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Duck Dynasty star indefinitely suspended for anti-gay remarks - right move or PC run amok?


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
Yeah, I can't see a good fit for Phil to do an interview with GQ in the first place.

Let's review his Christian Doctrine, he believes we all are sinners and are in need of God's grace.

I really don't see hate in his heart or wishes anyone bad will.

Now his speech is offensive to many and I support A&E to run their network as they please.

I personally don't think they will put their sensibilities before profit, but if they do, I actually will be impressed.

The Robinsons will not sell out their father, they will all walk putting their principles before money.

This is going to be a very interesting event.

Except he was suspended with pay...


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
So he should shut up just because someone won't like his opinion?
He can say what he wants, but he should realize that actions have consequences. If ministers of 95% of Christian denominations speak out in favor of homosexual equality, we don't just get laid off -- we get fired. Actions have consequences. I don't feel a bit sorry for Phil having been laid off for propagating this kind of dehumanization.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I don't think he cares about the fallout. He was asked a question and he answered it honestly. I respect him for that.
I don't. That sort of dehumanizing speech has no place in mainstream media where it is given credence as somehow authoritative. We don't use the "N" word in mainstream media -- nor should we. This sort of speech shouldn't be used, either.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
In a democratic country, people have the right to be homophobic as well as they have the right to support homosexuality
Maybe the mainstream media should simply allow bigots to openly call blacks the "N" word, because that's how they feel, and should allow bigots to call women the "C" word, because that's how they feel. perhaps the mainstream media should allow bigots to call any minority group by any of the ample derogatory and dehumanizing terms. Because, after all, our right to say what we please is far, far more important than our social responsibility, and the mainstreaming and normalizing of such terms doesn't hurt anyone and doesn't serve to further objectify groups that are fighting for equality.

Saint Frankenstein

Wanderer From Afar
Premium Member
Maybe the mainstream media should simply allow bigots to openly call blacks the "N" word, because that's how they feel, and should allow bigots to call women the "C" word, because that's how they feel. perhaps the mainstream media should allow bigots to call any minority group by any of the ample derogatory and dehumanizing terms. Because, after all, our right to say what we please is far, far more important than our social responsibility, and the mainstreaming and normalizing of such terms doesn't hurt anyone and doesn't serve to further objectify groups that are fighting for equality.

Paglia is just a contrarian attention whore. She's best ignored.
What's missing here is that you can't force people to think the way you do. The brain doesn't work that way. You can paint them into a corner and get them to parrot your mantra, but unless they personally embrace a belief it ain't gonna happen.

The gays will have to accept that some people have an aversion to their lifestyle. Not everyone is going to show them the love and there's nothing wrong with that. THAT is normal.


I've been following this controversy for a couple of days now and I'm firmly behind this man, Robertson. I don't watch the show, but when I heard about the attack on his First Amendment rights I was appalled.

He is protected by the Constitution in his beliefs and no one should try to silence him.

I realize A&E has the right to end his contract, and that's fine, but they shouldn't expect him to compromise his personal beliefs or ethics.

I don't get it. You say A&E has the right to end his contract. So how exactly was this guy's First Amendment rights attacked? Did A&E attack his right to say something by exercising their right to fire them?
Robertson has specific religious beliefs and he freely expressed them and was attacked for it. That is an assault on his First Amendment rights to freedom of religion and speech.

Everybody seems to think the First doesn't apply here, but it does. We are free to speak our minds in this country and no special interest group has the right to silence us because they don't like what we say. They can disagree all they want, but they can't silence us.

I don't care if they fire him. He's covered.


Robertson has specific religious beliefs and he freely expressed them and was attacked for it. That is an assault on his First Amendment rights to freedom of religion and speech.

So no has the right to attack some for their speech? What, are you against free speech or something?


Well-Known Member
Robertson has specific religious beliefs and he freely expressed them and was attacked for it. That is an assault on his First Amendment rights to freedom of religion and speech.

Everybody seems to think the First doesn't apply here, but it does. We are free to speak our minds in this country and no special interest group has the right to silence us because they don't like what we say. They can disagree all they want, but they can't silence us.

I don't care if they fire him. He's covered.

I don't think he's in any danger of being arrested. Is that what you mean by 'he's covered'?
So no has the right to attack some for their speech? What, are you against free speech or something?

Reread my entire post. If you had comprehended it you would have noticed that I said we have the right to disagree with each other, which is in defense of free speech.


Reread my entire post. If you had comprehended it you would have noticed that I said we have the right to disagree with each other, which is in defense of free speech.

And A&E has a right to fire people. And the guy has a right to say whatever he wants. And everyone in the world has a right to comment on it. So, I still fail to see where an attack on First Amendment rights took place. The Bill of Rights doesn't apply to television networks. Who attacked his First Amendment rights?

In order for me to comprehend the post, it has to first be comprehensible.
1. Yes, they have the right to fire him. I never disputed that.

2. He was essentially punished for speaking his mind based on his beliefs. That is an attack on his First Amendment rights.

3. They "punished" him both for his religious outlook and for speaking it aloud.