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Escape from Alcatraz (journal)


Veteran Member
So I am out of physical jail , but there is a worse prison to escape from, and that is the a prison of the Mind, emotional bondage, prison of the heart, bondage of the soul, inner conflict, lack of self control.

. In some ways I feel more in prison now than in jail because I just simply do not have the fervor, the insights, the Devotion to God, the energy, or the peace that I had in jail. In jail we all wear the same clothes, are all suffering with the same amount of freedom, we all have the same responsibilities and schedule each day, there's no way to envy anyone else.

If a person totally wants unshakable inner peace , that environment was conducive for it because without having responsibilities or finding a job or paying car insurance or all of the other fast-paced and stressful demands and distractions we have in the real world ,one can find complete inner stillness and with that comes peace, clarity, and insight.

So now it is time to make this Prison Break one little chip at a time through these walls as those who escaped from Alcatraz did or as we see Andy Dufraine in Shawshank Redemption.

This Thread is simply a journal of inner journey, inspiration, inner visions, hope, meditations, lessons learned, suffering, doubts, experiences, and perhaps some delusions and Insanity as well.
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Veteran Member
Poverty of Spirit and humility are needed in order to be filled with the spirit and Grace of the creator. To not have those virtues is to be cut off from Grace .

Throughout the day I must Retreat deeply into the heart where God dwells and ask for direction and strength , for it must come from him if there is to be any victory in my life.

After so much failure and disappointment it is just a very difficult task to trust and have confidence in God, but that hope , trust , and confidence is a prerequisite for receiving great graces.

Went to AA and got a sponsor yesterday. I prayed that I'd know who the right sponsor was and a man came up to me and asked me if I'd been to seminary (I'd never told anyone there I was catholic).

I had spent over a year at monastic orders and he said "I can tell". He too had been to seminary. That was the indicator He was to be at least a temporary sponsor.

It felt like the souls of Bill Wilson, Bob Smith, and all the AA members who have gone to Heaven were present with us at those last few meetings. Even if no one says anything that I can recall impacted me, I always leave a meeting feeling better than before.

The thoughts become more spiritual there regardless of what people are saying , which tells me it is because God wants me to get to those meetings, even if nobody says anything important. Many of those people have the Holy Spirit and their guardian Angels and patron Saints are present there as well.

The members of AA, as well as those who lost their lives to addiction, or spent their lives helping addicts on this earth are with us, still concerned about our affairs and especially concerned with helping addicts/alcoholics. The Kingdom of God is with us, in our midst, and in us says the Lord. They are part of that Kingdom. I call it the Holy Roman Empire. Call it whatever you like.
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Veteran Member
Call the Kingdom of God what you like. I identify it as Holy Roman Empire. The Reich be with you. Consecrate yourself to the Empire. Exalt the Holy Roman Emperors and they will Exalt you.

Abraham is our Pope because His name and vocation was "Father of us all" and Pope means Father. Abraham was "Spiritual Father". Moses was the first Holy Roman Emperor. I hope you are next. They are Legion for they are many.

So many of them suffered all of the afflictions you have and so much more. They are good company. Bind and consecrate yourself to them. Write them letters and recite them with many blessings in Jesus name for that name has power.

The Reich be with you. Live in God's kingdom not this perishing world. Bind and consecrate yourself to them, live in their realm, be mindful and faithful of their presence, enter into communion with them, and the entire empire rejoices over you and with you, but also weeps with you and shares your sorrow and struggles.
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Veteran Member
Yesterday, the 8th of each month I was devoted to the Saints and angels of Germany.

Last night I had a dream I was watching Eleanor Rose Naslund be buried, but it was a joyful occasion, because I knew she was reunited to her daughter Denise, and I saw her holding baby Denise with light on her innocent face.

Today , the 9th of each month is set aside for Eleanor Rose , because it was on the 9th of march, through signs, that I realized she was reunited with her daughter , as I prayed to know

Prior to that it was called The Day of the unappreciated, where I invoke and in Jesus name exalt and praise all of the souls in heaven who helped the souls on earth who are never getting recognized for what they do.

"Holy unappreciated souls, may you be exalted, empowered, and the world be placed beneath your feet. May you be given more glory than those who are recognized and praised..

Bind me to all unappreciated souls of the Holy Roman Empire of God, that I will not cease to live and serve in thy presence.



This girl brought me into a friendship with a young man named Mohammed that it did more to help me overcome my bigotry towards muslims than any other intervention by far.

I can't say I don't still have a bad feelings for Islam that keeps resurfacing, but I no longer despise Muslims, but only the behavior of those who Force themselves upon others or kill in the name of God, and I despise those people of any religion
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Veteran Member

The Whole Armor of God
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in fthe strength of his might. 11 Put on hthe whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against ithe schemes of the devil.

12 For jwe do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. 14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and shaving put on the breastplate of righteousness,

15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; 17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,

18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 19 and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.



Veteran Member
Thinkin of my witto lily and Empress today. Though I'll never have her because she grew up and I didn't, it is good to reflect on the fact that the world isnt all ugly. She is a Napoleon for Christ, a conqueror,

She overcame many obstacles, learned an incredible amount of self-control, and my do I wish I could have that same ability to grow and exercise such self control, discipline, athletic and occupational abilities, education, and maturity.


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Veteran Member

Other prayer sites you leave your prayer request and they give everyone the same message that "we are praying for you " with no evidence that they are.

So, decided to make a YouTube of prayer if anyone has a prayer request to at least show the evidence that they've been prayed for.

Let me know if anyone has a request to give to the big man upstairs.