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Gettin old


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Responding to sources can be two edged. They may stop contacting you, but now your name is more "valuable" because they know that there is a real person where you live. As a result you get more junk mail. Your best option is probably to "run silent run deep". If anyone sends you anything that you do not want to be associated with just quietly throw it away Where I live we sort our trash. Paper gets recycled so you know that it is not all going to waste. It will reappear as cardboard boxes from Amazon.
I trust that being quiet about it will take many years before it stops. Most of the requests come from charities that I have never donated to. One comes to mind. A good one but I don't suppose that I gave them anything (I might have). They are about taking care of donkeys.

Do you really believe that I am kidding? Beware. Believing in **** that isn't so isn't safe.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Getting kind of sick of this website. Most of the people here believe that the world is actually 5 billion yrs old or they follow some religion from a book. There’s not enough people on here that I can relate to. No one seems to have any creative ideas as to how we got here and where we’re going. Maybe they do and they’re just not sharing, who knows. Actually who cares really. Haha
Open a thread or ask a question relevant to your interests.

King Phenomenon

Well-Known Member
I'm actually curious how you came to this belief. It is creative.
One day I just had a strong sense of it as I was wondering about where existence came from. It actually makes a lot of sense when you look at the 4 billion Christians that uphold Jesus in such high regard but I wanted something a little more real.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
One day I just had a strong sense of it as I was wondering about where existence came from. It actually makes a lot of sense when you look at the 4 billion Christians that uphold Jesus in such high regard but I wanted something a little more real.
It seems like a rather specific sense of things. How did you determine 1980? Was there some reason beyond the strong sense of things?

King Phenomenon

Well-Known Member
It seems like a rather specific sense of things. How did you determine 1980? Was there some reason beyond the strong sense of things?
A strong sense of this Man who is alive and was fairly young at the time of my epiphany who basically holds existence in his hands. I felt his presence. I can feel his presence. Ya know how the 4 billion Christians say they can feel Jesus’s presence ? kind of like that


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
I’ve had this belief for 15 years and it just makes so much sense. Eternal life, blah blah blah
I'm curious as to what type of creative alternatives you might like to hear about? Would it be of interest to say that I believe that the world began in 1774 and will end in July of a year ending in '4'?

Or what sort of different story would you want to hear about?

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
A strong sense of this Man who is alive and was fairly young at the time of my epiphany who basically holds existence in his hands. I felt his presence. I can feel his presence. Ya know how the 4 billion Christians say they can feel Jesus’s presence ? kind of like that
Do you have an idea who you think he is? Or is it just a sense?