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Dharma only: what do you think about this video?


Premium Member
Although there is some drug use in India by Hindus, it is not associated in any way with mainstream Hinduism. Its unfortunate what the 60s culture did to this image.

Getting high, and the benefits from a natural high from bhakti, meditation etc, have only one commonality, in my opinion, and that is that they are both different from normal consciousness. That's where it ends .. totally.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
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Premium Member
Okay this guy consumed a drug called dmt and what he's talking about in the video sounds exactly like Brahman and Lila, I find this kinda fascinating although

I DON'T ADVISE anyone to take drugs nor have I ever taken any drugs, I'm just talking about this guy's experience.

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) - (Chronicles of the Mind) - w/ Marc Marcel - YouTube

I'm not making any judgments, but I've had the same feelings this guy has had for the longest time, being stone-cold sober.

For the first two weeks after my back surgery I was stoned out of my mind on pain-killers. I had my own altered experiences chasing rabbits and talking to hookah smoking caterpillars. Not to mention being so out of my mind I signed up at a gay porn video site. :facepalm: That was as close to any mind-altering state I want to come.

Dimethyltryptamine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

White Rabbit - YouTube


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Wow, someone agrees with me.

I do too.

I don't like not being in control of myself. The "buzz" and serenity I get from bhakti and my fledgling meditation "is where it's at, man".

O Lord! I just went 1960s! :eek: :facepalm:


Active Member
I'm not making any judgments, but I've had the same feelings this guy has had for the longest time, being stone-cold sober.

For the first two weeks after my back surgery I was stoned out of my mind on pain-killers. I had my own altered experiences chasing rabbits and talking to hookah smoking caterpillars. Not to mention being so out of my mind I signed up at a gay porn video site. :facepalm: That was as close to any mind-altering state I want to come.

Dimethyltryptamine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

White Rabbit - YouTube

I wanna know how it feels like! :p:areyoucra :D but without drugs as well of course

but some say drugs are capable of opening the door to other dimensions, there's also a good book about dmt called DMT - The Spirit Molecule, I've heard good stories about it
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ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I wanna know how it feels like! :p:areyoucra :D but without drugs as well of course

Well, you can't force it. I analogize it to being like a lightning rod. You can't force the lightning to strike a lightning rod, you just have to have it poised and ready, exposed for when the lightning strikes. In the same way, open yourself up to receiving the feelings. Be the lightning rod. Meditation has many different meanings. In fact, even Wiki says there's no one definition.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
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Premium Member
No, it's not easy and can take a long time. What's helping me is that I made a cd of relaxing meditative music. My meditation is gelling as rhythmic breathing and clearing my mind. Chanting japa is something entirely different, at least for me.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Primarily Vaishnava. But I also pray to Shiva and Devi.


Istha gosthi
dear daniel,

Okay this guy consumed a drug called dmt and what he's talking about in the video sounds exactly like Brahman and Lila, I find this kinda fascinating although

I find this kinda fascinating too !Id like to know more about the actual drug something that one of them said , that it was a natural substance within the body but I imagine in much smaller concentrations ???

I DON'T ADVISE anyone to take drugs nor have I ever taken any drugs, I'm just talking about this guy's experience.
no dont worry im not going to advocate taking it either :D

however the experience itself , what they are describing , yes , I would say it has a lot of similarities with states atainable through some forms of meditation .

one thing I found very interesting is that they semmed to be experiencing or describing very simmilar states of mind allthough it is something not easily put into words .

when these states are experienced naturaly it is not generaly something to be spoken about , just a very personal experience , but if you take a drug you are expecting an experience , you are expecting some mind alteration , so prehaps there is more of a tendancy to discuss it afterwards ???

yes very interesting ! ... what makes you liken it to brahman , or to lila ? experience of some sort or supposition on the strength of something read or heard ?

again p.m. if its not a subject you want to discuss openly .


Well-Known Member
DMT is an incredibly important substance endogenously, likely responsible for mediating dreams states.

I'd suggest that it plays a pivotal role in virtually all spiritual experiences, as do endogenous cannabinoids.

This obsession with prohibition against external chemicals is caught up in the dualism of inner and outer, in my opinion. Ideally, if substances are to be used, they should be used with the blessings and oversight of one's guru, but if one doesn't have a guru, and has an inclination towards using substances, they can be used advantageously.

I would suggest staying away from synthetics and semi-synthetics like LSD - DMT is about the most natural, and also the most powerful, that you will find.


Well-Known Member
I'm not making any judgments, but I've had the same feelings this guy has had for the longest time, being stone-cold sober.

The difference is that in such an altered state as brought about by DMT, which is considered by most psychonauts to be stronger than LSD, it's no longer a feeling or a concept, but a living experience.

ie, living on many worlds, planes of existence, simultaneously.


Active Member
dear daniel,

I find this kinda fascinating too !Id like to know more about the actual drug something that one of them said , that it was a natural substance within the body but I imagine in much smaller concentrations ???

no dont worry im not going to advocate taking it either :D

however the experience itself , what they are describing , yes , I would say it has a lot of similarities with states atainable through some forms of meditation .

one thing I found very interesting is that they semmed to be experiencing or describing very simmilar states of mind allthough it is something not easily put into words .

when these states are experienced naturaly it is not generaly something to be spoken about , just a very personal experience , but if you take a drug you are expecting an experience , you are expecting some mind alteration , so prehaps there is more of a tendancy to discuss it afterwards ???

yes very interesting ! ... what makes you liken it to brahman , or to lila ? experience of some sort or supposition on the strength of something read or heard ?

again p.m. if its not a subject you want to discuss openly .

Hi ratikala :D, it's okay :)

in the video the guy talks about something IT, that knows everything, he often repeats it that it knows everything and it wants to forget because it gets boring and it is JOY for it to remember again, sounds to me like Brahman playing hide and seek with himself for his own joy, I hope that makes sense somehow, it was difficult for me to understand what he was saying lol


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
The difference is that in such an altered state as brought about by DMT, which is considered by most psychonauts to be stronger than LSD, it's no longer a feeling or a concept, but a living experience.

ie, living on many worlds, planes of existence, simultaneously.

I should correct and clarify myself (damn anti-epileptics make one stupid, fumble for, and use the wrong words :sad:): "I've had the same [beliefs about the universe] this guy has had for the longest time", not to say I've had these experiences endogenously.

I would love to experience it, however, given my mental state I'd need extremely close supervision, if even being able to take it at all with my cocktail of psych meds (no, I don't mind talking about it ;)).