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Europe's first pyramids?


The Sarajevo suburb of Visoko has been a busy place over the last year. An amateur archeologist with unusual ideas about world history proposed the Visocica Hill at the edge of Visoko was actually a man-made pyramid.

Not only Visocica Hill, in fact, but several other hills in the area. This isn't as far-fetched as one might immediately think. The hills have been called "pyramids" by Bosnians for centuries and there are numerous underground tunnels connecting each of them with the others.

Satellite imagery has revealed the hills sides line up perfectly with the points of the compass and heat-imaging has shown they are significantly colder (hollow?) than surrounding hills.

Experts from Bosnia had either praised the discovery, or laughed it off. Experts from around the world have stopped by, including Egyptian experts who confirmed the hills are - at the very least - primitive, man-made pyramids.

Still, though, doubt remains strong and every day brings more evidence both for and against the claim.

So, what do you think?



Veteran Member
I was reading about this recently and meant to ask you if you knew more....fascinating!

Sure seems to be evidence of a pyramid in the top right photo doesn't it? The sides are too symetrical to be naturally formed. I'd like to keep updated on this story. Is there a website you'd recommend?


Oldest Heretic
I would have thought a propper dig would resolve the issue.
With a hill looking like that; why has no one thought to ask the question before?


Wasn't part of the culture, Terry. There was no value in knowing for Bosnians. Now, though... 10,000 people have visited Visoko this month alone, so obviously there is a very obvious incentive for Bosnians to investigate these hills.

But, they're in Visoko. As we say in Sarajevo: Visoko is 15 minutes and 2 centuries away.


LOL Osmanagic is the guy who made the claim, and this was one line:

"If archeology were religion, Osmanagic would be a Scientologist."
- Semiha Borovac, Mayor of Sarajevo



Dr. Muhamed Ibrahim Aly, one of Egypt's archeologists and pyramid experts, is currently touring the structures in Visoko to follow up on visits by previous Egyptian experts that determined the hills are, at least, primitive pyramids.


Archaeologist backs dig at Bosnia hills

By AIDA (Bosnian name, hehehe) CERKEZ-ROBINSON, Associated Press Writer

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina - An Egyptologist who investigated two hills in central Bosnia believed by some to be ancient pyramids on Wednesday recommended that archaeological digs be carried out there.

After investigating the two hills for a week, Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Ali, a professor of Egyptology in Cairo, said nobody should be jumping to conclusions but having in mind everything he had seen in Visoko, his recommendations would be that "it is worth digging here."
"You have to be patient. This might take decades," he said.

No pyramids are known in Europe, and there are no records of any ancient civilization on the continent ever attempting to build one.
However, the theory that at least two oddly shaped hills near the central Bosnian town of Visoko might be ancient pyramids covered by dirt and vegetation was proposed by an amateur researcher last year.
Semir Osmanagic, who has been investigating Latin American pyramids for 15 years, organized excavations on the Visocica and Pljesivica hills, about 20 miles northwest of Sarajevo, in April.
His team — made up mostly of volunteers — found that the 2,120-foot Visocica hill has 45-degree slopes pointing toward the cardinal points and a flat top. Under layers of dirt, workers discovered a paved entrance plateau, entrances to tunnels and large stone blocks.
When digging at the neighboring, smaller hill of Pljesivica, the team discovered pavements on various levels of the hill.
The theory has been disputed by a number of local and international experts, who claim that at no time in Bosnia's history did the region have a civilization able to build monumental structures.
In June, a British archaeologist rejected claims that Visocica is a man-made structure. Professor Anthony Harding, who is president of the European Association of Archaeologists, visited the site and said the formation was natural.
This did not discourage Osmanagic's team, which meanwhile excavated more pavement and stone blocks and sought help from Egypt.
Ali said Osmanagic's findings raise many questions, and the answers are worth looking for.
He said he could claim with certainly that the pavements on the Pljesivica hill "cannot be naturally composed."
"What we are missing here are artifacts, organic material. But this kind of work should continue until facts are found," he said.
However, Bosnia has little archaeological expertise. Teams of experts should be working on the hills simultaneously but the country does not even have an archaeological institute and should first establish one, he recommended.
"Start now! This is the time. You are just scratching the surface. There is a lot to do here. Egypt can help you with experts," he said.


I'd just like to add, the British guy who said it was a natural formation - that's his opinion, and he's entitled to it - but he never visited the hills and needs to stop claiming he did. He spent the majority of his day in Sarajevo, visited Visoko for less than 30 minutes, and only looked at the hills from a distance. Or so the stories go.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
A pyramid is the largest, most impressive structure you can make if you have not discovered how to make a true arch. This probably accounts for why so many ancient cultures made pyramids when they wanted something big and impressive.

As for whether the people who built these pyramids were too primative to build pyramids, that sounds like bunk. Pyramids can be built by just about anyone who has the labor and time to do it. The earthern pyraminds at Cahokia, for instance, were built entirely by hand. Baskets and human labor were used to move the dirt, for the Native Americans who built the pyramids at Cahokia didn't have domesticated draft animals nor even carts with wheels.


For the first time since the discovery of whatever-this-is was announced, more Bosnians believe they are pyramids than do not.

56% say they are pyramids, 44% say they are not. Belief has been steadily rising, the last poll several months ago had 68% not believing, and the first several months before that had 87% not believing.


More than 200,000 international tourists visited Visoko this summer, according to the Bosnian government traveller's registry.


Hehehe, from an article:

"Pyramidiots", scoff the experts, who are appalled at the leeway granted to Mr Osmanagic to dig up the countryside. A Bosnian university mining and geology department said the pyramids were natural geological formations. Mark Rose of America's Archaeological Institute denounced the Visoko amateurs as charlatans. Professor Anthony Harding of Exeter University, who is president of the European Association of Archaeologists, has been equally scathing. And prominent Bosnian scholars have written to the government demanding that Mr Osmanagic be stopped, saying he is turning Bosnia into a laughing stock.

But in a country nearly wiped off the map by Serbian and Croatian nationalists in the war of the 1990s, Bosnians are flattered to be told that Bosnia might just be the oldest European civilisation of all. "Let them dig and we'll see what they find," Haris Silajdzic, a newly elected president, said. "Besides, it's good for business."


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hey, Hey!!!


[SIZE=-1]Silbury Hill, Wiltshire has been carbon-dated at 2660 years BC, the same era as the Giza pyramids. It contains an estimated 340,000 cubic metres of chalk and earth, rising to a height of 39.6 metres. The base of the monument is 167m in diameter and it is perfectly round. The flat top is 30m across. It is part of a sequence of ancient sites in the area that are in alignment.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Despite its external appearance, this is actually a step pyramid, consisting of six, six metre high steps. The steps are walled with blocks of chalk, which easily deteriorates when left exposed. Consequently the builders preserved it, by covering it with earth and grass.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Excavations have revealed that it is not a burial mound.[/SIZE]

According to http://survive2012.com/europe_pyramids.php

That isn't all; other countries listed are Canary Islands, Greece, south of the Chania area, Crete, and Italy.:p