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Ominous wave of Yemen arrests raises alarm


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Ominous wave of Yemen arrests raises alarm
New York - 21 April 2017—
Orders for the arrest of at least 25 Baha'is have been issued by certain authorities in Sana'a who are harassing the Yemeni Baha'is and pressuring them to recant their faith

Read more at Ominous wave of Yemen arrests raises alarm


Philosophy Student
Ominous wave of Yemen arrests raises alarm
New York - 21 April 2017—
Orders for the arrest of at least 25 Baha'is have been issued by certain authorities in Sana'a who are harassing the Yemeni Baha'is and pressuring them to recant their faith

Read more at Ominous wave of Yemen arrests raises alarm

Where are this article's sources?

The news seems plausible, but I remain skeptical of an article that cites no sources.
More Masonic "Muslim" Brotherhood cult activity.

The Masons, Zionists, Britain, American and Israeli intelligence are all involved in anything that happens in the Arabian peninsula and Wahhabism is how they control it, in turn the Muslim Brotherhood (not sisterhood as Masons don't accept women directly into Masonry which is what the Muslim Brotherhood actually is) controls most so-called Muslim terrorism, including the leadership of the Wahhabis.

Saudi Arabia is not a country controlled by Islam but by Britain, America and Israel. If it happens there it is their fault.
Ominous wave of Yemen arrests raises alarm
New York - 21 April 2017—
Orders for the arrest of at least 25 Baha'is have been issued by certain authorities in Sana'a who are harassing the Yemeni Baha'is and pressuring them to recant their faith

Read more at Ominous wave of Yemen arrests raises alarm

Islam doesn't persecute other religions, it's a violation 1400 years of tradition. Going back to the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Whenever anyone was fought with it was because a treaty had been made, even with idolaters, and they broke it or were known to have collaborated with enemies they agreed not to and has nothing to do with their religion. No matter how many people take things out of context this is the truth, and the truth is twisted and becomes a lie. But Muslim Holy Books forbid religious persecution, absolutely.

Wahhabis are the dominant, almost totally, sect of the Arabian peninsula and are a creation of a Muslim fundamentalist lunatic but obscure until the British sponsored it in the 70's, now it persecutes Muslims more than any religion, non Wahhabis, have outlawed Sufism, the most peaceful sects of Islam and most influential being Sufis.

It is a hated minority, Wahhabism, within greater Islam, confined mostly to the Arabian peninsula, .5% of all 1.5 billion Muslims are Wahhabis.

Wahhabis are loyal to Masonry-Zionism (same team) who created the Masonic "Muslim" Brotherhood, because so is the house of Saud loyal to the same people.

In effect it is not governed by Islam but if it was this never would have happened. It furthers the cause of anyone but Muslims.

FYI. But don't believe me, there is proof everywhere if you have eyes to see and ears to hear.

And the internet, a desire to understand things.
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I definitely agree it is ominous, an omen of things to come.

Persecutions carried out by Masonic-Zionist contolled pretend Muslims loyal to the Masonic "Muslim" Brotherhood, the Bnai Brith of Islam. And affiliated with.

And blamed on real Muslims by the uneducated/unaware/unstable segment of society who hasn't a clue what is really going on.

Even though the media and government is smart enough to SAY not all Muslims should be held responsible, they do little to show they care about the innocent who are exploited to advertise "ISIS", "coincidentally" (yeah right) a favorite goddess of Freemasons, and the identity of the Statue of Liberty, also called Columbia for some reason it is Isis of Egypt in fact. Probably the same goddesses and different names, like Ishtar.

Allah will strike against the dajjal worshipping Freemasons soon enough, Mohammed (saw) prophecied the dajjal would be known for one eye, that God doesn't have one eye but the dajjal does.

Who uses the one eye as a symbol?

Masons. The worshippers of dajjal with the Synogogue of Satan (AshkeNazi Zionists) telling them what to do.
Ominous wave of Yemen arrests raises alarm
New York - 21 April 2017—
Orders for the arrest of at least 25 Baha'is have been issued by certain authorities in Sana'a who are harassing the Yemeni Baha'is and pressuring them to recant their faith

Read more at Ominous wave of Yemen arrests raises alarm

Don't you think it is a bit lazy of you to make a thread that is news, say Baha'is are being persecuted in Yemen, and then just give a link?

If it was me I would have summarized the important parts of the entire article, facts other than a headline and paragraph, added information from other sources to corroborate and made certain the intention of my doing so. I can't imagine why you decided to essentially advertise a link to an article that is not about something good or that you understand, but far from the most important thing in the world right now with the nation of Syria reduced to rubble in entire former cities, hundreds of thousands dead and as much or more as refugees.

They are more persecuted, Syrians, than the Yemeni Baha'is. They are being slaughtered en masse by 3 nations, one their own, and forced to flee their ancestral homeland for the future expansion of Eretz Israel, according to the land it occupied in the time of Solomon, an unproven-to-have-existed archeologically mythologized at the least Biblical Kingdom that lasted maybe a Jubilee or two.

God bless the Baha'is but what about the persecution of Muslims/Christians in Syria, a much more frequent and old and more devastating persecution to say the least?
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What about the never ending persecution of Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq, by the Western allies, for oil and opium, spoils of war?

The blaming of 9/11 on Muslims, which is now basically known to the world as a lie that had nothing to do with bin Laden, has never been officially acknowledged or apologized for and Muslims are still persecuted as if they actually were involved, even by people who don't believe that 9/11 was a bin Laden plot?

That is serious persecution, it needs a greater word to encompass all that's involved in this heinous plotting.


Veteran Member
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More Masonic "Muslim" Brotherhood cult activity.

The Masons, Zionists, Britain, American and Israeli intelligence are all involved in anything that happens in the Arabian peninsula and Wahhabism is how they control it, in turn the Muslim Brotherhood (not sisterhood as Masons don't accept women directly into Masonry which is what the Muslim Brotherhood actually is) controls most so-called Muslim terrorism, including the leadership of the Wahhabis.

Saudi Arabia is not a country controlled by Islam but by Britain, America and Israel. If it happens there it is their fault.

Not that I believe that the US government is above any kind of duplicity or corruption, but sometimes I wonder if it's not the other way around. Arabs have a lot of money, they've been coming to the US to buy up the country since at least the 1970s, and money runs the political system in America. There's no benefit to America by any of our policies in the Middle East, but the Arabs seem to be doing quite nicely from all of this. So, if you look at who benefits, then it appears that the Arab monarchists of that peninsula are the ones benefiting the most. The American people get nothing out of the deal, as our government has been selling out our country for decades.

In many ways, Saudi Arabia is worse than North Korea, and yet, we condemn NK while kissing up to the Saudis. It makes no sense at all.
Not that I believe that the US government is above any kind of duplicity or corruption, but sometimes I wonder if it's not the other way around. Arabs have a lot of money, they've been coming to the US to buy up the country since at least the 1970s, and money runs the political system in America. There's no benefit to America by any of our policies in the Middle East, but the Arabs seem to be doing quite nicely from all of this. So, if you look at who benefits, then it appears that the Arab monarchists of that peninsula are the ones benefiting the most. The American people get nothing out of the deal, as our government has been selling out our country for decades.

In many ways, Saudi Arabia is worse than North Korea, and yet, we condemn NK while kissing up to the Saudis. It makes no sense at all.

It is definitely not the other way around.

Arabs didn't create the Masonic "Muslim" Brotherhood cult, Britain, Masons, did.

Britain collaborated with the Arabians to take down the Ottoman Empire and make it "The secular Republic of Turkey." Not to their benefit like they thought but to Colonial interests in the region.

This might benefit the house if Saud but not Arabs in general or Muslims at all.

Britain sponsored the rise of Wahhabism too.

It's a bit absurd, I would not say to ponder it but to come to the conclusion it is true. That's absurd.

Arabia is the Holy Land of Islam and is controlled by the British, America and Israel.

This doesn't benefit the Arabians.

Definitely not Islam.
Not that I believe that the US government is above any kind of duplicity or corruption, but sometimes I wonder if it's not the other way around. Arabs have a lot of money, they've been coming to the US to buy up the country since at least the 1970s, and money runs the political system in America. There's no benefit to America by any of our policies in the Middle East, but the Arabs seem to be doing quite nicely from all of this. So, if you look at who benefits, then it appears that the Arab monarchists of that peninsula are the ones benefiting the most. The American people get nothing out of the deal, as our government has been selling out our country for decades.

In many ways, Saudi Arabia is worse than North Korea, and yet, we condemn NK while kissing up to the Saudis. It makes no sense at all.

Saudi Arabia is worse because of those three countries, if it is, even if it is just close to or less than it still is their doing.
To add an interesting anecdote about Masons, and to whom they revere.

007, code # for James Bond, comes from John Dee and his usage in working for the Queen of England (or was it Kelley? I forget at the moment, regardless) of it.

Which comes from the Masonic reverence for Biblical inventor of metallurgy and descendant of Cain, named Tubal Cain. 0 0= Two Ball or Tu-bal, 7=Cain, because 7 is in the shape of a cane.

Which just shows you at the end of the day that Masons are not sons of Seth, but sons of Cain. Not literally obviously but it's symbolic of their allegiance.

There was a semi-infamous Masonic golf classic called the Two Ball Cane classic, replacing the cane with a golf club in the advertisement which you can easily find online.

Ever wonder why the Shriners are dedicated to a form(mockery) of Islam, specifically related to the demise of Muslim Spain that ended in a bloodbath and expulsion of all Jews and Muslims?

Or why it is higher than the 33°, was only available, until recently, to 32&33° Masons but now is open to any 3° or higher "Master Mason"?

The Ottoman Empire took the Jews in, in modern day (Secular Republic of) Turkey, who were expelled from Spain, something every Muslim in Turkey now regrets because of the Sabbatean/Donmeh movement that is not to be spoken of in Turkey, but does run the government, hate Islam, and practice a heretical and secret form of Judaism and Kabbalah a la Sabbatai Svi. It involves wife swapping orgiastic rituals and a 180° spin on Mosaic law.

[At some point Zionism through Bnai Brith gained control of Masonry, and the Donmeh.]

The Turkish Sultan had Svi imprisoned who converted to Islam when told he was to be tested to see if his Messianic claims were true, as God would never allow the Messiah to die Svi could accept the test or convert to Islam. He converted to Islam and with him the Jewish Donmeh were born. But none of them ever actually converted, and did what Jacob Frank, claimed reincarnation of Svi, did to Catholicism.

Convert falsey to corrupt from within. This tactic is used by Masons, Zionists and Sabbateans as well as Jesuits today, and not just against Islam but ever powerful organization on earth. With the possible exception of the Jesuits they are all on the same team today.

Also what about the persecution of the police state/prison camp known as Palestine?

They don't have any freedom or human rights whatsoever and nobody is doing anything about it because they are surrounded by Israel on all sides and controlled by Israel from within.

Is that not a bigger deal than (possible) alleged persecution of Yemeni Baha'is by the scumbags loyal to the West living on the Arabian peninsula?

At least they have rights. Palestinians are treated as sub-human by Israel and everyone is sympathetic to Israel because they are under the delusion that the Jews have a God given right to own Palestine/Israel (and beyond apparently), and that it is somehow the Palestinians fault.

You need to lack any morals whatsoever to blame the victims of human rights violations.

Usually people will, to "counter" this, mention one or two alleged incidents of Palestinians fighting their oppressors to "justify" the oppression itself.

You have to be a dunce if you think that is called reasonable thinking or justification for gross human rights violations, that the victims fought back does not justify the original oppression or subsequent and more harsh oppression resulting from it.

Being oppressed gives you the right to fight, like the founding fathers of the USA did, just over taxation, not even human rights violations.

They actually commited those against the native Americans. And Africans. They were not covered under "all men" by the Constitution and thus, according to them, not men/women.

And the British in all non-white colonies and some white ones too.
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Veteran Member
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Premium Member
It is definitely not the other way around.

Arabs didn't create the Masonic "Muslim" Brotherhood cult, Britain, Masons, did.

I don't know that the Muslim Brotherhood is Masonic. My own brother joined the local Masonic lodge many years ago (thinking it would aid him in his career), but I don't think he's very active in it anymore.

Britain collaborated with the Arabians to take down the Ottoman Empire and make it "The secular Republic of Turkey." Not to their benefit like they thought but to Colonial interests in the region.

This might benefit the house if Saud but not Arabs in general or Muslims at all.

Britain sponsored the rise of Wahhabism too.

It's a bit absurd, I would not say to ponder it but to come to the conclusion it is true. That's absurd.

Arabia is the Holy Land of Islam and is controlled by the British, America and Israel.

This doesn't benefit the Arabians.

Definitely not Islam.

I'm not sure how we or the British benefit from it, though. Both Britain and the US seem to be at a crossroads and in a bit of a quagmire in both international and domestic politics. I can't speak for Britain, but I know many in the US are getting tired of this nonsense and sending their countrymen to these far-off places to die. Perhaps during the Cold War, there might have been some indirect benefit in keeping the region from falling into Soviet hands, but nowadays, there's no reason to be getting mixed up in the region.
If the Jews learned one thing from the Arabs (they actually learned a lot) it was the idiom:

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
I don't know that the Muslim Brotherhood is Masonic. My own brother joined the local Masonic lodge many years ago (thinking it would aid him in his career), but I don't think he's very active in it anymore.

I'm not sure how we or the British benefit from it, though. Both Britain and the US seem to be at a crossroads and in a bit of a quagmire in both international and domestic politics. I can't speak for Britain, but I know many in the US are getting tired of this nonsense and sending their countrymen to these far-off places to die. Perhaps during the Cold War, there might have been some indirect benefit in keeping the region from falling into Soviet hands, but nowadays, there's no reason to be getting mixed up in the region.

Yes, the Muslim Brotherhood is definitely a Masonic cult/front.

Look into and you will find out what I did. Google can be a useful tool if know how to use it. It's not hard but you don't always find what you are looking for right away and need to be persistent.

I have read declassified intelligence reports from several Muslim countries who banned it. And a lot more. I first found it in a book in the library at my Mosque so it's not a secret or unknown to Muslims, other than the ones who don't know they belong to it and think they are practicing Islam with actual Muslims.
Oh, ****! Here they come!

Yeah these guys are freaking weirdos like most Masons. I don't care how many hospitals they build for PR, great that people get helped but that is not why they do it. They have a lot to hide and what better way to hide than behind charity?

As for this...weirdness, I really don't understand why they need tiny cars, are they clowns by day?