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Jezebel versus Yehu, yesterday and today?


Well-Known Member
Jezebel versus Yehu, yesterday and today?

It was Jezebel/Hillary, who ruled for 22 years, and it was Yehu/Trump, who cleans house/drains the swamp. It was the witches who howled at the sky, in that day, and in this day, they do the same. What was the end of Jezebel? 2 Kings 9:30-37 She was killed by her own eunuchs/followers, and eaten by the dogs/media.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Jezebel versus Yehu, yesterday and today?

It was Jezebel/Hillary, who ruled for 22 years, and it was Yehu/Trump, who cleans house/drains the swamp. It was the witches who howled at the sky, in that day, and in this day, they do the same. What was the end of Jezebel? 2 Kings 9:30-37 She was killed by her own eunuchs/followers, and eaten by the dogs/media.

You must not take your faith very seriously if you think that either of those two clowns would have any religious significance.


Well-Known Member
You must not take your faith very seriously if you think that either of those two clowns would have any religious significance.

Jezebel was affiliated with witchcraft and the sacrificing of children to Bel, the sun god. Clinton is a witch, and is affiliated with sacrificing children to the boiler room of abortion clinics. Trump is against abortion, and it is the witches across the country that wailed at the moon in despair when he won the election. Not much of a stretch to make a comparison. Clinton's followers and the media have turned on her and Billy boy. As with Jezebel, there will not be much left to bury. If you read Zechariah 14:1-3, about all that is left to do is "gather" all the "nations" and "capture" "Jerusalem" and then comes the end of the nations (Daniel 2:35 & 44). Oh yeah, Trump wants to set up Jerusalem as the site of the U.S. consulate. Oh yeah, Hussein Obama, just before the election, gathered 120 nations to Paris last year to howl at Israel.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Jezebel was affiliated with witchcraft and the sacrificing of children to Bel, the sun god. Clinton is a witch, and is affiliated with sacrificing children to the boiler room of abortion clinics. Trump is against abortion, and it is the witches across the country that wailed at the moon in despair when he won the election. Not much of a stretch to make a comparison. Clinton's followers and the media have turned on her and Billy boy. As with Jezebel, there will not be much left to bury. If you read Zechariah 14:1-3, about all that is left to do is "gather" all the "nations" and "capture" "Jerusalem" and then comes the end of the nations (Daniel 2:35 & 44). Oh yeah, Trump wants to set up Jerusalem as the site of the U.S. consulate. Oh yeah, Hussein Obama, just before the election, gathered 120 nations to Paris last year to howl at Israel.

So what are the scriptural references to Trump's grabbing of women by the ***** or to his adultery with a porn star?


Well-Known Member
No. No this isn't what the Jezebel story is about. At all.

Well, you could show the parallel with Jezebel worshipping Bel, her sun god, by her sacrificing children to fire, versus Hillary sacrificing children in the boiler room of abortion clinics, but that would make the OP too long.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
Well, you could show the parallel with Jezebel worshipping Bel, her sun god, by her sacrificing children to fire, versus Hillary sacrificing children in the boiler room of abortion clinics, but that would make the OP too long.
Abortion isn't the same thing as child sacrifice at all. Both are equally horrible, but not the same.


Well-Known Member
Abortion isn't the same thing as child sacrifice at all. Both are equally horrible, but not the same.

Dead is dead. The gods of Canaan give good health in return for sacrifices, and Hillary gives free health care for her abortion voters.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
Dead is dead. The gods of Canaan give good health in return for sacrifices, and Hillary gives free health care for her abortion voters.
Lol as if you just tried to compare false gods to state healthcare.

No it really isn't the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Lol as if you just tried to compare false gods to state healthcare.

No it really isn't the same thing.

Sorry it is the same thing. Vote for me and I will give you free housing, free health care, and free food. The gods say the same thing, sacrifice to me, and I will give you health and wealth.
Jezebel versus Yehu, yesterday and today?

It was Jezebel/Hillary, who ruled for 22 years, and it was Yehu/Trump, who cleans house/drains the swamp. It was the witches who howled at the sky, in that day, and in this day, they do the same. What was the end of Jezebel? 2 Kings 9:30-37 She was killed by her own eunuchs/followers, and eaten by the dogs/media.

I'm still waiting for Trump to clean this swamp.

Jezebel was affiliated with witchcraft and the sacrificing of children to Bel, the sun god. Clinton is a witch, and is affiliated with sacrificing children to the boiler room of abortion clinics. Trump is against abortion, and it is the witches across the country that wailed at the moon in despair when he won the election. Not much of a stretch to make a comparison. Clinton's followers and the media have turned on her and Billy boy. As with Jezebel, there will not be much left to bury. If you read Zechariah 14:1-3, about all that is left to do is "gather" all the "nations" and "capture" "Jerusalem" and then comes the end of the nations (Daniel 2:35 & 44). Oh yeah, Trump wants to set up Jerusalem as the site of the U.S. consulate. Oh yeah, Hussein Obama, just before the election, gathered 120 nations to Paris last year to howl at Israel.

Please state your sources that tells us that Clinton is using the remains of abortions as some kind of sacrifice.

How can everyone gather and howl at Israel when Israel was there themselves?

Paris Agreement - Status of Ratification

Sorry it is the same thing. Vote for me and I will give you free housing, free health care, and free food. The gods say the same thing, sacrifice to me, and I will give you health and wealth.

Jesus perform many miracles to heal the sick and he feed many people with the fish and bread, but why is it wrong for a Government who doesn't have the power of all mighty god to offer free healthcare and etc.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Lol as if you just tried to compare false gods to state healthcare.

No it really isn't the same thing.

See, U.S. christian conservatives try to change their religion to fit their political views rather than change their political views to fit their religion.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Sorry it is the same thing. Vote for me and I will give you free housing, free health care, and free food. The gods say the same thing, sacrifice to me, and I will give you health and wealth.

Wasn't Jesus about aiding the poor, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, etc? Are we not suppose to follow his example?


Well-Known Member
Wasn't Jesus about aiding the poor, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, etc? Are we not suppose to follow his example?

Yeah sure. Give me money for my non profit to care for the poor, and I will keep 96% of it. Any one who fed the poor through Hillary, came up short. People will be judged according to their own deeds, it is not about voting for someone to take from workers to give to non workers, and in the process get a free abortion. When was the last time you "healed the sick". Yeshua's message was "repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand". Judgment is at the tale end of that story, and it is about individual support of one's neighbors, not a government forced socialist collective effort which makes all worse for the wear.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't Jesus about aiding the poor, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, etc? Are we not suppose to follow his example?

Matthew 19:21 Have you followed that example? Or have you relied on voting for Hillary/Astarte/queen of heaven, and Barack/"lightning flash"/angel of light/Satan/sun god for your "salvation". Apparently both smell of sulfur, and from media photo ops, the flies seemingly are attracted to this lord of the flies, Beelzebub. Have you smelled yourself lately?


Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting for Trump to clean this swamp.

The "swamp", the mainstream media, and their followers, including those who associate themselves with magical witches, are still under the illusion that they will survive the purge. They had better start looking for a large rock to hide under.
The "swamp", the mainstream media, and their followers, including those who associate themselves with magical witches, are still under the illusion that they will survive the purge. They had better start looking for a large rock to hide under.

Thats not what Trump meant when he said he would drain the swamp. What he meant was that he would drain the corrupt politicians in our government. But he still hasn't done it. He's only added more to it.

By the way I'm still waiting for the sources on Clinton using the remains of abortions as a sacifice.

Yeah sure. Give me money for my non profit to care for the poor, and I will keep 96% of it. Any one who fed the poor through Hillary, came up short. People will be judged according to their own deeds, it is not about voting for someone to take from workers to give to non workers, and in the process get a free abortion. When was the last time you "healed the sick". Yeshua's message was "repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand". Judgment is at the tale end of that story, and it is about individual support of one's neighbors, not a government forced socialist collective effort which makes all worse for the wear.

He also preached about loving each other
"A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so also you must love one another." John 13:34
Does that not include the poor and the unfortunate people who can't work?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Matthew 19:21 Have you followed that example? Or have you relied on voting for Hillary/Astarte/queen of heaven, and Barack/"lightning flash"/angel of light/Satan/sun god for your "salvation". Apparently both smell of sulfur, and from media photo ops, the flies seemingly are attracted to this lord of the flies, Beelzebub. Have you smelled yourself lately?

I didn't vote for Hillary (I voted Johnson), although I did consider her the lesser evil between her and Trump. I smell nice and fresh, thank you. But if your words had a scent, it would be of rancid excrement.
Tell me, how does Trump's groping women or cheating on his wife with a porn star fit into God's plan?