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Pro Israeli...sorry Pro Palestine protest marches


Active Member
This weeks "Economist" magazine profiled in its final Obituary page Vivian Silver.Round the world we have pro Israeli and Pro Palestine marches.These have been to a degree hijacked by the radical left and right.Vivian Silver organised lots of marches with up to 45,000 joint Jewish and Arab Israeli called Women wage peace.
"Symbolic triumphant moments.The JOINT peace wagers dispersed after with hugs and laughter."
Great idea.Please can we have more marches like this around the world?

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
This weeks "Economist" magazine profiled in its final Obituary page Vivian Silver.Round the world we have pro Israeli and Pro Palestine marches.These have been to a degree hijacked by the radical left and right.Vivian Silver organised lots of marches with up to 45,000 joint Jewish and Arab Israeli called Women wage peace.
"Symbolic triumphant moments.The JOINT peace wagers dispersed after with hugs and laughter."
Great idea.Please can we have more marches like this around the world?
Not if we slaughter the organizers.