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Muslims, would this stop terrorist attacks from fundamentalists?


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
can you show me the religious text?

No, look it up as I have. I've read this on Islamic web sites.

Muslims who are keen to emphasise their rejection of violence have used the phrase "a religion of peace" as a description of Islam, like Dalil Boubakeur, mufti of the Paris Mosque, who said in 2006, "The prophet did not found a terrorist religion, but a religion of peace."[7] After the 7/7 London bombings, some Muslims in the West increased their efforts to present Islam as a peaceful religion.[8]

From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_of_Peace

If you had done a web search you would not have asked the question and I would not be
posting this wasting my time.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
can you show me the religious text?
There is this frequent saying that Islam is a religion of peace.

Apparently it is something of a play on the perception that the word in Arabic for "peace" is part of the name "Islam".

But obviosly it is also often a convenient idea to present in order to encourage its acceptance and consideration.

Whether it is true or not seems to be to a considerable extent a function of specific social, political and doctrinary circunstances.


Well-Known Member
You are right. Would cause an uproar.

Quran must be handled with respect, and you should be clean when you touch it. Tempting people to destroy it wouldn't be the smartest pr move.

Translations aren't Qurans any way so wouldn't carry any value.

Well presumably you would get real Qur'ans and have soldiers wear vests that have transparent cases showing the most holy parts of the Quran. Vehicles would have the same kind of transparent cases lining them, forcing fundamentalists to destroy Qur'ans if they want to do any damage.

I also don't subscribe to the position that Qur'ans need to be handled with respect. I would treat it with the same respect as any other mythological text. I don't feel as if the Quran is more special than any other book, in fact I found it to be quite boring and I believe the Greek mythologies are significantly more interesting.


Well-Known Member
It one of the stupider ideas I've heard in awhile, as doing so would enrage the desecration of the Qur'an nuts far and wide, and may well serve as a reason to destroy the target for desecrating the Qur'an in the first place. Besides how unseemly can one get? Kuffar's using the Qur'an for protection? Holy propaganda value, Batman.

Well I don't think its a good argument that we shouldn't do it just because it would **** off Muslim fundamentalist and terrorist organizations. I'm totally fine with pissing them off, plus how much angrier could they even get? They already want to wipe out the United States and Isreal, etc. And the thing is the United States wouldnt be desecrating the Quran. They would be treated quite well in protective cases and everything. Its the terrorists who would have to desecrate them in order to attack. But yeah it would look ugly. Maybe it could protect from shrapnel though.

Now i'm not saying its a good idea by any stretch, I just wanted to hear what Muslims would think and if they would be okay with destroying Qurans in order to attack their enemies.


Active Member
No, look it up as I have. I've read this on Islamic web sites.

Muslims who are keen to emphasise their rejection of violence have used the phrase "a religion of peace" as a description of Islam, like Dalil Boubakeur, mufti of the Paris Mosque, who said in 2006, "The prophet did not found a terrorist religion, but a religion of peace."[7] After the 7/7 London bombings, some Muslims in the West increased their efforts to present Islam as a peaceful religion.[8]

From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_of_Peace

If you had done a web search you would not have asked the question and I would not be
posting this wasting my time.

and which one is true? you? or that mufti?


Active Member
How can you say such a thing?

It is very much a serious problem that actual people are making a point of imposing calamity on each other out of pride, greed and misguided beliefs.
yes Middle East conflict is a very serius problem in our era.
There is this frequent saying that Islam is a religion of peace.

Apparently it is something of a play on the perception that the word in Arabic for "peace" is part of the name "Islam".

But obviosly it is also often a convenient idea to present in order to encourage its acceptance and consideration.

Whether it is true or not seems to be to a considerable extent a function of specific social, political and doctrinary circunstances.
ok then, perhaps islam was indeed a religion of peace, but no longer it is. very simple.


Well-Known Member
Most of them probably don't care all that much. As people have noted, they destroy Qurans all the time when they attack "heretical" Muslims.

Even if they did care about being 'religiously correct', it still causes no problems anyway:

"One who previously engaged in jihad knows that it is naught but violence, crudeness, terrorism, frightening (others), and massacring—I am talking about jihad and fighting, not about Islam and one should not confuse them... Thus, the Companions (may God be pleased with them) understood the matter of violence and they were the best of those who understood this after the prophets. Even the Friend (Abu Bakr) and Ali b. Abi Talib (may God be pleased with them) burned (people) with fire, even though it is odious, because they knew the effect of rough violence in times of need...We are now in circumstances resembling the circumstances after the death of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) and the outbreak of apostasy or the like of that which the believers faced in the beginning of the jihad. Thus, we need to massacre (others) and (to take) actions like those that were undertaken against the Banu Qurayza and their like. But if God should give us power and we take control and justice spreads, how tender the people of faith will be at that time and they will say to the people: "Go, for you are free." [from the jihadi text] The management of savagery

Basically their 'scholars' have created rulings that basically say 'anything is permissible' as they are fighting for the very survival of their religion, so it is acceptable to transgress the laws of the Sharia if it helps defeat the infidels. Sort of a 'lesser of 2 evils' logic.

i see that's a fair point. What about holy artifacts such? Would that stop them?


New Member
I've heard a theory out there which seems dubious but interesting, and i'm wondering whether or not this would deter terrorist attacks or attacks on military installations or vehicles.

Basically the idea of the theory was to place Qurans all over vehicles and building, so that way in order to attack something or blow someone up, the Islamic terrorist would be destroying hundreds of Qurans via burning, or bullets, or whatever. I mean even allegations that someone burned a Quran in the middle east could potentially get you stoned to death. Do you think this would deter attacks at the very least or would they just ignore the books and attack anyways? I seriously don't know because i've heard that Muslims take Quran destruction very seriously as one of the largest offenses and blasphemies possible.

Believe me or not, they'll not give a fu*k if in the Vehicle is a Quran, a child or whatever. ISIS in example claims to be muslim to get the muslims hated. Open your eyes, my friend! The world hates muslims now because of ISIS. I mean, in the deep-web, they post Videos where they sexually torture people and stuff. That's so not muslim..^^ They're crazy ******** who want to attack everybody and they find it funny how people hate muslims because of them..


Well-Known Member
Believe me or not, they'll not give a fu*k if in the Vehicle is a Quran, a child or whatever. ISIS in example claims to be muslim to get the muslims hated. Open your eyes, my friend! The world hates muslims now because of ISIS. I mean, in the deep-web, they post Videos where they sexually torture people and stuff. That's so not muslim..^^ They're crazy ******** who want to attack everybody and they find it funny how people hate muslims because of them..
Who are you to tell us what the true Muslims are? The ISIS muslims are Muslims just like any other. Its the no true Scotsman fallacy. I mean Muhammad was a warlord and he consummated a marriage with a 9 year old girl. if that's the Islamic holy prophet then sexual torture and such is not so hard to believe.


Well-Known Member
yes Middle East conflict is a very serius problem in our era.

ok then, perhaps islam was indeed a religion of peace, but no longer it is. very simple.
You know I don't think islam was ever a peaceful religion. Muhammad was warlord and was able to spread Islam by the sword, which is why it was successful so fast. violence is a central consideration of Islam because their prophet was pretty violent relatively speaking. He looks more like an African warlord more than he does a holy, pious, nice dude.


Active Member
You know I don't think islam was ever a peaceful religion. Muhammad was warlord and was able to spread Islam by the sword, which is why it was successful so fast. violence is a central consideration of Islam because their prophet was pretty violent relatively speaking. He looks more like an African warlord more than he does a holy, pious, nice dude.

violence and war is not always the bad thing. just like you approve and justify the killing of Osama bin Laden or ISIS guys.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That... that is just so poor. I hope I am grossly misunderstanding what you say.
If you replace religion with nationalism, and you have an equally ugly picture. One group does it because they think god commanded it, the other because the state commanded it; both do it for some notion of "honor." This "honor" thing has even motivated people to do some nasty things.


Well-Known Member
violence and war is not always the bad thing. just like you approve and justify the killing of Osama bin Laden or ISIS guys.
Thanks for telling me how I think. Violence and war are pretty bad for the most part, especially to spread your ideology and religion. In the case of killing terrorists, i'd be more than willing to work out a diplomatic solution but they would never want to. They'd be unwilling to set down arms and come to a peaceful compromise. In that case self defense is justified in certain circumstances, but Muhammad wasn't attacking everything for self defense.


Active Member
Thanks for telling me how I think. Violence and war are pretty bad for the most part, especially to spread your ideology and religion. In the case of killing terrorists, i'd be more than willing to work out a diplomatic solution but they would never want to. They'd be unwilling to set down arms and come to a peaceful compromise. In that case self defense is justified in certain circumstances, but Muhammad wasn't attacking everything for self defense.
Attacking ones is not always the bad thing also. no matter for self defense reason or not. who said it is always wrong?


Well-Known Member
Attacking ones is not always the bad thing also. no matter for self defense reason or not. who said it is always wrong?
I didn't say you said that. i was just saying in the case of Muhammad it wasn't for justice, or self defense, it was to spread his religion can gain power/money probably.