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Library Idiocy


Holding All and None
My public library has an erotica section.

And yes, I have perused it more than once.
That makes me curious on my own, though I can already point someone to the paperback fiction section that I wonder entirely why we keep it except that it probably does get decent circulation, unlike the paperback sci fi I seem to recall we were considering weeding. But in nonfiction, I'd imagine there's books in regards to sex, though there's also stuff we specifically have designated that you have to ask at the front desk, probably because we're a public library, not an academic library, so there's different liabilities or such


Veteran Member
And if I was on the board and represented the majority of residents…
You would be OK with my banning whichever books I see fit?

The book in question was in the adult section and then moved to behind the desk only available by request.
Kids did not have access to it at any time.
No need for hyperbole.
I never saw a library where anyone who wants can not walk into the adult section. There's nothing stopping underage people from getting books from the adult section.


Veteran Member
No, not including those individuals.

There is a difference between saying “I don’t want to read that book” and saying “I don’t want you to read that book”. I find the secret statement disgusting and morally reprehensible.
Nobody cares what you find disgusting.
Ironic since people finding these books disgusting and not wanting them in their library doesn't matter to you. Again you can buy any book you want. That doesn't mean explicit sex photos need to be in your public libraries.


Veteran Member
Nobody cares what you find disgusting.
Ironic since people finding these books disgusting and not wanting them in their library doesn't matter to you. Again you can buy any book you want. That doesn't mean explicit sex photos need to be in your public libraries.
Oh I see. But we all should care about what you find disgusting and what you think people should be allowed to read.


So you think it's perfectly sane and normal for other people to decide whether or not I'm allowed to have access to and read a book just because they don't like the book? And probably have never even read it, by the way.)


Veteran Member
Oh I see. But we all should care about what you find disgusting and what you think people should be allowed to read.


So you think it's perfectly sane and normal for other people to decide whether or not I'm allowed to have access to and read a book just because they don't like the book? And probably have never even read it, by the way.)
Society has standards for decency. You can't have hard core porn pictures on your shirt when you walk into a public place like a library, yet you think it should be readily accessible to anyone who comes into the library?
Of course the people in a town should be able to vote on what they want to have available in their library... that's basic human rights. If they don't want thier families exposed to things that violate public decency codes that's their right to decide.


Veteran Member
Society has standards for decency. You can't have hard core porn pictures on your shirt when you walk into a public place like a library, yet you think it should be readily accessible to anyone who comes into the library?
Ooops, you posed a (rather silly) question, instead of answering mine.

Of course the people in a town should be able to vote on what they want to have available in their library... that's basic human rights. If they don't want thier families exposed to things that violate public decency codes that's their right to decide.
Voting on which books you want in your town's library is a "basic human right?" Um, okay.

And I guess if you're not in the majority, you're SOL, eh? The majority of a town thinks that being gay is bad, so no gay books allowed. Never mind that none of them have actually read any of these books that they are so rabidly against. And never will. They just don't like the idea of it. They don't want to read it, and not only that, they think nobody else should be able to read it either. Because they don't think it's decent. It violates their ideas of public decency. So no books allowed. For ANYONE. In a PUBLIC library. That's how you think this should work, is it?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Society has standards for decency. You can't have hard core porn pictures on your shirt when you walk into a public place like a library, yet you think it should be readily accessible to anyone who comes into the library?
Of course the people in a town should be able to vote on what they want to have available in their library... that's basic human rights. If they don't want thier families exposed to things that violate public decency codes that's their right to decide.
What hard core porn are you talking about? I know that those that want to censor those books lied about some of them, but none had what would be called hard core porn in them.

Dao Hao Now

Active Member
I never saw a library where anyone who wants can not walk into the adult section. There's nothing stopping underage people from getting books from the adult section.
Just ignoring the part about it being behind the desk available only by request, eh?

You also neglected to answer the question posed;

Are you OK with me (were I in the majority on the town board) choosing to ban whichever books I see fit to ban?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The OP said that the books in question had graphic illustrations of sex positions. That's hard core.
Nope. You need more than that. You need to show that it is pornography. Graphic illustrations of sex positions are just illustrations. They may be art. They may be clinical. Pornography involves quite a bit more than that.

Was there a pizza delivery man involved?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
And classical art. My favourite.
Though sex positions are rarely part of it. I was thinking about certain Indian temples. You will see some things there where you have to bend over and look at the carvings upside down and between your own legs to understand what is happening.

For example, the bottom center carving. And just in case:



Veteran Member
Though sex positions are rarely part of it.
This is true. But there are tons and tons of nude people doing all kinds of fun (and sometimes weird :D) stuff.

I was thinking about certain Indian temples. You will see some things there where you have to bend over and look at the carvings upside down and between your own legs to understand what is happening.

For example, the bottom center carving. And just in case:

Oh wow, Those are some impressive positions! I love it.