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Red Solo Cup

The Hammer

Premium Member

Anyone game to party?

One two three
Now, red solo cup is the best receptacle
For barbecues, tailgates, fairs, and festivals
And you, sir, do not have a pair of testicals
If you prefer drinkin' from glass
Hey, red solo cup is cheap and disposable
And in fourteen years, they are decomposable
And unlike my home, they are not foreclosable
Freddy, mac, can kiss my ***
Red solo cup uh huh
I fill you up
Let's have a party
Let's have a party
I love you, red solo cup
I lift you up
Proceed to party
Proceed to party
Now, I really love how you're easy to stack
But I really hate how you're easy to crack
'Cause when beer runs down in front of my back
Well, that, my friend, is quite yucky
But I have to admit that the ladies get smitten
Admirin' at how sharply my first name is written
On you with a Sharpie when I get to hittin'
On them to help me get lucky
Red solo cup
I fill you up
Let's have a party
Let's have a party
I love you, red solo cup
(What) I lift you up
Proceed to party (party)
Proceed to party (party)
Now, I've seen you in blue and I've seen you in yellow
But only you, red, will do for this fellow
'Cause you are the Abbot to my Costello
And you are the Fruit to my Loom (here we go now)
Red solo cup, you're more than just plastic
You're more than amazing, you're more than fantastic
And believe me that I am not the least bit sarcastic
When I look at you and say
Red solo cup, you're not just a cup
(No! No! No! God, no!)
You're my-you're my (Friend?) friend friend
Thank you for being my friend
Red solo cup
I fill you up
Let's have a party (let's have a party)
Let's have a party (let's have a party)
I love you, red solo cup
I lift you up
Proceed to party
Proceed to party (see this mother)
Red solo cup
(Red solo) I fill you up
Lets have a party (let's have a party)
Let's have a party
(Let's have a party)
Red solo cup
Oh red solo cup
I lift you up
Let's have a party
Proceed to party
(Solo cup) ba oh doo
(Solo cup) oh bo doo
(Solo cup) ah oh doo
(Solo cup) Ah oou doodle da dou
(Solo cup) uuh uuh
De dum dum
Ou de da dum


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
LOL! I watched a movie recently that had this as the opening theme. I don't remember what the movie was though (watched a lot of movies lately).

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Red Solo cups are for wienies! Last time I was at a kegger my friend and I just filled amd drank the beer from a bottle of tequila we drank.
This is how, as were known where I lived in Indiana, Outhouse *****es party (LOTS of Juggalettes in this group, lmao). Guys and their silly cups.:p


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I don't do silly little red cups! I got style!
