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Question about Isaac and Ishmael


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
So I was in a conversation regarding the bible with a friend of mine about Abraham and Isaac. In the conversation the topic of Ishmael came up and how Abraham and Sarah sent him to die in the desert for mocking Isaac. I recalled something i read and now I wonder how true this is...according to a book I read it's been a long time since I read it the word that is used in those verses for mocking/playing is the same Hebrew word that is used in the verses where Abimelech finds out that Isaac and Rebecca are not siblings but husband and wife by witnessing them fondling each other. That book theorized the reason Ishmael was sent away wasnt because he was mocking or playing but because he was molesting Isaac.

I don't speak hebrew. I'll likely need to see if i can Google it to find out what word is supposed to have been used if I can find a link on this theory and when i find it I'll post it here. But i just was curious if this is true? If so it kinda makes more sense then just sending a kid away for simply mocking or playing with their sibling

i was talking with a friend on Facebook messages on why Abraham mightve tried to sacrifice Isaac. My friend who is a christian suggested it was because God wanted to make things more fair- Abraham sent Ishmael to die in the desert. Abraham trying to sacrifice Isaac meant that Isaac could fairly say that Abraham treated them both equally.

That did not ring right to me.
Im not christian or jewish that's not my scripture but im pretty sure it was supposed to be a way to say hey I dont want human sacrifice

Not like oh let's make things fair by traumatizing Isaac so siblings don't hate each other. I dont really have stake in the argument but it was an interesting discussion and reminded me of stuff I read so that's why i posted this thread.
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Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
Here's a link still reading it but it appears to back up said theory


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
Here's a link still reading it but it appears to back up said theory
Finished reading it. Again I cant say if its accurate or not cuz i dont speak hebrew. But if what is said is accurate then I think the theory makes sense.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Abraham mightve tried to sacrifice Isaac.

In the story God promised a nation would be built from Isaac prior to Abraham being tested with the directive to make Isaac into an offering. Part of the test was having faith in this promise. However, Abraham knew that no harm would come to Isaac.

This is clear in the story when Abraham says:
ויאמר אברהם אל־נעריו שבו־לכם פה עם־החמור ואני והנער נלכה עד־כה ונשתחוה ונשובה אליכם׃​
And Abraham said to his young men, Stay here with the ***; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come back to you.

Abraham knew that both of them would return from the mountain. That means Abraham had no intention to sacrifice his child. He had complete perfect faith in the promise that was given.
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Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
I think that Ishmael laughed at Isaac,
that Sarah didn't like it,​
that she chose to preemptively expel Hagar and her child, and​
that some creative interpretations evolved to put out matriarch in a better light.​
Do I know this to be true? Of course not.


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
In the story God promised a nation would be built from Isaac prior to Abraham being tested with the directive to make Isaac into an offering. Part of the test was having faith in this promise. Iow, Abraham knew that no harm would come to Isaac.

This is clear in the story when Abraham says:

ויאמר אברהם אל־נעריו שבו־לכם פה עם־החמור ואני והנער נלכה עד־כה ונשתחוה ונשובה אליכם׃
And Abraham said to his young men, Stay here with the ***; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come back to you.

Abraham knew that both of them would return from the mountain. That means Abraham had no intention to sacrifice his child. He had complete perfect faith in the promise that was given.
That is another theory I heard that it was to test faith in the promise he was given...and often folk who give it say that he likely thought God would resurrect Isaac tho i dont know if that's your belief. The one i mentioned to my friend was one i heard which was that it was to let it be known God dont like human sacrifice. Either theory makes sense to me scripturally speaking (from what i know of it from memory i havent read the bible in a long time). What doesnt is the idea that Abraham knew isaac was going to die so it was a test of if he would kill his son. Or the idea that God was just being fair.

Edit: again it's not my religion's scripture I just found it interesting is all


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
Or the idea that God was just being fair.
Like the idea God was like oh Abraham traumatized one son?well I'll go have him traumatize another

Makes no sense. Like there's no reason i can see as to what benefit that would give to a deity.