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Is it easy to be an atheist WHEN......


Born Again,Spirit Filled
When everything is going good !
When Life seems successful and happy !
When Problems arise ,but confidence in one's own personal abilities and credentials maintains them through it.!
When wisdom a dominent pursuit of many makes God appear seriously illogical and irrational.

......but what if you come to the end of your abilities,strengths, resources, capabilities , backed up into a corner where there is no hope or possible way out, or in a critical situation where you are confronted with death or something tragic and regardless of your credentials and or influence you see no way out...!

Is it easy to be a atheist ?
Could you consider God,heaven and hell as a reality if these circumstances seriously changed


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Is this another one of those arguments that essentially claim "There are no atheists in foxholes"?

Traumatic experiences can certainly cause a dramatic shift in perspective, and perhaps there are instances when an atheist decides that a belief in God is not out of the picture.

However, is it just as likely for the opposite to occur? In other words, if the above scenario is likely, consider how equally possible it is for traumatic experiences to open the door for a theist to lose his or her faith in an all powerful Creator.......

Food for thought.



Inquisitive Youngin'
I would rather confront such dire situations as an atheist than someone who falsely believes a god or supernatural power will save them. If such tragic situations are allowed to happen to others, what makes you any different?

Actually, I suppose it would be more difficult to be a theist in such a situation, because not only would you have to suffer the situation itself, you would also have to face the reality that the god to which you gave so much devotion would not be there to save you.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
A personal anecdote:

In a few weeks, it will have been one year since I found myself giving CPR to a dying co-worker. While waiting for what seemed like forever for the ambulance to arrive, even when the CPR showed no signs of doing anything at all, the thought never even occurred to me that prayer might be more effective than what I was doing.

I've experienced a lot of good and a few bits of bad. In all of it, I've never felt any pressure to suddenly start believing in God.


roli said:
When everything is going good !
When Life seems successful and happy !

I feel lonely and empty half the time and yet I am still an Atheist.

roli said:
When Problems arise ,but confidence in one's own personal abilities and credentials maintains them through it.!
When wisdom a dominent pursuit of many makes God appear seriously illogical and irrational.

I am not that confident in my own abilities. I would like to be, but I am not, and yet I am still an Atheist.

roli said:
.....but what if you come to the end of your abilities,strengths, resources, capabilities , backed up into a corner where there is no hope or possible way out, or in a critical situation where you are confronted with death or something tragic and regardless of your credentials and or influence you see no way out...!

It is true that while I do not believe in God, I sometimes talk to God in the hope that their might be something/someone that could hear me (it cannot hurt) - specially when times are tough. I highly doubt anything hears me, but it can help to self-actualize. However, I have make it clear that when I ask God (the Higher Power) for help, I am not willing to compromise my morals for Him. I will not become His faithful disciple and began persecuting Gays and Lesbians or any other such evils. I am still a Luciferian.

roli said:
Is it easy to be a atheist ?

It is harder to be an Atheist than a Theist. There is no emotional crutch to lean on. No light at the end of the tunnel. We are alone and the good guys might not win at the end.

roli said:
Could you consider God,heaven and hell as a reality if these circumstances seriously changed

I have considered God, heaven and hell. What Atheist hasn't? I have made my choice. I am Lucifer's disciple and stand up for what I know to be right, regardless of what God tells me I should believe.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
Is this another one of those arguments that essentially claim "There are no atheists in foxholes"?

Traumatic experiences can certainly cause a dramatic shift in perspective, and perhaps there are instances when an atheist decides that a belief in God is not out of the picture.

However, is it just as likely for the opposite to occur? In other words, if the above scenario is likely, consider how equally possible it is for traumatic experiences to open the door for a theist to lose his or her faith in an all powerful Creator.......

Food for thought.


Excellent insight Mystic and so very true, it can go both ways and typically circumstances do cause us to things we never would have done previously.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Is this another one of those arguments that essentially claim "There are no atheists in foxholes"?

Traumatic experiences can certainly cause a dramatic shift in perspective, and perhaps there are instances when an atheist decides that a belief in God is not out of the picture.

However, is it just as likely for the opposite to occur? In other words, if the above scenario is likely, consider how equally possible it is for traumatic experiences to open the door for a theist to lose his or her faith in an all powerful Creator.......

Food for thought.




Born Again,Spirit Filled
quote=Jistyr;1035740]I would rather confront such dire situations as an atheist than someone who falsely believes a god or supernatural power will save them. If such tragic situations are allowed to happen to others, what makes you any different?
I guess that's a no !!
Oh and by the way, you are soooooooo.... wrong when you say "falsely believes", however, it would be true, if it was just a belief system and not a literal encounter with God by the holy Spirit upon believing.
That my friend is the difference and a huge one at that, you obviously have'nt encountered such an expereince yourself and therefore proceed to make false claims towards such an expereince happening, one that you have never encountered.
How is that possible ,guess work, wishful thinking ,assumption, uhm.......!

Actually, I suppose it would be more difficult to be a theist in such a situation, because not only would you have to suffer the situation itself, you would also have to face the reality that the god to which you gave so much devotion would not be there to save you.
Your right on one point, it is hard to maintain devotion to the LORD when times are tough ,but only when you do it in your own strength, again you'd have to be a Christian who walks and trust in the Lord to understand what I say and what Christians expereince daily. As a Christian we were called to trials and temptations for it is those things that purify our faith as gold in a fire and draw us closer to God.
Go figure, trials bring us closer to God ,how oppsosite to worldly thinking, that's what the gospel does , it confuses those who are wise in their own eyes.
Tell that to true born again Christians who have Jesus Christ as their peace and source of strength, you are way out on a limb and totally inaccurate in your guess work.
Now I can understand how you would want to think that is the case when trials hit a true Christian, but I have been there and it appears you have not.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
A personal anecdote:

In a few weeks, it will have been one year since I found myself giving CPR to a dying co-worker. While waiting for what seemed like forever for the ambulance to arrive, even when the CPR showed no signs of doing anything at all, the thought never even occurred to me that prayer might be more effective than what I was doing.

I've experienced a lot of good and a few bits of bad. In all of it, I've never felt any pressure to suddenly start believing in God.

Wow, that is an awesome testimony thanks for being trasparent and honest and maybe if it was you on the recieving end things could have very well been different, maybe!!!

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Excellent insight Mystic and so very true, it can go both ways and typically circumstances do cause us to things we never would have done previously.

Then if what is good for the goose is good for the gander then why did you start this thread? Are you trying to pick a fight with athiest?


Inquisitive Youngin'
Oh and by the way, you are soooooooo.... wrong when you say "falsely believes"
That is debatable.

however, it would be true, if it was just a belief system and not a literal encounter with God by the holy Spirit upon believing.
That my friend is the difference and a huge one at that, you obviously have'nt encountered such an expereince yourself and therefore proceed to make false claims towards such an expereince happening, one that you have never encountered.
How is that possible ,guess work, wishful thinking ,assumption, uhm.......!
If it is my point that no such encounter can exist, why is it necessary for me to experience one to be correct?


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
In light of this issue of what insight might occur when confronted with something as profound and startling as death and dying, I'm choosing to share this part of an interview with Elizabeth Kubler-Ross:

DR: What has led you to devote so much of your time, skill and attention to issues of death and dying?

ELISABETH KUBLER-ROSS: It started in Maidanek, in a concentration camp, where I tried to see how children had gone into the gas chambers after having lost their families, their homes, their schools and everything. The walls in the camp were filled with pictures of butterflies, drawn by these children.

It was incomprehensible to me. Thousands of children going into the gas chamber, and this is the message they leave behind--a butterfly. That was really the beginning.....

The rest of this very interesting interview (especially with the subject of the OP) can be found here: ''On Death and Dying'': Interview with Elizabeth Kubler-Ross M.D. - HealthWorld Online



Born Again,Spirit Filled
I feel lonely and empty half the time and yet I am still an Atheist.
Well, I understand and have been there, many times I don't hear God speaking the way I would like ,but I find him speaking through so many other things if I would remove close minded sterotypical way I perceive him to speak.

I am not that confident in my own abilities. I would like to be, but I am not, and yet I am still an Atheist.
Maybe your stronger than you think!

It is true that while I do not believe in God, I sometimes talk to God in the hope that their might be something/someone that could hear me (it cannot hurt) - specially when times are tough. I highly doubt anything hears me, but it can help to self-actualize. However, I have make it clear that when I ask God (the Higher Power) for help, I am not willing to compromise my morals for Him. I will not become His faithful disciple and began persecuting Gays and Lesbians or any other such evils. I am still a Luciferian.
So do you consult in Lucifer when times are tough, I mean do you read more emphatically or pray or chant to him more fervantly when in tough times.
I ask because I don't know what anyone does in tough times when they don't believe in God ,who do they call on, what do they say, do they read more books involving their beliefs. Do they do more self help techniques. Do they call on family, what do they do.
I have heard alot of people call out to God regardless of their atheistic belief just before they died or where in tragic circumstances

It is harder to be an Atheist than a Theist. There is no emotional crutch to lean on. No light at the end of the tunnel. We are alone and the good guys might not win at the end.
I'm glad you think so ,i've been both and I can tell you, it's extremely harder to live a godly life in a carnally depraved and secular worl where when you step up or stand to say you believe you are labelled, insulted and demeaned for trusting in some invisible entity that is nothing more than a crutch.
But I will tell you, the bible says if it's just for this life we have Jesus we should be pitied by all men.

I have considered God, heaven and hell. What Atheist hasn't? I have made my choice. I am Lucifer's disciple and stand up for what I know to be right, regardless of what God tells me I should believe
And so you are certainly entitled to and good luck with it.


Done here.
......but what if you come to the end of your abilities,strengths, resources, capabilities , backed up into a corner where there is no hope or possible way out, or in a critical situation where you are confronted with death or something tragic and regardless of your credentials and or influence you see no way out...!

Is it easy to be a atheist ?
Could you consider God,heaven and hell as a reality if these circumstances seriously changed
In that case, it would be the circumstances that were causing my problem, not my lack of belief. I can't imagine how taking on an imaginary friend could change the circumstances.

But I wonder why believers so often think that, in a pinch, the atheist is sure to turn to god. Why god? Why not astrology, or quack medicine, or witchcraft? What makes believers think that their particular superstition is the natural fall-back position?


Born Again,Spirit Filled
That is debatable.

If it is my point that no such encounter can exist, why is it necessary for me to experience one to be correct?
It is your right but that is more errroneous logic.

How else can you comment on such a matter if you have no experience.
I am an ex drug addict, alcholic and criminal, I ahve been dealing with the like for the past 10 yrs since I was saved.
Do you know how many related to me more than they did those who have never expereinced that lifestyle.
It's a fact of life.
I just took a bite of 2 apples ,one is a mac and the other is a granny smith, tell me what they taste like .
You cant, so don't even attempt to try and describe my expereince.
I went to the moon 5 yrs ago, I trained intensively and the expereince was radical.
How can you even consider telling me I did'nt go to the moon or what i expereinced did not happen or is not real.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
In that case, it would be the circumstances that were causing my problem, not my lack of belief. I can't imagine how taking on an imaginary friend could change the circumstances.

But I wonder why believers so often think that, in a pinch, the atheist is sure to turn to god. Why god? Why not astrology, or quack medicine, or witchcraft? What makes believers think that their particular superstition is the natural fall-back position?

That's why i am asking quaker!


The Feisty Penguin
In that case, it would be the circumstances that were causing my problem, not my lack of belief. I can't imagine how taking on an imaginary friend could change the circumstances.

But I wonder why believers so often think that, in a pinch, the atheist is sure to turn to god. Why god? Why not astrology, or quack medicine, or witchcraft? What makes believers think that their particular superstition is the natural fall-back position?

I wonder the same thing. In such a situation, an atheist is just as likely to turn to another religion as they are to Christianity. Maybe those cases aren't spoken of so as not to muddle the statistics?


It is your right but that is more errroneous logic.

How else can you comment on such a matter if you have no experience.
I am an ex drug addict, alcholic and criminal, I ahve been dealing with the like for the past 10 yrs since I was saved.
Do you know how many related to me more than they did those who have never expereinced that lifestyle.
It's a fact of life.
I just took a bite of 2 apples ,one is a mac and the other is a granny smith, tell me what they taste like .
You cant, so don't even attempt to try and describe my expereince.
I went to the moon 5 yrs ago, I trained intensively and the expereince was radical.
How can you even consider telling me I did'nt go to the moon or what i expereinced did not happen or is not real.

That just may be a good question to ask a doctor.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
DR: What has led you to devote so much of your time, skill and attention to issues of death and dying?

ELISABETH KUBLER-ROSS: It started in Maidanek, in a concentration camp, where I tried to see how children had gone into the gas chambers after having lost their families, their homes, their schools and everything. The walls in the camp were filled with pictures of butterflies, drawn by these children.

It was incomprehensible to me. Thousands of children going into the gas chamber, and this is the message they leave behind--a butterfly. That was really the beginning.....

What is particularly amazing here, Mystic, is that for many people, me included, a butterfly is a symbol of death, change, and release. Coincidence? Methinks not.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Wow, that is an awesome testimony thanks for being trasparent and honest and maybe if it was you on the recieving end things could have very well been different, maybe!!!

No... I think that if I ever needed CPR, I'd prefer CPR to prayers.