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Old Norse


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
You're welcome. I simply stumbled on it, though it may have been the doing of the gods. ;)

I came to learn, through the video, that much of what is pronounced by English speakers is incorrect Old Norse. Frigga is actually Frigg (like our English word 'aw frig it!") not Freega. If I understand correctly, 'Sleipnir' is not 'Sly- pnir' like German ei in Einstein, but rather 'ay' as in 'say', 'Slay- pnir'. So when Fandral says "a legion of einherjar" as 'eye- nherjar', according to the video, 'einherjar' is ay-nherjar. Icelandic, though it has changed somewhat, is still the closest to Old Norse of all the Germanic languages. Modern Icelanders can read the sagas and Eddas pretty much the way we can read Shakespeare. If the personal DNA test I'm planning to have done turns out the way I think it will, I may be the world's shortest Viking. :biglaugh:

I'm such a geek. :facepalm:


A lot of the words I started out getting decent/right by intuition but I'm quite sure I have butchered some (many) over the years :)

I would like to work on it more and more to be able to translate Old Norse, and Old English, one day for my self. So many insights into the concepts and worldviews are hidden in so many words.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes, some I've gotten right, some not so much... the 'ei' phoneme for example. Now I cringe when I remember my history teachers saying "Leef Erikson". Properly it's 'Leyf'. I'm becoming so uppity. :D

The Wiki article on Old Norse is interesting, however incomplete vis-a-vis the language itself and its phonology. That's why I like the video. I think if one were so inclined to use Rosetta Stone, the Icelandic version (if there is one) would take a huge bite out of learning Old Norse, though there are, again, some big differences.

If my family does indeed turn out to be of northern European/Germanic genetic ancestry, and I changed my name, they'd all **** bricks. And I'd do it just to be a doosh. :D


Yes, some I've gotten right, some not so much... the 'ei' phoneme for example. Now I cringe when I remember my history teachers saying "Leef Erikson". Properly it's 'Leyf'. I'm becoming so uppity. :D

The Wiki article on Old Norse is interesting, however incomplete vis-a-vis the language itself and its phonology. That's why I like the video. I think if one were so inclined to use Rosetta Stone, the Icelandic version (if there is one) would take a huge bite out of learning Old Norse, though there are, again, some big differences.

If my family does indeed turn out to be of northern European/Germanic genetic ancestry, and I changed my name, they'd all **** bricks. And I'd do it just to be a doosh. :D

:D my name is my handle and there is mostly German with some Hungarian, Scottish, English, etc. I can pull off the Viking some at 6'2" but I think most were historically were around 5'10" and the other Euro folks were simply shorter then in average - maybe 5'6" :shrug:

A guy at the local tire shop looks like the movie version of a Viking - 6'5" long blonde hair and wears a mjölnir :jam:

Reminds me to suck it up and pay for the Vikings show season I keep hearing about.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
the other Euro folks were simply shorter then in average - maybe 5'6" :shrug:

I'm 5'5" :(

A guy at the local tire shop looks like the movie version of a Viking - 6'5" long blonde hair and wears a mjölnir :jam:

:drool: Like this, from Adventures in Babysitting (a young hunky Vincent D'Onofrio)?


Btw, both Chris Hemsworth and Vincent D'Onofrio are 6'3".