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Does The DCCC Blacklist Progressive Candidiates and Favour Pro-Trump and Anti-Choice Ones?


I have recently seen a claim (not on this board) that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee favours pro-Trump and anti-choice candidates while blacklisting progressive ones, do you believe this to be true or false and why?

If True, it seems the DCCC is involved in undermining our democracy and contributing to political divisiveness

If false, it seems that it is a conspiracy theory cooked up by those who suffer from a case of sour grapes and delusions much like a case of chronic hemorrhoids in their brains instead of on their anus.
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Well-Known Member
No, I think the DCC favors [uninspiring] establishment candidates (Hillary, Biden, and their ilk) over anti-establishments candidates (Warren, Sanders).

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The DCCC does not like insurgent candidates like AOC who win over those who are already in office.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
No, I think the DCC favors [uninspiring] establishment candidates (Hillary, Biden, and their ilk) over anti-establishments candidates (Warren, Sanders).

Usually true, but if you want my honest opinion I think AoC and Bernie got their hooks into the party and are staging a coup. All of the usual suspects appear anemic and weak and worse most of them are literally halfway on their way to the morgue.

I liked that Gabbard and Yang were at least trying to run and their perspectives were unique and not as destructive as the balls-deep leftism of say Sanders or AoC.

Anyway, I feel that basically the Dems are either going to fracture the socialize kooks out of the party or fall on their swords and let them run the place. Only time will tell. :D


Veteran Member
I have recently seen a claim (not on this board) that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee favours pro-Trump and anti-choice candidates while blacklisting progressive ones, do you believe this to be true or false and why?

If True, it seems the DCCC is involved in undermining our democracy and contributing to political divisiveness

If false, it seems that it is a conspiracy theory cooked up by those who suffer from a case of sour grapes and delusions much like a case of chronic hemorrhoids in their brains instead of on their anus.

Seems like a habit in order to siphon voters establishment Dems have issues courting. See: Sanders 2016 DNC. Now Warren and CNN are throwing Sanders under the bus with lies banking on his voters backing Biden or Warren in the general like they did with Hillary in 2016
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