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Is it right for me?

Okay, did more research: there's an actual satanic bible? You may want to read that before you decide, if you haven't already.

(Here's where I do get biased:)

Or you could go out on a limb and see that God, Lucifer and Jesus Christ are all characters in a book... and all the fan-fics that followed .... then look to the nature of the universe.

I apologize to those I offend by that statement; it is merely my belief.


Admiral Obvious
Okay, did more research: there's an actual satanic bible? You may want to read that before you decide, if you haven't already.

(Here's where I do get biased:)

Or you could go out on a limb and see that God, Lucifer and Jesus Christ are all characters in a book... and all the fan-fics that followed .... then look to the nature of the universe.

I apologize to those I offend by that statement; it is merely my belief.
The Satanic Bible is merely an outline of LaVey's Satanic ideology.

It in no way covers all the differing types of Satanism and from what I personally know of it, does not even touch on Luciferian beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Satan is the Hebrew word for "adversary" Lucifer is Latin for "light bearer", it was the Roman term for "morning star" which referred to Venus how it ever wound up as the Christian devil is beyond me.


Admiral Obvious
Satan is the Hebrew word for "adversary" Lucifer is Latin for "light bearer", it was the Roman term for "morning star" which referred to Venus how it ever wound up as the Christian devil is beyond me.
And that makes it an absolute truth


Satan is the Hebrew word for "adversary" Lucifer is Latin for "light bearer", it was the Roman term for "morning star" which referred to Venus how it ever wound up as the Christian devil is beyond me.
tha carrot and the stick heaven is the carrot and satan is the stick blame it on good old christianity
Satan is a God and God states him as so, he stated these words through a mortals pen in the Bible: Jehovavites 56:98, "I don't dislike Satan, I actually like the guy, he carried my kegs on his back (skinned) to unknown destinations"

Overall the primitive Jewish "ball licker" is of no interest to me for the idea of a subservient mind is anethema.

Actually the Bible is seen as a Sumerian Comoslogy.


I would say if it feels right then go with it and see how it goes. You can never know untill you give anything a try. That way you never end up wondering was it right in the first place?
This is what it was like for me and I'm still in the darkness today!!


fire crist , and become your own boss, fancy and delight in all things you want , Bliss on tap , happyness weather or not they do or dont happy happy happy , most of the time what others say , dosent even make it to the bosses deask with me : )
i dont feel guitly anymore eiter , if i do something and plain to do it again , I revel, and laugh about it , but if i do something I regret , I take care not to do it again , buthave no buisness confessiing it , or appologiseing .. If anyone dosnet like how i do things , they can go F*@# themselves , they dont have a right to an opinion with me . Hail satan !
Hail My way !


Premium Member

Like you, it all began for me with sympathy for the Devil. At first I really didn't understand why I prefered Satan/Lucifer over God, being that I was brought up to believe in the Christian God. I knew I never cared for Church. When I was 14 I knew I prefered Satanic metal bands like Slayer, Venom, and Mercyful Fate.

When I was 7, being a fan of Star Wars, I knew Darth Vader and the Emperor were my heros. When I was 9 I knew a had a strong interest in haunted houses which grew into an interest in the occult and eventually the Black Arts and Satanism in general. When I was 14 the questioning became stronger and stronger. And one morning I awoke (Awoke) suddenly and I knew beyond a shadow of a boubt, "I Am a Satanist!" It was like I had been re-born, and I was filled with overwhelming inspiration and happiness, and thus began my life long quest along the Left Hand Path.

The time will come, and you will know without question who and what you Truly Are.



Active Member
Well... I felt a strong pull to the mysteries of the occult and the Dark Arts since i was a young adolescent around the age of 12. I remember breaking down to tears when i found out that stage magic was "trickery"... from then on i was on a quest to find the real Art of Magic. This opened my eyes to Anton LeVay and the CoS. I never joined but purchased every LaVey publication by the age of 16. I found that Lesser Black Magic was not only awe-inspiring, but resonated with me greatly. I would have to say my mother is partially responsible for this... It's most likely because of her stressing the dangers of "Satan" and how powerful he is. Trying to scare me into a white light religion. Needless to say i was awed by this power and began to get jealous and greedy, saying while i was alone "Why can't i have that kind of power!" Not normal for a 12 year old, but it was a reality for me... the beginning of a journey.

I became Awakened at a very early age concerning "Life"... I was always surrounded by open minded and intelligent people and was provided with all the support a teenager would need. I finished high school and went to college to further my Artistic ability. Aesthetics aid me in the Dark Arts, not unlike the magic wielded by Austin Osman Spear. I became proficient in LBM in my early 20's, MetaCommunication and Sigil construction was a common practice. I'm not a magical prodigy, i know this. And I know my limits, I understand identifying these "limits" is a must in order to identify my progress. I've not performed any Greater Black Magic Workings as of yet, but have read and understand it's use's and synchronization.

The Works of LeVay and Crowley opened my eyes, but i was still thirsty for answers to my questions which they couldn't quench, this momentum navigated me to Aquino, Webb and Flowers. By the age of 22 i started to fill my library with all their Works i could find and began to Practice regularly. I read all these till the bindings failed, over and over i picked up those loose pages like they were rose pedals and put them in place. I began to Become more than what i seemed...i was a Practitioner of the Dark Arts and learning more about this philosophy everyday.
I owe my Awakening to LeVay...but i owe my life to Aquino, Webb and Flowers for my current circumstance, sovereignty of the Self and my Refinement. They aided me to learn how to unlearn what society has programed into me, those negative vices that hindered my ability to Xeper and progress.

The reason i decided attempt to join the ToS was that i began to become idle...i hit a plateau and felt i wasn't progressing. I knew the Temple would be full of Initiates that were learned in the Dark arts. This also made me jealous, filling me with ambition and i began biting my finger nails for years just waiting to be in a secure enough life style where i could dedicate the time necessary. This was imperative, i did not want to waste the Temple's time by being half ready. So again i shoved my face into the books to excell further in my weak areas and become articulate.

This presented me with the prerequisites that i think now has given me the courage and mettle to join. I'm ready to begin the Work and now have the time to genuinely contribute. Hopefully i may share my own effective methods of Initiation and Magic with those who are so noble and high minded to share theirs. This is the greatest aspect i find within the Temple... to share and learn.

The skills and abilities I've become proficient in is the ability to commit, complete and accomplish. I've also created a very unorthodox system of magic through grounding my art work to effect the Subjective universe, which through incubation causes a reaction within the Objective. (get to that later)

I consider myself proficient in LBM. I use systems identified as: Meta Communication, Divination, Sorcery and Sigil construction. I excel in some areas more than others, lime most. I'm aware that LBM involves putting aside an existing set of rules for one of your own creation. It is therefore the "Slaying of Osiris", he who personifies the rule system. Recently over the past 6 or 7 years I've learned systems of LBM that Webb describes being in four varieties: Expansive, Constrictive, Penetrating and Encasing.

Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm, I kept this enthusiasm because of this success which triggers rare moments of clarity...this aids me to worship my potential.

All in dept to treading the Left Hand Path with efficiency, cunning, dignity and Valiance


seeker of knowledge

Like you, it all began for me with sympathy for the Devil. At first I really didn't understand why I prefered Satan/Lucifer over God, being that I was brought up to believe in the Christian God. I knew I never cared for Church. When I was 14 I knew I prefered Satanic metal bands like Slayer, Venom, and Mercyful Fate.

When I was 7, being a fan of Star Wars, I knew Darth Vader and the Emperor were my heros. When I was 9 I knew a had a strong interest in haunted houses which grew into an interest in the occult and eventually the Black Arts and Satanism in general. When I was 14 the questioning became stronger and stronger. And one morning I awoke (Awoke) suddenly and I knew beyond a shadow of a boubt, "I Am a Satanist!" It was like I had been re-born, and I was filled with overwhelming inspiration and happiness, and thus began my life long quest along the Left Hand Path.

The time will come, and you will know without question who and what you Truly Are.


this is strangely similar to my life... except i have not really decided my path.


Active Member
I have not really decided my path.

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My dearest friend.... i think you have. Now it's time to do the research necessary to heighten your knowledge of this wondrous Path. Once you begin, your life will fall into place and you'll find things falling into your lap as well. Almost out of no where, but you'll soon know where it stemmed....it was from Darkness and her Prince.

Best of blessings! Valor.


seeker of knowledge
Your Avatar?

My dearest friend.... i think you have. Now it's time to do the research necessary to heighten your knowledge of this wondrous Path. Once you begin, your life will fall into place and you'll find things falling into your lap as well. Almost out of no where, but you'll soon know where it stemmed....it was from Darkness and her Prince.

Best of blessings! Valor.

Thank you for the encouragement Valor. I actually have been researching for quite a while and have experienced certain things to make me think the LHP is the one for me. Maybe it is time to fully dedicate myself to the endless path of enlightenment.


Premium Member
Ave Valor!

You stated in an earlier post on this thread that you haven't performed any GBM. I beg to differ.

I've also created a very unorthodox system of magic through grounding my art work to effect the Subjective universe, which through incubation causes a reaction within the Objective. (get to that later)

Sounds like a good definition of Greater Black Magic to me. Magic begins in the mind, like your artwork, it begins in your mind, it begins in your subjective universe. Once you've put your work down on paper, it is become a creation you have created, it becomes objective reality. This is a form of GBM. When you perform rituals to cause change in the OU you are performing GBM. The ritual devices you use such as sigils and other ritual implements are LBM tools used to help focus the Will towards manifesting creation and change in the objective realm.

Here is one of my definitions of Black Magic: The Art of altering or disrupting the equilibrium of the subjective universe in order to produce a proportionate change in the equilibrium of the objective universe; occurring in lesser and greater degrees in accordance with the Desire and Will of the Black Magician/Sorcerer.

So, in my opinion, you have performed GBM Workings without even realizing it. Actualizing a goal/s is a form of Xeper and a form of Greater Magic. Which you also described in your post. Don't sell yourself short my friend.

Last edited:


Active Member
Interesting post but I think it reveals more about yourself than you probably wanted to give. "Satanists" or whatever you want to call them or they call themselves from what I have seen are at base atheists, or as I like to say, atheists with a "bite", but they only bite those who bite themselves with simple words, terminology and aesthetics that overall Judeo Christian society has demanded some react to. I would say many (the ones you actually should consider) operate completely outside of the parameteres of "boxes of thought" that society has thrown upon them.
Is it right for you? only time will tell.

Atheism is the same as Satanism?...

Considering Atheism means the lack of any belief (the default view) god or gods, and atheist are usually educated/intelligent which means they do not accept things that do not exist such as faries, angels or unicorns, how the heck does Satanism come into this and be 'the same' as atheism, which is not a stance but the default and the opposite of the claim of existnce of gods (theism)...

I guess I equate Sanatism with Christianity and their silly beliefs, and you use it differently meaning someone making a pie or something I guess, i dont know.
satanism isnt a recruit center, either you are , or your not , and if your not , thats no big deal ,
Id still want to call them up , durring world war 3 and tellthem how it could have been ,with out crist . with out muslum, buda and Jew . remember people ,
all of them so called gods , are to hell with what you want .
I dont buy their bargan , theyll give you the kitchen sink , and all , (Idid like the virgin offers the muslums had in their contract) ,, : ) ahh catoring to what i want , that is what it is all about ... Joey