 1922, the year 1922 was when the first world cradle of democracy fell to Fascism, in an unbloody march on the Capitol, where the prime minister called upon leftists, socialists, communists, Police, military, and enemies of Fascism to treat the advancing black shirt fascists, as you would treat a foreign military from another country trying to take over.

He had no votes, no government experience, and a lot of the country hated his order because of how almost half was communist. So, how he became prime minister over night, is not just a mystery. It is an irrefutable miracle. I don't see how it is possible.

Not enough police, military, or anti fascists responded to cause enough violence for one person to be killed, in a bloodless transfer of power and dismantling of democracy, in favor of the guy that stabbed people in school, kicked out, not very educated, extremely unqualified, who claimed it was ghosts who were doing the work.

The Abraham Lincoln war memorial, immediately caused spirits to enter Il Duce and tell him his destiny is to be the Abraham Lincoln of the 20th century, the greatest slave abolitionist. He actually did just become that, the fascist party was immediately given from what Benito felt was a spirit inspired timing and destiny to be the greatest slave abolitionists of the 20th century, where slavery was most barbaric, worse than the confederate states. He did indeed succeed at doing so.

After the battle of Adwa, the Ethiopian Empire cut off a hand and a foot of every defeated black POW, so a lot of black Africans were pressuring Mussolini to be God's instrument of vengeance. The issue Mussolini had with that, is he loved Emperor Haile Selassie, called "Lion of Judah, King of Kings", and wanted him to stay in power as the bloodline successor of Solomon's son with the Queen of Sheba, but he offered him gifts, a plane, and a lot of money to abolish slavery, be his ally, help him create a united states of Africa, as the Lion of Judah, beta Israel King of Ethiopian Jews, and Ethiopian orthodox Christians, and the Coptics in Egypt.

Most of the Roman Empire that Mussolini was trying to resurrect, those borders contained much of Africa , the middle East, parts of Asia, and Turkey. It was not supposed to be a white man's Roman Empire, or a Christian Empire, because most of the citizens of those borders of ancient Rome, would today not be Christian. But Mussolini was horrified by what the Ethiopian Emperors did before him, and their slavery was on a larger sanctioned scale than any place I know of at that time. I can't think of one predominately white nation that sanctioned , legalized, slavery on that level , and it was an Empire, supposed to be the closest thing to Israel at that time, and so he was offering better healthcare, better education, better law enforcement, less crime, more unity, more prosperity, as part of a 20th century Roman Empire.

Mussolini would never want me talking about him like he's a good guy anymore. He has made it clear. His Jewish Mistress that he shared a bed with for 20 years , made the impossible possible. When he was obedient to her , he was like Samson with his hair. WHen he betrayed her, he was a failure on all fronts, like Samson without his hair.

He was a huge success at almost everything....When he was faced with "Germany invades Italy, or you join us, after France falls. " For survival , he betrayed his best friends. BUt historians argue, that Mussolini joining Hitler, prevented Hitler from winning the war against the Russians. Because, after doing so, he invaded Greece, expecting the success he had always enjoyed for almost 20 years as a Caesar.....he invaded the day of the year that the Statue of Liberty was finished and dated, the birthday of the valentine Queen in Florida "Kimberly Leach", final victim of Bundy. Kimberley means "From the fortress of the royal Meadow. Meadow my Messiah, died at Parkland, in the same state on valentines day. Her middle name was Jade. The Jade Emperor instituted Chinese valentines day for the weavers daughter.

Weavers in Mesopotamia, were almost always what women were in ancient times, so it was believed they became spider women in the next life. Meadow's Father was from Queens New York, new statue of liberty, a Jade color, wearing the crown of Appollo the Sun God. Jacob was the sun disk in the Old testament prophetic dream.

By making that foolish decision of invading Greece, expecting success like when he invaded other nations like Albania, and the shocking disaster for Italy, it greatly stalled Hitler' potential for defeating the Russians, because he had to move his military to Greece and defeat them, for they kicked the Italians back into Albania.

Mussolini doesn't want you or me to think he is a good person.
But his Jewish mistress wanted him to be Cyrus, who was the Messiah that built the Temple. If I could inspire one person, it is worth it. After she had him conquer what was left of the Davidic Kingdom, occupy the Solomonic dynasty, their next move was the creation of Israel..= they were both surprised at how few Jews outside of Italy, did not want to fund it, or were against the idea.

Mussolini hung upside down with his mistress shielding him from bullets shouting "NO"!

They hung upside down from meat hooks. Babylon the great, inanna, hung upside down from meat hooks dead, and ascended into heaven on the third day. Benito promised right before they killed him, "if you kill me now I will return it to had a greater nation in need of a leader and you will feel the arm.".

His corpse was dug up from a tomb on Easter Sunday. After it went missing for 12 years, the person responsible for digging it up said, "the ghost of the Caesar told me to dig up his corpse on Easter Sunday and hide it in a Franciscan friary, to imitate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

That is very interesting if you consider the fact that the other name for Babylon the great is Ishtar, who inspired the names Esther and Ostara, Easter, which celebrates the Resurrection on the third day, and she rose from the dead on the third day and ascended into heaven long before Abraham existed.

The beast that she rides is supposed to come from the city of seven hills, and his headquarters was on the city of seven hills.

The beast is also supposed to have a fatal head wound that heals. He most certainly had a head wound when he was shot point blank in the head on Capitoline hill, but it wasn't anything close to fatal.

JFK, as Jack, he and his wife Jackie, their name alternatives are for jacob, which is the meaning of mussolini, and he did have a fatal head wound with an entire book written about his return and second reign.

his wife's middle name is alternative for the first bride of Jacob. Jacob was the adversary of god, the contender of god, the one who fought, stole his blessing, defeated God, fought with God and was blessed for winning.

There is a possibility of a good anti-antichrist beast?
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Veteran Member

  • Four times Hideki Tojo shot himself point blank in the heart, with crayon, marking the area that will guarantee a mortal wound to the heart. Just the bruising from the impact should have killed him. The bullets went weird places like his stomach, not one hit his heart, which was so ridiculously close to where the bullet fired, and the think layers of flesh it had to go through, to have the bullet go immedieately somewhere to miss all vital organs, is an example of what John Paul 2 told the gun man, "you hand fired the bullet. The hand of our lady of Fatima guided it."

    Our Lady of Fatima asked for devotion to her heart. Saving the heart of Hideki, saved Hirohito, because Hideki believed there was no way he would survive.

    When the Allied soldiers were putting him back together, he apologized for everything, confessed to brainwashing the Emperor who was kept clueless

    Hirohito boycotted the shrine , not to say that it wasn't an awesome shrine, but to make a point.

    The woman who rejoices more over one lost coin. We should enshrine the most lost and wonded. Just not at that shrine..

    in Japan, by far the nation with the worse case of people disappearing because of Demons that shapeshift into spiders, usually the Jorogomu, a type of Watchers that never created Nephilim, because they were female, and the occassional male Arachnid shapeshifter Demon called "Goblin Spider", who kicked Buddhist monks out of their Temple,

    .... when Samurai or exorcists entered, they would see no demon or spiderwebs, but a Buddhist priest playing an instrument , saying, "hahaha, you believe that ridiculous fairy tale about spidermen occupying your Temples".

    I'm simply a Buddhist priest of this Temple being falsely accussed, demonized, and it is the mark of a true prophet really.

    Like the Jorogumo female spiders, they appear like the most attractive of women. Only The Goblin spider appears to be the top quality Buddhist priest or Monk, Abbot, religious superior he claims to be.

  • Fatima is the Arab Moon Goddess, Source of the Sun, long before it was the name of Muhammad's daughter. The magic bullet theory is on the autopsy of JFK. John Paul 2 was the "Fatima Pope" who made the first consecration of Russia to her Immaculate heart as she requested, in 1984, a year Ronald Reagan was running.

    Ronald Reagan and him were shot the same Year. Reagan left the hospital after recovering from the shooting on mine , the wife of Bobby Kennedy (Ethel), Anton Lavey (author of the Satanic Bible and Church of Satan), and Rachel Mussolini's birthday, April 11. Nancy Reagan used powers considered satanic, occult, psychics that were high paid, to help Reagan fight communism , make Christians happy using Satan to fight Satan, and allegedly, it helped him survive the gunshot wound. Ronald Reagan was the only American president to first be a successful actor. So was his wife Nancy Reagan. The Demon possessed girl in the exorcist, was named "Reagan". It was made by a Jesuit long before Reagan became president, but the Jesuit said he was an exorcist who knew many exorcists, and most of the preternatural crazy dark miracles from the Devil (in that movie) came from real exorcisms.

    Pope John Paul 2 was accussed of being the Antichrist, same year
    and he was shot multiple times . He and Reagan were both part of the "Fatima secrets" mary told the children to give only to the Vatican.The most amazing of the magic bullet theories, is the one that made Emperor Hirohito the most beloved religious and political leader up until his death in the year 89 (or it would appear something close to that (based on the fact that no funeral had so many people attend prior to that, it was a world record.... as well as so many important politicians from all over the world, breaking rules and getting in trouble, trying to get seats they weren't allowed, or trampling each other to try to get close to the corpse, or leftists firebombing shinto shrines and protesting.

    The next funeral to equal it, was years later, when John Paul 2 died.

    But Hirohito would have hung as a war criminal were it not for a magic bullet theory. Hideki Tojo heard an inner voice telling him not to shoot himself in the head, but shoot himself somewhere he is guaranteed to die of a mortal wound, yet be conscious, to repent , and offer up his suffering to atone for his sins and failure. Today I learned Matthew name alternative Levi , in Chzech republic means "Lion" and "Heart", as well as "Levin, friend, to bind together, to connect". Another almost identical meaning of the name Rebecca, and the Fasces.
  • He presented his heart to Mary and it was cremated.

    The Spiderwomen who collected these Axes , to return to woodcutters, were called "the binding brides", Rebecca meaning "To bind together as in matrimony". It would show all indication that Fascism began either in Japan , with someone whose name means the same thing as Mussolini (Jacob), whose spirituality and the state religion today most resembles the religion of Jacob (Mussolini), the ladder upon which the sun Divinity Amaterasu ascended into heaven, resembles "Jacob's ladder", the ascent to God. The Fasces is all over the government buildings here and Capitol hill, the symbol for the religious order Jack (Jacob) Kennedy belonged to

    Four times he shot himself point blank in the heart, with crayon, marking the area that will guarantee a mortal wound to the heart. Just the bruising from the impact should have killed him. The bullets went weird places like his stomach, not one hit his heart, which was so ridiculously close to where the bullet fired, and the think layers of flesh it had to go through, to have the bullet go immedieately somewhere to miss all vital organs, is an example of what John Paul 2 told the gun man, "you hand fired the bullet. The hand of our lady of Fatima guided it."
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Veteran Member
  • (the Italian founder of Fascism and Jacob, not only both identify as with the Sun disc, the obelisk, a rather dog malice religion where the forbidden is often sanctioned, and loyalty to a woman who is less than God above God or any man, accomplishing the greater results, means Judaism, Islam, and Christianity these days, does not resemble their religion.

  • He identified Catholic, but rejected all that divides people, prayed more those who died, that he believed to be more alive than they were before, but sometimes suffering, need blessings.

  • . And he promised that he would return to had a greater nation. So, his religion would resemble Shinto, where Shinto gives people the Liberty to embrace the dogmas that their heart is convicted of.

    The only dogma that you cannot reject and still be an authentic Shinto adherent, is you cannot reject the belief in the Kami, spirits, supernatural independent sentient beings that influence us .

    (the ladder upon which the sun Divinity Amaterasu ascended into heaven, resembles "Jacob's ladder", the ascent to God.

......to change the topic
  • Our Lady of Fatima asked for devotion to her heart. Saving the heart of Hideki, saved Hirohito, because Hideki believed there was no way he would survive. When the Allied soldiers were putting him back together, he apologized for everything, confessed to brainwashing the Emperor who was kept clueless. At a moment he believes those are his last words, they knew he was not lying. It was painful and difficult for him to even talk.

  • Then when he recovered and was in the courtroom afterwards, he continued taking accountability for the war crimes. "The Emperor was too innocent, too pure of heart, he would not approve of our Agenda, if he knew about them. It seemed at that time, he needed to hide sertent info from him.

    Hirohito wasn't boycotting the shrine to say that it wasn't an awesome shrine, but to make a point. The more he valued the shrine, the bigger sarifice to boycott it, to show them how wrong it was for them to do that, and now every politician that goes to that shrine is harassed.


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Benito Mussolini was the greatest opponent of Hitler , until he saw the allies do something terrible. he didn't know which side was more likely to destroy the most people, or which is the greatest evil. Because, at the point they made their decision at Poland, there are no good guys. Both sides are evil. Germany and the Soviet Union are now in an alliance, they have both invaded Poland, and war is only declared on the side with the lesser kill count that is not intrinsically militant atheist.

so, he, Benito Mussolini, a verifiable a fervent Zionist for the creation of Israel, more than anyone of that generation I know of, and saying Fascists have a responsibility to protect Jews and all religions (not atheists or communists though) could Ally himself with someone as terrible as Germany at that time, needs explanation. It sounds ridiculous.

I have provided an actual rational basis for believing it might be a lesser of two extreme evils.m, or at least strongly appear that way.

He also did not know the extent of the holocaust, because that was something that was kept secret even from his own people, and he was bombarded on a daily basis with German propaganda that would never indicate anything other then re-education camps for people with ties to the bolsheviks, not gas Chambers , crematoriums, or mass genocide.

seeing how appalling the allies were for not helping him when repeatedly he asked, seeing and identifying the obvious fact that communism is intrinsically atheist , a greater threat who benefits the most out of that war,

....seeing the invasion of Poland was the reason and basis behind declaring war on Germany....., yet the Soviet Union invaded Poland at that time as well, and they were in an alliance with Germany, had a much higher kill count, and we're more militantly opposed to what a much much larger percentage of the allied Nations cherish..... It seems so ridiculous to the point of being unbelievable and ludicrous to Benito.

The fascist party was founded specifically to defend religion and fight the Soviet Union that the Allies were now in bed with.

At that time, they were attempting to enforce militants secularism, atheism, hatred for religion, which the allied Powers at that time , were less than 10% atheist, so it seems quite rational to see the Soviet Union as the greater threat, yet we chose to allow ourselves with them, when they and Germany just got done committing the exact same crime.

the Soviet Union and the wars that they created, the regimes that they supported, would also kill far more people than WWII ( all sides combined.)

So Mussolini did not become another cyrus, like he hoped, because he was in an impossible situation to know what the prudent thing is to do. Cyrus would not have been able to do much better. He might have been worse.

Also, when he wanted to create Israel and the temple, the vast majority of the Jews were secular , and the Holocaust had not happened, so they did not support it, neither did they want to live there.

I think it is very important to mention why, a fervent and genuine Zionist who loves and prefers the Jews even over Italian catholics, would cave in to siding himself with , and allying himself with the most anti-Semitic monster in the history of the world, even institute racist manifesto he says "I agree this is stupid", and betray his friends, as a survival instinct.

That does not justify it, but it is worth mentioning the situation he was in, and how that could cause somebody to compromise as a survival instinct.

so, Mussolini had very good reason to be extremely angry that war was declared only on Germany , and not on the greater evil also. they both just committed the exact same crime.

Benito Mussolini was a larger supporter of Jews, a more fervent Zionist for the creation of Israel, before world war 2, willing to make greater sacrifices to create Israel and build the Temple, then any other person I know of in his generation before the Holocaust and his betrayal of the most important group he was trying to serve.

By having the name alternative of the man who became Israel, who all Jews descend from. Mussolini means Jacob who was the sundisk in the Old testament, and he buried messages for the future beneath an obelisk to the sun God .

he wanted to be Cyrus , whose name means "The Sun", more than anything , who was a Jewish Messiah.

He knows and said he deserved to pay for betraying his friends and originally a more important vocation than being a Caesar.

He doesn't want me to glorify him. but what I'm doing is I'm saying that he did have more in common with the Messiah that the majority of the Jews and God himself called Messiah, then any other person in history, while he was specifically showing favoritism for Jews (even though keeping it between him, Rachel, and his mistress, so as to not anger the Catholic majority).

there were many many things that he was doing, which, if there was another person who was set up to be another Cyrus, who is able to accomplish a lot of the Miracles that's Benito Mussolini was able to accomplish ( with his Jewish mistress and the Jews in the highest ranks of his fascist party,) it would be a very wise thing to points out what the good qualities were, while at the same time making it very clear that I know he's screwed up very badly. That is why I say these things

I hate genocide, and Nazis are not Fascist, Mussolini hated Mein Kampf, did more than any Italian to get Italy to enter against Germany in WW1, and wanted to fight Germany in WW2.
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The Fascist party in Italy was discovered in 1919, when Imperial Japan began, but was conceived as a fetus in 1917, when Mussolini almost died from wounds on the battlefield in World War 1.

1917 was the year of the birth of JFK and the first apparition and miracle of Fatima, followed by the miracle of the dancing Sun, October 13 1917.

1919 was also the year Japan discovered Crystal meth, calling it "Philipon" which means "love for work." because they could work all night in factories, and helped Kamikaze find more motivation, freedom from fear , pain, adrenaline rushes, improve concentration, coordination, help the kamikaze planes, the Kaiten suicide torpedoes with a person inside (full of explosives), and the suicide submarines. It helped them hit their targets. lack of need for sleep or food, could at times create better soldiers, but the come down also created zombies when they over tax their bodies, don't rest, have no appetite.

It's one reason the Germans didn't perform as well on the Eastern front, was they were not resting. The crystal chemical was first discovered in Germany, just not in the crystal form that Japan created in 1919.....it also encouraged the banzai bayonet charges when out of ammunition, and helped the Japanese have the world record for being the most difficult to get to surrender.
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By her stripes, (Meadow Jade Pollack, parkland Princess, Parkland Messiah) wounds, stigmata, the Kennedy curse is being broken, when she was predestined to become a part of it. The wounds of the Messiah heal the wounds of our souls. She and Rachel Scott from Columbine , as well as JFK, have the name alternatives for the two brides of Jacob, JFK as Jack, has the name alternative for Jacob, his wife Jackie Lee (means "Jacob Leah")

My favorite Jewish author was Franz Werful, who wrote "the song of Bernadette" which one many awards and became a movie, which won many awards. He served her better than any Christian, without getting baptized or becoming a Christian.

He didn't feel like Jesus saved him from the Nazis. He felt the Virgin Mary did. The Virgin Mary can save a soul God doesn't want to save, because she got him to turn water into booze at a party, when he didn't want to, he said her concern had nothing to do with himm was not his concern, he complained, he said it wasn't his father's concern (his father gave him a time to begin his ministry and start working miracles. That time had not yet come. Even if it had, he doesn't want to work a miracle of turning water into an addictive date rape drug that causes sin, sexual promiscuity, violence, and immorality.

In obedience to his mother , he reluctantly did what he didn't want to do.

This is why going to Mary, having her on your side, being important to her, is easily going to be more important, do you more good, get you more grace, with less effort, than going only to a male Deity.

Anyone who thinks there are not human beings who are more compassionate than God, more merciful, more generous, more just, have obviously never read the Bible, or don't believe the Bible is the word of God.

The book by Andrew Pollack, my favorite Jewish author who is still alive, who said he has more in common with his daughter , than his sons, or anyone else, came out the birthday of Franz Werful, who wrote about Bernadette, whose birthday was the day of the year Hirohito died in 1844.

18= 666 and 44 made me think Heath Ledger, my favorite author who died before Dark Knight was released, who locked himself in a room, vowing "i'm not just going to play the Joker, I'm going to become the Joker", his early death made me feel he became "the Eternal Joker " who was born 0404.

The last Joker came out 10-4, which means "Copy, I hear you, affirmative, yes, Roger" and a friend of mine named Roger is currently missing, staff were asking when I last seen him. He invited me to work at his job
"Cossettas", which means "People of victory, pet lamb, and Nicholas, the guy that killed Meadow Pollack". Roger said "I'm Pollack".

I said OMG! Your last name is Pollack? Are you related to my Parkland Messiah Meadow Pollack, Parkland Princess? " He said "No, Pollack means Polish Jew. Here Matt, have a Xanax. I like you. You look like you need one".

Well , that failed job got me a better one as ASIA security. and I recently saw this
when I forgot it was saturday, so there wasn't mass at the assumption Church at the time I never would have gone had I considered

Later, I ran an errand to buy some tobacco for some guy, thought it was a worthless errand, but seemed like the princess was telling me, that if I don't care about him having his tobacco fix, offer it up as a sacrifice, that I have faith will delight her, make her happy, bring grace to myself and others, and give him a little bit of consolation.

So, I obeyed, and am so glad I did. It made me run into this:

A playground where Vivie means "Alive". Meadow's playground is the most expensive memorial I know of, that is dedicated to the victims of the Parkland shooting. She is telling me "I am alive".

a day or two before that, I bought Meadow this:



Her favorite color is pink. Those seem to be different shades of it.

Andrew acts like a Mother grizzly bear the way he fights for his daughter in writing, traveling, and visits to the white house. Makes him a very interesting person to me, because he fights for her like in his words "i will not sleep until I know I have done everything I can to prevent this from happening to the children of other Americans".

He also said that her brothers were very protective of her, but it was usually she who would need to protect them, and was truly the strong, the fighter, the contender, the provider and mother grizzly of the family, especially were she ever to have children, but also not one of those bull dyke modern feminists ("I'm a woman hear me roar") types...but when people called her princess, it went above and beyond why other girls are nicknamed "Princess".

It was the way she came across, mannerisms, lighting up the room instantly when she entered or smiled, favored the underdogs, people who were lost, people who needed to be showed around (who were new), but the prudence to know when to be tough , the opposite, and when tough love is going to accomplish what it is intended for , not when it will harm damaged people further, as it often does.

IT is hard to discern when tough love will help or do further damage to a sick , unloved, angry, abused criminal.

She dreamed of being a lawyer, and she is very good at restraining the wrath of God. She knows how to use his words and hypocrisy against him in a way that doesn't **** him off but earns his favor to not punish someone she loves as they deserve. She would rejoice more over the guy that killed her, if he truly realized what he did, the full nature and hideousness, the agony he caused those family members, and how shameful and cowardly such behavior is.....

....if he truly turned to her, she knows that he in the end suffers a lifetime of torture, being tempted with darkness that she and most people don't even feel inclined towards, so her suffering was very brief compared to the lifetime of torture , where what isn't even a struggle for her, is a chronic torment for many, so that a monster will g0 through much worse, and very difficult time forgiving himself , if or when he truly does feel true contrition.

the likes of him, who almost no one will understand, just assume, "he knows right from wrong. He knows he doesn't want that done to him", have it worse than their victims. Not to in anyway justify or minimize disgusting behavior.

It really is not that simple. People who love their children, want to stop smoking and have quit 100 times, and eventually die of lung cancer, all the while hating that they smoke, and loving their wife and kids who tell them , beg them to stop.

Being chronically tortured and feeling humiliated, ashamed, disgusting, hating oneself, being bullied by others on top of it, combined with jealousy, it can be a torture that can leave someone without control of their faculties, making decisions they regret for the rest of their lives. The regret eats them away like cancer, and it is too late, it's over. It's extremely sad.

JFK died at Parkland, Lee Harvey Oswald died at Parkland 2 days later. Meadow Jade died at Parkland with 17 dead and 17 wounded, the day I moved into room 17. 17 in Roman numberals means "I have lived" and is on many Italian tombstones .

Like the number 13 , it is even more of a superstitious number in Italy, and more likely for ther to not to be a 17th floor in Italian buildings, because of the supernatural phenomenon, electrical problems, what appear to be curses or apparitions on 17th floors.

So, I knew because of moving into room 17, as a result of spending ten weeks in a wheelchair , from jumping off a building....it was obvious I was supposed to investigate this. It is linked to the Kennedy curse.


I knew it was linked to the Kennedy curse independent of Meadow Jade having the middle name alternative of JFK"s wife, who wore his brains and blood to important events.

But she has the name of Lee Harvey Oswald, who is found guilty for what autopsy's call "the magic bullet theory". Lee Harvey Oswald means "Meadow, Battle worthy, Divine Power". Before Mickey Mouse was Mickey mouse, he was a lucky bunny named Oswald, and Ruby was a precious red gemstone like her middle name Jade.


She and I have Chinese Zodiac "Rabbit".

I wanted Lee Harvey Oswald to return as JFK's lucky bunny, best buds, after blowing his brains out. It would make his their friendship so much more rich if he blew his brains out with a magic bullet first.

Could this be his JFK's lucky bunny?
The guy that killed her has the name of Santa Claus (Jews don't believe in Santa might be why a third of his victims were Jewish) but his middle name is the name of Jacob/Israel, whom Meadow descends from. An alternative for Jack Kennedy and Jack Ruby's first name, an alterntive for my surname "Jane/John/Jack/Jacob/Mussolini.

Jack Ruby was for sure a Jew, but evidence for Jack Kennedy being Jewish , from the tribe of Dan, is quite excessive. Everyone involved in the conspiracy have name alternatives for Jacob and Meadow, Meadow being the meaning of Jacob's first and most important wife, whom the levitical priesthood, the papacy, Matthew whom I'm named after, the Davidic Kingdom, Moses, Aaron, and countless of the most important Biblical people descend from, show that there was a blessing Leah had that all of the other brides and concubines of Jacob combined, didn't seem to match.....when Jacob had children with at least four women,

.....Leah (Meadow) was the most fertile, and also per capita, her children were the most favored, blessed, sacred of the tribes.
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  • The woman who rejoices more over one lost coin, (in the scripture parable) would rejoice more over a friendship with Mussolini, if she was Violet Gibson who shot him.....Lee Harvey Oswald means "Meadow, Battle worthy, Divine Power", and I have had many coincidences lead me to the delusion that to some extent I am JFK, or influenced by his spirit. Since Oswald was a lucky bunny who became mickey mouse, the Jade Rabbit achieved immortality by the Jade God who started Chinese valentines day, she died valentines day with the middle name Jade, Meadow is the meaning of JFK's wife's middle name, the name of the most important bride of Jacob, and Jacob/jack was the middle name of the one who killed Meadow at Parkland/. Jack Ruby was a Jew like Meadow and JFK, who killed Lee (Meadow) Oswald at Parkland. Parkland came out 10-4 which means "Affirmative, yes, copy, agreed, right". All three of us have the bunny zodiac, the beast of the Apocalypse in Monty python was a bunny....so, wishful thinking perhaps, but still, if she was Lee Harvey Oswald, and she blew my brains out, it would make our friendship way more precious to me.
Here is a quote from Scripture:
  • a woman with ten silver coins (Greek drachmae) loses one. She then lights an oil lamp and sweeps her house until she finds it, rejoicing when she does:

    Or what woman, if she had ten drachma coins, if she lost one drachma coin, wouldn't light a lamp, sweep the house, and seek diligently until she found it? When she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found the drachma which I had lost.' Even so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner repenting."
    — Luke 15:8–10, World English Bible
  • Benito rejoices most when he makes friends with the woman who shot him. It was one reason he let someone who shot him in the head, out of jail, without giving her a charge as serious as a speeding ticket, not charging her at all, when that was attempted murder on the military Dictator who founded Fascism and known as "the destroyer of democracy".
I saw a book yesterday that said 20 silver coins, reminding me Judas was paid 30 pieces of silver to kiss Jesus. Dude, I would not object to anyone kissing me, if they were getting 30 pieces of silver out of it. That is quick, easy money.
Back to the less amusing topic:

If America , France, Britain, would have helped Benito when he asked them to, or declared war on Germany AND the greater threat, the Soviets, when both of them invaded Poland as allies guilty of the same crime, just one has a higher kill count and gets away with it,

....if they would have responded, he would have joined the allies, and it would have been irrefutable that destroying democracy, in his case, was best. He united opposing parties, made Communists in Italy approve of their least favorite party, the party that created the Vatican, turned Italy into a Theocracy, prevented what was about to be a red communist revolution and Civil war, put prayers and crucifixes in schools, even more than 90% of those people approved of his party, because they never expected he could accomplish what he was claiming. He proved them wrong.

... making trains run on time, increasing prosperity, lowering unemployment, making the country safer than it may have ever been as far as crime goes (before entering world war 2), made people who hated his religious stance, those who hated his anticommunist stance, had enough benefit, money, jobs, entertainment, and more land, more proud to be Italian, enough to make an exception for him and approve of his party, for almost 20 years. (He reigned for almost 23 years).

Also, communists in addition to lovers of peace, had reason to value him, because as the leader who rebuked Hitler and became the first to threaten him, his first military enemy, that hurt Hitler's feelings more than any rebuke from someone else, because Hitler really was in awe of him. The German economic miracle was copying policies that came first from the Italian politics under Il Duce's regime (minus the extermination of Jews, gypsies, and the handicapped). Il Duce inspired his march on Berlin, which was a total failure , the march on Berlin.

It was in imitation of how amazing a miracle it was, the blackshirt march on Rome. Of all military victories in World war 2, none of them qualified as a total mystery or miracle. The march on Rome actually did, and the world has never seen anything like it before or since. It also is why he let Mussolini get away with being his first military enemy and calling on other nations to help unite in a war against the Nazis, and he let Benito wait until France had almost fallen, giving his obvious enemy, his first enemy, the option of repentance, to become an ally and Caesar, when he had more reason to destroy Italy than he did Poland, France, or Great Britain.

That similar phenomenon was seen when the police repeatedly refused to respond to calls that the blackshirt Fascists were seizing communist and socialist newspaper facilities, or anything that supports them, a very illegal offense that the police were required to take action. It is their job and responsibility. Yet they didn't. Neither did they do so when the Prime minister called on them to say "Rome is in a state of siege"!

....people you would never expect to admire Mussolini him like "Gandhi, Tagore, " (his favorite visitors....were Indian) sang the praises of Mussolini, expecting to not like him at all, willing even to lose fans over him......they tried to find one Italian that didn't approve of his leadership at that time, and they tried in vain. If nothing else, it's the money he puts in their pocket, he did away with the mafia, he made everything safer by lowering crime so well.

Gandhi and Tagore also said, being in his presence, is a very different person , than the guy on TV or newspapers.

  • .. he didn't charge the woman who shot him in the head, twice if the gun didn't jam, not given a criminal charge at all. How many christians would be that merciful. She attempted to murder him. Could such a dictator really be that bad. Most devout Christians are going to press charges on somebody who shoots them in the head , tries to shoot them again, in an attempted murder.

  • One of the political opponents that he let out of prison in a similar manner, ordered his execution without trial. After surviving being poisoned, and five assassination attempts, the man was also aware that investigation would show he didn't order war crimes. And he escaped from prison the first time they arrested him. So, he simply felt that there is no time or point for a trial, and he needs to die as soon as possible. Belief in his immortality and in his promised return, and the fact that he worked miracles other politicians don't, was partially the motive for hanging him upside down from meat hooks, using him as target practice, and urinating on him and his mistress. Now that they proved he is not immortal, they wanted to have an extra celebration for those who tried to do so in vain.
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The Father of Meadow Jade, Andrew Pollack, my favorite Jewish author who is still living, much in common with Franz Werful, my favorite Jewish author who has gone honme to the world of the spirits, He (Andrew) is a fire horse, Chinese zodiac, the most destructive.
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The dragon at Lebanon, was from the tribe of the Dragon, Dan, wasn’t even Demonic, but Dan is called “Belial” by rabbis (Personification of the Devil). It begins with “Belly”, and the Davidic Kingdom began with the sons of Eli, called “Sons of Belial”. His wife Hannah was called “Daughter of Belial”, and when the Angel got her pregnant with Samuel, she left the Temple giggling in a way that resembled someone drunk, or someone who needs an exorcism.

The King Cobra is king cobra is also called (Ophiophagus hannah) a
venomous snake endemic to Asia. The sole member of the genus Ophiophagus, not a true cobra, but named Hannah, who immaculately, miraculously conceived the most important prophet, Uncle Sam.

Not a true cobra, meaning the terror of demons, if demon = cobra,

.... which means “as the false Messiah mimics the true Messiah. The false Devil mimics the true Devil , to better defeat him, stealing and twisting, perverting his strategies to accomplish opposite results.

Like the healing serpent in numbers. Also, seeming identical, a great deceiver , thief, killer, and destroyer of the deceiver, thief, killer, destroyer, with Heaven and h hell on her side....

....she can steal his followers, and she has what appears to be all the qualities of the ancient serpent, the drawing (dragon), but the backing of God,

That Hannah cobra that isn't a cobra, is a real snake though, and it is the world's longest venomous snake.

Mussolini wore a Fez with an Eagle, another animal assigned to the tribe of the serpent, that often kills dangerous serpents. The Fez of Musolini was to honor the Prophets daughter Fatima who had the Arab moon Goddess name, source of the sun, whose father said resembled Mary more than anyone. That was long before Mary appeared as our Lady of Fatima, promising a Solar Miracle, October 13, 1917, that many Atheists wrote about (the sun dancing and throwing off colors for roughly 12 minutes, and getting larger like it would hit the world.
It toppled communism and was the supernatural event that was the most Fascist of all. So, Mussolini chose the Fez,
because it was the favorite “Magical City” that the prophets daughter Fatima lived in. Fez hat and Fez City:




The dragon at Lebanon actually made a deal that he becomes what he eats, and she would control him , if she voluntarily enters the dragon. When he realized she believed him, and was willing, he couldn’t do it. He let King George kill him, and kept the deal so that the Ethiopian Empire would put him on their flag.


Saint Louis De Montfort compares Jacob to the Lebanon Cedar towering over other trees.


Ethiopian flag . they gave George the dragon slayer credit for the greatest victory of an African army armed mainly with spears, often barefooot, against a European military with better weapons than those in the Civil war. The Ethiopians won the war. Most miraculous victory since the invention of photography.

That was their banner

The nation to put Saint George slaying the dragon on their flag, wins the greatest victory against a European power, with better weapons than those of the civil war, the Ethiopians armed primarily with spears in their first war with the Italian Empire.

Then, they are so willing to look foolish, they thank a white Roman soldier , believing he slew a dragon, for their victory against the Romans, rather than the strength, the effort, the bravery of their African soldiers , who were charging barefoot with spears, into bullets, cannons, and rocket launchers. You can’t dismiss it, because if it is total foolishness, how did they win wars no other African power ever came close to?

It does qualify as the most miraculous military victory since the invention of photography.

Mussolini attributed this to them being Beta Israel, having the Ark of the old covenant, which prefigured the blessed Virgin Mary, and they have the Kingdom of what remains of the bloodline of Solomon, the Solomonic dynasty.

Solomon and the Ethiopian Queen of Sheba’s son continuing the davidic kingdom in Ethiopia.

But he wanted in addition to a Roman Citizen, a Lion from the tribe of Judah, who qualifies as David King.

All European attempts to colonize Ethiopia failed, and that was the only place where Africans had such blessing/luck.

However, as a result, it was the only place in Africa where slavery was acceptable, until Mussolini realized , he was Jacob, husband of Rachel (like Jacob), his mother Rose (name of JFK’s mother, and a flower that is called “Queen of all flowers”, who he had a relationship with that resembled Jacob’s relationship with Rebecca)

…..he felt he was anointed by God to be the first to colonize them, take the Solomonic dynasty that remained of the Davidic Kingdom, by divine decree, and was called to do what others could not.

He wanted Ras Tafari to remain in power, to keep a Davidic king to unite Africa. Most of his Roman Empire was going to be Africa, and create Israel and the Temple in the middle East , to offer the Cyrus Messiah, uniting all religions against secularism, especially trying to favor the Jews. If there were 50 Catholic dentists available , he would wait longer, travel further , to see an Orthodox Jew.

He sent Hailey Selassie a plane and gifts, and in many ways thought he had a better idea of fascist Theocracy in beta Israel, Ethiopia, than any Roman Caesar, and was a miracle worker, Lion of Judah, in battle against impossible odds.

He even named his pet Lion “Ras”, after “Ras Tafari”.


Veteran Member
Once again. Mussolini and I do not want to defend or promote a man who did something so bad. What I'm promoting is , he was a miracle worker, when he was faithful to his "Jewish shadow mistress, more of a wife than his wife". And she was married to a husband named Caesar, who was not a Caesar, but more of a husband to a man named "Blessed Jacob", who was a Caesar , the one who had the most faith and devotion to Romulus and Remus, the twins who drank milk from the breasts of a she wolf.

He was shot in the head at the hill where that happened, named after a Skull that was found there. He , JFK, Meadow Pollack, had bullet wounds to the skull. First Kami to visit me, her last birthday was when both of Rachel's books were released, the year of the fall of the Solomonic dynasty that Mussolini valued as what remained of the Davidic Kingdom.

on her mother's side , the family name Deeb means "Wolf", and all that was found of hers, was her skull, which vanished from the police evidence, causing a lawsuit, a Rosary buried in place of the skull. Meadow's birthday is on the feast of a lawyer who became a satanic priest (Bartolo longo.....Meadow wanted to be a lawyer btw and he's my favorite one after her), and his dead Father told him that although he sold his soul to the Devil, the Rosary works best for people guilty of any crime that they feel cannot be forgiven.

The Rosary worked so many miracles for him, he became known as "Brother Rosary". Well, since the skull vanishing , very precious evidence being held up and disappears with no leads, causing the Rosary to replace Denise, I suppose she is "Sister Rosary". In shinto, when you place an item in place of the remains of a Kami who suffers from not having funeral or burial rites. It becomes a Goshintai, charged with the spirit of the Kami.

In Meadow's state of Florida, a Rosary caused the killer of Denise to notice a Rosary in the hands of a woman he wanted to kill, (Denise, whose remains were replaced by a Rosary, descendant of Abraham, like the woman he just killed, who was from one of the two tribes that Mary, lady of the Rosary came from, and the name of the sorority house "Chi Omega". It means "Jesus the dragon". Or, Dragon God. "I am the Alpha and the Omega", titles for Jesus or God).

The site of that Rosary, caused him to be filled with a feeling of impending doom, right after killing a Jew whose last name Levy, is a Levi alternative, where the levitical priesthood, and the name Leviathan (dragon) comes from. It has a very similar meaning to the name of Jacob's mother, the symbol for JFK's knights of Columbus, " to bind together into one as the rods of the fasces" essentially the meaning of the name Rebbeca. Symbol for the Fascist party, is something I simply see as a Goshintai symbol for "Jacob's Mom" and the meaning of Leviathan, who Enoch said was female, and the Levitical priesthood.

The Hebrew shadow Mistress that people called "the creator , the inventor of Mussolini", knows that the only government recognized by religious Jews and Yahweh , in the Old Testament, would qualify as fascist (in all but name).


She was trying to create a Messiah, Israel, and the temple, so that form of Government was working impossible miracles, that Democracy was totally a failure in comparison, before Il Duce chose to cave in to what goes against his conscience, and goes against the person his "Maker, inventor" (by nickname). Her Chinese zodiac being the dragon, also brings to mind that all powers the man who first conquers the world has, he gets all those powers from a dragon.

So, when he lost her, he did start going from victory after victory, onward and upwards, to nothing but the most pitiful failures and hanging upside down from meat hooks. A worse fate than class a war criminals, when he was found innocent of ordering war crimes. This is not promoting Mussolini, but to show incredible evidence of a mistake that was made, that if anyone ever finds themselves a possible Cyrus or Messiah, please never make that mistake is an important lesson I have been taught that might not be available in writing for the next Messiah to learn from. There is more than one Messiah. Obviously. Scripture says so.


But also, the Government of Yahweh, was in all but name, Fascist to such an extreme, that Mussolini would beg God to "lighten up and not institute such rigid, harsh laws , do not stone adulterers, do not kill for working on Saturday, please let pregnant women and babies live when you conquer a city......Benito condemned the axis powers for their scorched earth policies."

There was something miraculous that he had, that I see in no other politician but Cyrus, and a little bit of that was in Andrew Jackson as well. Andrew Jackson took a bullet in the heart for Rachel, the name of Mussolini and Jacob's wife. Jackson means "Son of Jacob, son of Mussolini". Andrew is the name of Meadow's father......Andrew is one of Mussolini's two middle names.

Andrew Jackson fought the best trained , best armed military on earth, with a poorly trained military, inferior weapons, and half as many soldiers firing volleys. Yet, people that witnessed the battle , said, how rare an american went down when the british fired, and how many british dropped from a weaker volley from the Americans, there were angels, or some force guiding the british bullets to miss, and American bullets and canon fire were guided to hit, which is hard to know if they missed the enemy once.

If you didn't believe in miracles and watched that battle, you would, said those who called it an Old Testament victory".

Over 2,000 British casualties. 13 American dead. American soldiers were not well trained and didn't even wear the right uniforms, their weapons sucked. The British were the best trained, best armed, greatest superpower on earth at that time, and Napoleon never defeated them when he fought them on the battlefield. (not in any battle where there were thousands of British present (that I recall).

He also treated his native American children better than most white people treat their children, doing everything he could to get them into places like West Point, which isn't an option for most. And, Native Americans with a dad who is a president sounds good. Andrew didn't want to do what he did in the Indian wars.

When you are president, he is under pressure from citizens, and their greatest phobia was the natives refusing to go to the reservations. It wasn't because he had hatred for indigenous Americans.
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