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Does Jesus speak to you directly?


Veteran Member
Just curious how Jesus chooses to talk to you if he does. I know some Christians believe that we don't hear from him except through scripture anymore. I don't think that's correct.
I was in a very bad way today because of a broken relationship. I was journaling, using the Bible and a book as inspiration, and I felt like Jesus said to write down a list of assurances that he wanted to speak into my soul.
They are too personal to list, but for example, one was that my motives were never to cause trauma to the person in question. Did I know that? Yes, but no. There's knowing in your head but the soul doesn't just know, it feels, and sometimes what my head knows is not what my soul feels.
I don't think we have ever communicated quite in this way before. To invite him into your pain and mess, directly into your soul even though you know he's there already, to ask him to clean out the gunk ..all this is so helpful but it takes work and being willing to face what you really feel. And then to write down what he said so you don't forget... healing can begin. His love is without end.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Just curious how Jesus chooses to talk to you if he does. I know some Christians believe that we don't hear from him except through scripture anymore. I don't think that's correct.
I was in a very bad way today because of a broken relationship. I was journaling, using the Bible and a book as inspiration, and I felt like Jesus said to write down a list of assurances that he wanted to speak into my soul.
They are too personal to list, but for example, one was that my motives were never to cause trauma to the person in question. Did I know that? Yes, but no. There's knowing in your head but the soul doesn't just know, it feels, and sometimes what my head knows is not what my soul feels.
I don't think we have ever communicated quite in this way before. To invite him into your pain and mess, directly into your soul even though you know he's there already, to ask him to clean out the gunk ..all this is so helpful but it takes work and being willing to face what you really feel. And then to write down what he said so you don't forget... healing can begin. His love is without end.
Absolutely and so thankful he strengthened you when you were weak.

He heals the brokenhearted.

Sometimes through inspiration, sometimes with a thought or a vision, sometimes with what sounds like an audible voice but isn't, sometime just through the word and so many other ways but...

it is always to heal, restore, strengthen and a virtual shalom of God.
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Apostle John

“Go ahead, look up Revelation 6”
I hear God’s voice, have also been healed and had two brief conversations with the Lord Jesus when He appeared to me on a road in human form but didn’t know it was Him at the time. Five years ago I was an atheist with no knowledge or interest in any Scripture. I had ‘heard voices’ for 30 years but had no idea where they were coming from and not once did I consider them as spiritual. I then had an experience, an awakening. Because of that I read the Bible for the first time and went on to make sure I was proficient at knowing it. I learned that the words were called spiritual gifts, words of wisdom/knowledge. Over the years I’ve had hundreds of these. After my awakening God kept on saying “teach”, repeated for around year, in hindsight it was because I didn’t know what He meant. One day He shouted “TEACH!” which was accompanied by what I can only describe as the sensation of a gust of wind which lifted both elbows up from my sides and me up off the sofa. Within five minutes I joined a mental health forum and spent the next 4 years slowly recounting my experiences to try and help others.

Here’s a list of a series of words I received over a number of months in the order I received them. The first started just before I joined the mh forum. For info I only know English and a small amount of French.

Ya Malik

When this was first said it phonetically sounded like Maluch. I thought it was Polish for ‘little child’ but later found out it’s pronounced very differently in Polish. Then I considered it Arabic for O God but later discovered it’s found in all the Semitic languages. In Hebrew and Aramaic it can mean King, Angel or messenger. Almost a year after hearing it I decided it points to me and other Christians to be messengers.


I had never come across this before, it’s a book/musical. Brigadoon is a fictional mysterious Scottish village that appears out of the mist for only one day every 100 years and is an obvious metaphor for heaven. One of the phrases I was getting repeated often before my awakening was ''I will see you half way''. This had no meaning until God awakened me which happened shortly after my 50th birthday. After my awakening it changed to “Are you prepared to see me half way” which I have interpreted to mean the rapture.

Ad infinitum

This is Latin- forever and ever. My interpretation- Life eternal or an eternity in hell.


French for cooked meats. My interpretation- Hell (My voice is showing humour here I believe). Months before this series of words my voice said the ‘disagreeable’ will be ‘put where the sun don’t shine’ which to me could also mean the Son. This phrase I believe also refers to hell.

El Ramón

This is Spanish for ‘The Brushwood’. My interpretation- a reference to the burning bush Moses saw. At a similar time to this I also heard the phrase shouted 'it was a dust bowl!' and I believe this is another scriptural reference, either the Jews in the wilderness or the Temptation of the Lord Jesus.


This was the most obscure to find its meaning and kept being repeated over and over for a month. I’m not interested in sailing in any way but this persisted and because the previous words referred to scripture, I googled 'yardarm in scripture'. The top entry was a link describing the crucifixion of Christ from John's Gospel, there was a footnote stating sometimes a ship’s yardarm was used by the Romans as the horizontal member of the cross.

All the words I get are in thought form, they’re all very odd and require interpretation, coming out of the blue. Some, too cryptic, are repeated until interpreted then the next word is given. I believe the reason they need interpreting is because Moses is the only person God spoke to clearly “With him I speak face to face clearly, not in riddles” -Numbers 12:8. The Apostle Paul says some Christians can have the gift of words and wisdom, the gift of interpretation and the gift of discernment.

I believe the words listed above is a message of Gospel.

I’ve gone on to experience other supernatural phenomena besides voices, some witnessed by family members. It was last October I spoke to Christ in human form, that was followed by me walking passed Satan a week or so later, also in human form which helped me fully realise what had taken place before. I didn’t know it was either of Them at the time. I haven’t fully written about that experience to explain it yet.

Walter and Debbie

Active Member

Hello, I'm glad now glad to say every since we have turned more of our life over to the Lord, the more we can understand what to do in order to hear his voice each day.

Love, Walter and Debbie


Active Member
Never heard Him but I do see and feel Him guiding my life.

People become saved and it’s great and stuff but until you get to that point in your relationship where you can truly turn everything over to Him you don’t really know him yet.