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Just a Thought


Active Member

When we think of the life we are living as "Christians", should we not be ashamed of the lies, destruction and abuse we have inadvertently visited on so many in Christ’s name?
Obviously not if we continue to mislead the “world”. "Just pray brother", "Only believe sister" and all your troubles will become as the chaff blown by the winds of heaven. "Cast your burdens onto Jesus cause he cares for you." What a load of rubbish!

Who are we fooling with such babble? When will we sit up and see that the world is more lost now than ever, in spite of all this “encouragement”. We are very proud of our 'principles,' our 'integrity', our 'morals', but lose the one requirement our Lord left us - our example to the world.

We quote cliched phrases as if they will be a real answer to the questions that need answering in today’s world. For example, "abstinence is 100% affective in birth control or avoiding STD." This may be true, but sufficient. In today’s society we think our cliched responses to problems will make all the difference to the lonely, love seeking young woman who needs someone to do more than just pray. Someone who will stand by her and show a her way forward in life. Show her that affection is not necessarily love. That there is such a thing as genuine love that does not demand sex.

To tell her to wait for marriage until she gives herself to Mr. Right isn't the only answer she deserves. Remember that Jesus didn't condemn the woman at the well who had had five husbands and was living with a man. He didn't cast the first stone at the woman caught in adultery either. Love covers (bears and forgives) a multitude of sin. Have we read that scripture? It's in the Bible, I promise. What about, “It's the love of God that leads man to repentance”? Somehow we've become so preoccupied by sin that we've lost sight of forgiveness, of bearing up our brothers when they lose their way. Pastor Ray McCauley once said that we as Christians are the only army that shoots it's wounded. How true that statement is. Our 'church services', have become 'look-at-me shows', where we flaunt our spirituality.

I was in a youth group gathering once, discussing what the Lord had done for us during the previous week. After most people hadn't responded to the question, a young man said, "Has God only done things for me this week." How sad. In this phrase lies a dagger, a direct attack on our relationship with Christ as 'a friend that sticks closer than a brother'. I don't think he meant to be offensive or judgemental but... Maybe God had more things in him that needed dealing with? Who knows? To put things into perspective, a few months later the same guy had to be 'delivered' from demon ‘oppression’ or ‘possession’ as some people called it. Oppression or possession is a debate left for another time. The Bible does say, "Let God arise and the enemies will be scattered" and Job didn't have to be 'delivered' by the casting out of demons when he was clearly oppressed and tempted by the devil.

Instead of looking to expose all the problems, flaws and mistakes in others, we should consider that they are the very people that need the love and forgiveness Jesus died on the cross to give. Every time we act in unforgiveness and condemnation, we spit on the cross and make a mockery of grace, of mercy, of Jesus' love. What will happen when our time comes that we need help? Who will answer our cries for help, acceptance and for peace?

Dr Phillip McGraw asks a question when dealing with relationships between man and wife. The question is this, "Are you a soft place to fall". I think this question can be used in our relationship with more than just our spouse. Are we a soft place to fall for others? Are others safe in our conversations even when they aren't around. What I mean by this is, if others are not around us will we gossip about them. This includes, "Let's pray for brother... he is dealing with lust and unforgiveness because his wife left him...." blah, blah, blah. This is gossip clothed in spirituality. This is trying to take the spotlight off of us and onto others. Imagine what the people would say if they knew I smoke or if they knew I drink or if they knew my life is out of control. Just imagine?

What have we become? A people looking around for the next 'spiritual' distraction from our 'real' lives. Who are we kidding? We have become a bunch of escape artists who think that everything will turn out right if we just 'hold onto Jesus'. Jesus is a shepherd who leads. He doesn't drag people around. You don't have to 'hold onto' Him. He is always there with you. He is not found in a building made by man, but in everything. Split a piece of wood and He is there. Lift a stone and you will find Him. He is in the air you breathe, in the water you drink and in the laughter of children. He is there in your darkest moments and there to share your joy in times of happiness.

A journalist once asked Mother Teresa why she always stared with so much love and empathy into a dying, helpless, dirty, disease ridden person’s eyes. Her response was, "I'm looking for Jesus". What an example of seeking. What an example of Jesus. "Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you."

I have said these things to illustrate a point. The point is this, no matter what we think about the state of Christianity; there are huge gaping holes in our response to the world’s problems.
At this point in time Christianity is one fish in the sea; a sea of religions. Just another choice for 'unbelievers'. I asked a 'non-Christian' friend of mine what it was that he dislikes about Christianity. He said he didn't like the fact that we claim to have something over all other religions. This shook me, because my first response was, “BUT WE DO. We have Jesus.” Strange as this might sound, Jesus is not enough. Or rather the picture we portray of Jesus is not enough. We are the only ‘Jesus’ the world has. But we don't know enough about Him to portray Him. Do you’ wear’ Jesus well? Is He unmistakably obvious in our actions, in our speech and in our thoughts? In other words, is Jesus truly in our hearts?

The scriptures say, " I have given you all things that pertain to life and godliness." It also says that we should "guard our hearts because out of it spring the issues of life." So there is a direct link between our hearts and our lives. True Christianity should flow from the heart. We live out what we believe in our hearts. If you want to know what is in someone’s heart, look at how they live. If you want to know what is in your heart then look at your life. You cannot live what you don't believe. If I want to know what type of tree I am looking at I check the fruit. The tree cannot help itself, but what is in it comes out. What is in you will come out. Change your heart and your life will change.

But isn't the mind and heart the same thing? NO, NO, NO! In a sense the mind isn't a thing. It is a gathering of thought processes, just like a crowd isn't a thing but a gathering of individual people. The heart is who you are at you core level. It's a place where all the thoughts you have chosen are kept.
You cannot fully control what goes into your mind but you can control what stays. How? The bible calls it “the renewing of your mind”, and “taking every thought into captivity”. There are various methods of renewing your mind. Dr Phillip McGraw says that you don't stop a habit, but you replace one habit with another. The same can be said for thoughts. You can't stop thinking. "I think, therefore I am." I can however actively or deliberately think something else. For example: Joe sits on his sofa and watches a seemingly innocent movie. In a flash, a naked woman is shown on the screen. Joe couldn't control the image before it got into his mind. Even if he changes the channel, the image is still there in his mind. He can either entertain the thoughts or he can replace them with a different, non-related thought or action, maybe brushing his teeth or he could start thanking God for his wife. There are millions of things he could replace the offending thought with. Whatever Joe chooses to put into his mind and keep there will eventually drop into his heart. Into his core being. They will become part of him. As much a part of him as his arm or leg.

So if you truly have Jesus in you heart, He will become part of you. As much a part of you as your arm or leg. One way to keep thoughts in your mind is to repeat them over and over. The early church used this method, called ‘breath prayers’. When you breathe in and out you say a phrase. Let’s use a prayer from Mother Teresa to illustrate this. While breathing in, say the following: "Jesus in my heart I believe …" While breathing out say the following: "… in your precious love for me." You can change the phrase to whatever you think will be most effective in your life.

With persistence, these thoughts will drop into your heart. And as we've seen before what is in your heart is what you will live. So you will start to live deliberately, with purpose. Who you are determines what you do, and NOT what you do determines who you are.

Try the breath prayer for 10 min a day. You don't have to shout the phrase out. Just whisper it. Whatever you are comfortable with. It will seem strange at first but after a while praying will become as simple as breathing. This is a prayer that focuses your heart. Isn't a prayer just a focusing of thoughts on a specific issue? You will find that, as your heart changes so will your prayers.

I have focused on the mind for a bit for the simple reason that it is the place where everything you do starts. Only if you DECIDE to change your circumstances will you DO something about them. An action is always preceded by a thought.
Jesus in my heart, Jesus in my action…?