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Full moon tonight - Magick

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Well, I will be performing my second ritual tonight. I honestly am so excited I don't know what I want to do. I have so many different things I want to try - I want to try to see if I can get a mystical experience/conversation with Krishna, I want to try to contact God (the God that has been following me for the last few years that I've always identified as Brahman/All/The Universe) and understand its nature better, I want to try sending messages to people through ritual... so many ideas just spamming my head!

I think instead I'm going to start with a spell to increase my confidence and intuition. I want to obliterate this social anxiety that's been dictating my life, just tear it all to shreds. And maybe that's what I'll do in the ritual, is draw out my social anxiety on a paper and rip it to pieces. In this ritual I will likely invoke the Angel of Love I invoked in my first ritual, because things are now seeming to look up in the respect of what I asked the Angel (not the relationship thing, but just being able to talk to her more without expectation of anything further), so I believe the Angel has helped me.

I will also ask the Angel for their name during the ritual, and I have no idea how they'll tell me their name. But to keep calling them "The Angel of Love" makes me feel like I should have a fro and a headband while driving around in a Volkswagen van with a peace symbol dangling from the rear view mirror.

But I keep hearing about protection magick and honestly I feel like it is a waste of a ritual? I mean, isn't this what the bells are for? To clear out negative energy? And if I'm only invoking spirits I feel comfortable with, is it really necessary? I'll never summon a demon or anything like that.

Oh! And btw - I also bought a Howlite crystal, a bismuth crystal, a sigil crystal (a pyramid with all-seeing eye), and a dark blue candle (hoping that helps with the symbolism for intuition as I couldn't afford another blue crystal... some day I will just buy the chakra crystals!)


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
I liked everything I read there, I feel like I wholly identify with this Angel, thank you.
I never heard of them being the same as Samael like it says in the link. Samael is the archangel of death in some stories and in others he's the demon who tempts Adam and Eve. In other stories he is Lilith's wife and such. Just thought I'd mention that. But im more familiar with Samael as a demon not as an angel. Of course they could be different beings just the same name.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I never heard of them being the same as Samael like it says in the link. Samael is the archangel of death in some stories and in others he's the demon who tempts Adam and Eve. In other stories he is Lilith's wife and such. Just thought I'd mention that. But im more familiar with Samael as a demon not as an angel. Of course they could be different beings just the same name.
Hmm. I'm a bit wary now on invoking that name, in that case. My aim was to call the same angel I have called already, but maybe it'll be best if I'll just go directly to the God that I feel has been present these last few years.


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
Hmm. I'm a bit wary now on invoking that name, in that case. My aim was to call the same angel I have called already, but maybe it'll be best if I'll just go directly to the God that I feel has been present these last few years.
Samael is a great being. I worship him. He's known as both an angel or demon depending on the mythology. I honor him as a demon but he's a very nice guy. He comforted me once while i was crying.

Do as you will tho. If you dont want to call him that's up to you.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Samael is a great being. I worship him. He's known as both an angel or demon depending on the mythology. I honor him as a demon but he's a very nice guy. He comforted me once while i was crying.

Do as you will tho. If you dont want to call him that's up to you.
Aren't you a bit concerned that demons are portrayed to be manipulative and malicious? I understand that theme comes from the Abrahamic faiths, but there are many faiths that describe them that way - and if a spirit being (much wiser than us human folk) is manipulative can we really trust our intuitive trust in them?

EDIT: Not trying to debate, just wanted to know your thoughts on that.


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
Aren't you a bit concerned that demons are portrayed to be manipulative and malicious? I understand that theme comes from the Abrahamic faiths, but there are many faiths that describe them that way - and if a spirit being (much wiser than us human folk) is manipulative can we really trust our intuitive trust in them?
No. Not concerned. I dont think the beings i honor are manipulative or evil. In fact in many ways they are for freedom and independence. The reason they are seen as evil is because of going against what is typical of the religion that demonized them


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
@The Sum of Awe

One person's demon is another person's deity. And one persons deity is another persons devil. Some for instance see Ba'al as a demon. In reality he was a god to a different group then the one that demonized him.

Edit: this isnt the case with all demons. Just wanted to throw this out there however

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
@The Sum of Awe

One person's demon is another person's deity. And one persons deity is another persons devil. Some for instance see Ba'al as a demon. In reality he was a god to a different group then the one that demonized him.

Edit: this isnt the case with all demons. Just wanted to throw this out there however
I respect that. I'm still not ballsy enough to call on Lucifer though :D


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
I always thought Lucifer was the official name of the Angel of Light that fell and became Satan
Well it can be. Kind of like how some name their kid Princess. But the title Lucifer has also been given to Jesus as well. It just means Lightbringer or Morning Star.


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
I always thought Lucifer was the official name of the Angel of Light that fell and became Satan
There is also the Roman god that has nothing to do with Christianity or any of the abrahamic faiths called Phosphoros. He bears the title Lucifer

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I'm somewhat nervous. I have a black candle, a white candle, a black tournamite, among the others I will be using. I will be summoning Lord Krishna of the Hindu faith. Do you think I should be safe?

I was told today (at another metaphysical store, I went back because I did want to add a couple things) that the full moon and eclipse is the time when the portal is wide open for many spirits to come out, even unwanted ones.