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Question about the Christian God


New Member
Is God:

1. Omnipotent
2. Omniscient
3. Omnipresent
4. All-loving

If yes, can someone give me specific passages from the Bible?


Harvey Wallbanger
I can give a passage I think for #4:

For God so loved the world he gave his only son.....

I'd have to look it up though. Hope that helped and I'm sure others will answer better than I have


Harvey Wallbanger
May I remind all that this is a non-debate, non-discussion area.... It is for sharing and very personal for me. One shouldn't hinder other's questions. Make your point but don't hinder another's searching for answers.


Active Member
It would be impossible for the Christian god to be all four of those seeing as god didn't do anything to stop the holocaust, but will kill someone for talking back? Yeah, I know that might seem like a week arugement, but only an apathetic unlonving god would standby and let his so-called "chosen people" do be mistreated in such a barbaric and inhumane way.


The only way those four ideas are incompatible is if you for some reason believe that love is to have absolute control over people, for their own safety, of course.


New Member
The only way those four ideas are incompatible is if you for some reason believe that love is to have absolute control over people, for their own safety, of course.

Well then what is your definition of love.

And also, does no one have any scripture that backs up any of the 4 characteristics mentioned above?

I can give a passage I think for #4:

For God so loved the world he gave his only son.....

I'd have to look it up though. Hope that helped and I'm sure others will answer better than I have

1 John 4:16:

"God is love. Whatever comes from love, comes from God."

These quotes simply mean that God has the ability to love. There is a difference between all-loving and simply having love.


Just me
Premium Member
Is God:

1. Omnipotent
2. Omniscient
3. Omnipresent
4. All-loving

If yes, can someone give me specific passages from the Bible?
Omnipotence and omniscience are integral to omnipresence --it's really one idea, the idea that "God" is everywhere, is the 'beingness' of everything, and knowledgeable of its being. In the omni-all image of God, "God" is the love, the lover and the lovee all in one.

While that's a familiar image of God, it's not what "God" is to me.

I'm not familiar enough with the Bible to quote passages, sorry.


Well-Known Member
Is God:

1. Omnipotent
2. Omniscient
3. Omnipresent
4. All-loving

If yes, can someone give me specific passages from the BZible?

Omnipotent- Ex 6:3, Rev 15:3, Matt 19:26, Job 42:2, 2Cor 6:18

Omniscient- Job 36:4, 37:16.

Omnipresent- The Almighty God, whose personal name is Jehovah, is not omnipresent. This term means that God is in every place at the same time.
God is described as having UBIETY, or CIRCUMSCRIPTION. This means that God occupies a certain place in space.
We are told in the scriptures, many times that God dwells in the heavens, 1Kings 8:30,43, Ps 33:13,14, 123:1.
We have proof that God is not omnipresent, which means everywhere. Consider 1Kings 19:11,12. Here Elijah was told to stand before God on the mountain. God k=made a great wind, but God was not in the wind. God made a great quaking, but God was not in the quaking. Then God made a fire, but God was not in the fire. God Himself said that He was not in these places, so it is definite that He is not every place at one time.
Any time you speak of God, Jehovah's attributes, they are absolute.
God is LOVE, 1John 4:8,16.
If you allowed you son to give his life for others, would that not show an all-loving attribute, John 3:16??? Imagine watch your precious son being tortured to death, with you having the power to stop it, but because God wanted His creation to have an opportunity to live forever in a paradise earth, He allowed His son to give his life for a world of sinful mankind, John 10:11-18, Matt 20:28.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
If you allowed you son to give his life for others, would that not show an all-loving attribute, John 3:16??? Imagine watch your precious son being tortured to death, with you having the power to stop it, but because God wanted His creation to have an opportunity to live forever in a paradise earth, He allowed His son to give his life for a world of sinful mankind, John 10:11-18, Matt 20:28.
You realize that this statement is contradictory with the attributes you just said God has, right?

- If an all-loving God would stand by while His son is tortured to death, He is not omnipotent.

- If an omnipotent God would stand by while His son is tortured to death, He is not all-loving.

A truly omnipotent God would be able to create a way to save humanity without anyone having to suffer. A truly all-loving God would choose such an option if it were available to Him.


- If an all-loving God would stand by while His son is tortured to death, He is not omnipotent.

- If an omnipotent God would stand by while His son is tortured to death, He is not all-loving.

A truly omnipotent God would be able to create a way to save humanity without anyone having to suffer. A truly all-loving God would choose such an option if it were available to Him.

Questions for Penguin (not for debate, rather clarification):
I'm am just wondering, what exactly are your reasons are for rejecting God as being all-loving?

What are your reasons for rejecting God as being omnipotent?

Also, what do you mean by God being "all-loving"? And where do you get your definition of God being "all-loving"? And how do you know that God's decision to save humanity in this way (through His Son dying on the cross) was not the best way?


I believe there is a difference between "all powerful" (omnipotent) and "can do anything that humans can dream of, even if contradictory or in violation of God's nature."

I believe it is not coincidence that God is so often described as father. Many good parents have to watch their children endure much pain which they would love to spare them. But how can that be done, without turning them into prisoners or robots?

I believe that omniscient and omnipresent are tied up in the nature of God, sort of like how light is a wave which propagates through itself as a medium.

star of the sea

New Member
There is lot of stuff that doesn't make sense about the christian god. Like mass blood shed in his holy name, the fact that we are one tiny planet in a huge galaxy where there are several suns, moons and planets. There is no explanation of this in the bible. We are all the divine and the divine is within us. Christianity in order to prove its own point killed many off as heretics. The old religion, paganism is what truly makes sense, their law being, harm none and do what you will.
And yes the divine is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, however there are negatives and positives in everything, even the divine, as above, so below, we create our own thoughts, beliefs and therefore experiences.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
There is lot of stuff that doesn't make sense about the christian god. Like mass blood shed in his holy name, the fact that we are one tiny planet in a huge galaxy where there are several suns, moons and planets. There is no explanation of this in the bible. We are all the divine and the divine is within us. Christianity in order to prove its own point killed many off as heretics. The old religion, paganism is what truly makes sense, their law being, harm none and do what you will.
And yes the divine is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, however there are negatives and positives in everything, even the divine, as above, so below, we create our own thoughts, beliefs and therefore experiences.

I understand your strong feelings about the bloodshed and torture rightly laid at the door of many "Christian" religions. However, the Bible makes it clear that these acts have nothing to do with the true God. Inquisitions, world wars, genocides have been and continue to be just one foul fruitage of religions that claim to represent God and Christ. Jesus himself said many would claim to be his followers, even doing powerful works in his name. His reaction to them "I never knew you. Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness." (Matthew 7:21-23) Jesus taught his true followers to love others, even their enemies. (Matthew 5:43-48).

Satan is responsible for egging people on to heinous acts and often it is relgious leaders that he uses. Jesus exposed the religious leaders of his day as followers of Satan. (John 8:13,44)

The Bible reveals simply "God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)
He reveals his purpose for the earth and what its future will be (Isaiah 45:18) I

If we just do "what we will", we will harm many. Man has neither the right nor wisdom to direct his steps. (Jeremiah 10:23) What we think may be harmless may, in fact, be death dealing to ourselves and others. (Proverbs 14:12) Jesus said "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need" (Matthew 5:3). Only by our listening to our Creator and Lifegiver can we hope to know what is good and bad. Adam and Eve made the fatal mistake of thinking they could decide for themselves what is good and bad. History reveals the results of man's rebellion against God.


Well-Known Member
It would be impossible for the Christian god to be all four of those seeing as god didn't do anything to stop the holocaust, but will kill someone for talking back? Yeah, I know that might seem like a week argument, but only an apathetic unloving god would standby and let his so-called "chosen people" do be mistreated in such a barbaric and inhumane way.
What came out of the Jewish Holocaust?
Is God:

1. Omnipotent
1 Samuel 1:3, Isaiah 5:16, 1 kings 8:27, JOb 9:5, Job 22:12, Psalm 135:6, Isaiah 40:12, Isaiah 40:28, Jeremiah 31:37; 31:27; 31:17, Matthew 19:26, Romans 4:17-24, Hebrews 6:13 and Revelation 19:6 to name a few.
2. Omniscient
Job 31:4; 34:21, Psalm 33:13, Psalm 147:5, Isaiah 40:13-14, Matthew 10:28-30
3. Omnipresent
Genesis 28:16, Deuteronomy 4:39, Isaiah 66:1, 1 Kings 8:27, Psalm 139:5-12, Jeremiah 23:23-24, Ephesians 4:10
4. All-loving
Psalm 23:6, Psalm 63:3, Isaiah 54:10, Malachi 1:2, John 3:16, Romans 13:8-10, 1 John 2:5

If yes, can someone give me specific passages from the Bible?
These verses should help you out considerably......


Admiral Obvious
I'm am just wondering, what exactly are your reasons are for rejecting God as being all-loving?
World wide genocide comes to mind rather quickly.

What are your reasons for rejecting God as being omnipotent?
The Bible does not support the theory at all.

Also, what do you mean by God being "all-loving"? And where do you get your definition of God being "all-loving"? And how do you know that God's decision to save humanity in this way (through His Son dying on the cross) was not the best way?
From various Christians.
No, not all Christians believe it.
But I know a big group of them that do.