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Kingdom against Kingdom


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
As Jensa said, "I don't think it's okay for anyone to go to war...".

Life is priceless; there is no excuse for having to take another life; the trouble is, sometimes it is necessary to do so, being the lesser of two evils.IMO.:)

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Oldest Heretic
War is a sin.To make War or force in the defence of the innocent, will be judged by God.
It is a sin to war or kill in the name of God.
These are my beliefs and I can't reference them. though others might try.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice. The justice of God shall be theirs.


The Devil's Advocate
Terrywoodenpic said:
War is a sin.To make War or force in the defence of the innocent, will be judged by God.
It is a sin to war or kill in the name of God.
These are my beliefs and I can't reference them. though others might try.

Pretty much what Terry said.

War is always a sin. Sometimes, however, we sin in order to defend the innocent - because it is a greater sin to watch and do nothing while genocide is commited. Even then, we ought not wage war in God's name, as if we know it is sanctioned by God. We fight such a war because we honestly believe it to be the best solution in a world where we often have to choose the lesser of two evils; and we hope we're right.


Well Enhanced...I am amazed by the people that come on here and say that war is not right. It almost sickens me. If a war is done for the right reason, to deterr terrorism, or to remove a dictator from power, then it deseves being done.

Hitler. Should we have NOT took Hitler out. If not, Hitler probably would have been the first to come where you are and 'take you out.'
Saddam. Saddam was a dictator in a sense. Hundreds of thousands of people just like you died at his command. But, yea, we should have just let him set over there and do his thing. He wasn't hurting us, so let him set in his corner of the world and play his game.

The angels fought in the Heavens when Satan was cast down. Are we better than the angels?

Armageddon. I will say nothing more about that.

I would fight for you. And I am a christian for the most part. Does that make me a hypocrite.

How many christians have died fighting in Iraq? How many I ask. Because they went and fought in Iraq, does this make them sinners. They committed this sin of 'going to war' and died, and now their fate rests in Hell because of their actions.

This is one of the things that bother me. I am an outspoken person and do not hesitate to spread my words...:woohoo: people have died for you and everyone. They have given up their whole lives and all they knew to perish in a hail of bullets and fire. How can people speak against such acts to the point of them not being christians just because they enlisted....**frowns**:banghead3


High Priestess
Stormygale said:
Well Enhanced...I am amazed by the people that come on here and say that war is not right. It almost sickens me. If a war is done for the right reason, to deterr terrorism, or to remove a dictator from power, then it deseves being done.

Hitler. Should we have NOT took Hitler out. If not, Hitler probably would have been the first to come where you are and 'take you out.'
Saddam. Saddam was a dictator in a sense. Hundreds of thousands of people just like you died at his command. But, yea, we should have just let him set over there and do his thing. He wasn't hurting us, so let him set in his corner of the world and play his game.

The angels fought in the Heavens when Satan was cast down. Are we better than the angels?

Armageddon. I will say nothing more about that.

I would fight for you. And I am a christian for the most part. Does that make me a hypocrite.

How many christians have died fighting in Iraq? How many I ask. Because they went and fought in Iraq, does this make them sinners. They committed this sin of 'going to war' and died, and now their fate rests in Hell because of their actions.

This is one of the things that bother me. I am an outspoken person and do not hesitate to spread my words...:woohoo: people have died for you and everyone. They have given up their whole lives and all they knew to perish in a hail of bullets and fire. How can people speak against such acts to the point of them not being christians just because they enlisted....**frowns**:banghead3
Just because war is the way it's always been done, does not make it right. If war was not an issue, Hitler would have never been a problem to begin with.

I thank you for being willing to fight for me. And I do not have anything against those who have done so. I know they are doing what they thought was best.

But I would have to go with Jesus on this one. Turn the other cheek. Kill them with kindness, love your enemies.


The cake is a lie
I liken a necessary war to killing in self defense. The killing is never right, but it's the only option to survive.


Angel slayer
"Well Enhanced...I am amazed by the people that come on here and say that war is not right. It almost sickens me. If a war is done for the right reason, to deterr terrorism, or to remove a dictator from power, then it deseves being done."

In this case shouldn't you be removing your president?


The cake is a lie
I mean no disrespect, but am curious. How do you reconcile the idea that it's okay to go to war for the "right" reasons with this?

Luke 6:27 "But I say to you that hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. 29 To him who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from him who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt.